[3.4] The Mistress of Agony - Lowlife BlightDrain Ascendant / Occultist - ALL content viable!

Deathlythoughts wrote:
Long time no chat Dj :). Just a quicky as I know you're the ED guru - with SSF in mind (Empower Lvl 2 still after failed dream vaal), for the 6th Link I've seen multiple suggestions (from within this thread and others) in the way of; Decay, Poison (single target), Pierce (QoL) and Decreased Duration.

Verdict in 3.0 while saving or leveling the Empower 3/4?

I'd go for Decay as the 6th link. Pierce is the second choice, especially if you are SSF and can't think about farming Shaper multiple times (in my personal experience, the boots have about 30% drop rate, since every 10 runs I do I always have at least 3 boots in my stash).
djnat wrote:
@ Erith25: congrats on your first Chayula kill!

Chayula fight is not easy the first time you do it. Some deaths are expected especially if you don't know his combat mechanics, but once you get used to em, it's not too hard. It's a lot of fun, that's for sure.

Did you take ZO from the passive tree spending some extra points? In the video I see you are not using the SotD flask.

And yes, Voidwalker are the best boots for us by a LARGE degree. For both offensive and defensive reasons.

Thanks! Yes I spent some extra points for ZO, I feel safer with the regen from ED always running :)
Looking through your items/passive tree again, how do you have enough strength for Blood Magic 20/BotC?

You have 28 on your ring but nothing anywhere else, and you even took points out of Physique in the passive tree as well. Where should we be getting enough to make up that 113 requirement?
Last edited by WaveofShadow#5290 on Aug 29, 2017, 9:39:26 PM
I have a +str and int mod on one of my jewels.
This build sounds sick! Ima give it a go.
Thx for the build @djnat had lots of fun so far, even with my crap gear.
So i started with Blight to kind of stick to the theme of the build also as i couldn't get Essence Drain yet, i got pretty attached to it since it took me a little while until Essence Drain was unlocked, is Blight any good? It definitely feels like ED does a lot more damage but Blight kind of feels like it does some stuff to. I think ED is better in that it's a ranged projectile so easier to survive but i just wonder if Blight is any good or can it hold its own?

Thanks :)
Hi Nat.

Have another quastion.

First: What u would do if u dont need more res and looking for helmet. Stick to rare hubris or go for the Vertex. Actually i didnt have endgame gloves (lvl to low) and engame shield so i could go ther for more res to get below 75% on ele wek maps.

And second: maybe change haste to vitality. More regan with zealoth should work good.
Nazaara wrote:
Hi Nat.

Have another quastion.

First: What u would do if u dont need more res and looking for helmet. Stick to rare hubris or go for the Vertex. Actually i didnt have endgame gloves (lvl to low) and engame shield so i could go ther for more res to get below 75% on ele wek maps.

And second: maybe change haste to vitality. More regan with zealoth should work good.

The Vertex is a very good choice if you don't need the resistances.

The ES is pretty solid, the evasion is fantastic and the extra chaos resistance is helpful especially when running Chayula's Domain. If you go for the Vertex, btw, remember not to socket the Contagion setup into it, or the reduced mana cost will hurt Arcane Surge uptime. I highly recommend you socket the blasphemy + temp chains + enfeeble + discipline setup into it.

As to Vitality, I won't run it because I would have to stop it at lvl 10, since its strength requirements become pretty heavy afterwards. I prefer a full leveled Haste aura, which is insane because it smoothens the gameplay a lot and increases map clear speed by about 15%.
Last edited by djnat#4628 on Sep 1, 2017, 8:22:11 AM
Vellaura wrote:
So i started with Blight to kind of stick to the theme of the build also as i couldn't get Essence Drain yet, i got pretty attached to it since it took me a little while until Essence Drain was unlocked, is Blight any good? It definitely feels like ED does a lot more damage but Blight kind of feels like it does some stuff to. I think ED is better in that it's a ranged projectile so easier to survive but i just wonder if Blight is any good or can it hold its own?

Thanks :)

I haven't personally played Blight in this league. I played it in a CWC interaction with Vortex in Breach league and it was very good.

A pure Blight build should be easily doable (Witch Occultist is probably the best ascendancy you could pick in that case), but I am not the best expert of that matter at the moment, you should search for some dedicated thread which goes more in-depth with mechanics and gameplay in Fall of Oriath.

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