[2.6] CI Poison Blink arrow/Mirror arrow Occultist
Just poking in to say I tried this in PHC with great success. I used a Darkscorn for the 25% phys damage negation and found the clears acceptable. It's a fun build.
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" Awesome. The build seems really strong on hardcore. I can basically face tank everything and not pay attention and still survive. Glad you are enjoying yourself. I'm currently playing another build at the moment but I will still answer questions if anyone has any. IGN- FrOArrow
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I'm back. I ripped my first build of this around 42 on a labryinth trap. Then ran a few different builds until wanting to build this one up again. It's been a breeze. I'm level 53 now and face rolling cruel. It's kind of absurd. So for leveling, I went ES node/minion node/hp node, then minion damage near the top. Then I went straight down to scion and grabbed the skill duration node, the hp nodes, then the second skill duration node. Then I went back for minion damage near scion, and then i grabbed the minion damage near templar. (I may swap these out.) I also leveled with zombies initially. After I swapped to Golems and the random spectres. Everything is mostly to distract mobs and as meat shields. I may check out a spell totem with SRS as a secondary spell since they have 11 duration. After, I've been filling out ES/CI nodes. So another major deviation, I went necromancer instead of witch. I was counting the 5x 15% damage nodes on necromancer and thinking "this would work really great." And then while trying to pick out the big ascendancy keystone, mistress of sacrifice caught my eye. These 2 nodes give +30% skill duration and offerings affect the player. So im at 120% skill duration right now. This gives 6.6 seconds of uptime for mirror clones which technically means you can have 6 clones up for .6 seconds. It also gives me 1.09 second of immortal call with zero endurance charges. Also, flesh offering gives me 24% move speed and 24% attack speed at (lvl 6?). I have it attached to my CWDT level 1. So I get immortal call procs and flesh offering. Vaal haste, grace, and discipline are also candidates. Haste and grace may have 15 seconds of up time. It's pretty much insane. My next step is deciding if I want to grab all 5 +15% minion damage nodes or grab the +40% dmg from clearing corpses. I'm just not sure if the 40% will apply to clones since they arent in existence at the time the "corpse is cleared". So question time: I was looking at Lioneyes but I definitely can't afford it yet. So I was thinking of several other combos... Darkscorn + Soulstrike. This combo seems pretty beast. So much chaos damage. And if the +10% chaos damage from the gem applies to Darkscorn chaos, i think the DPS could get really high. 15-30% accuracy (not sure this rivals never miss on Lioneye) Infractem + Drillneck. This has some pretty absurd damage stats. Always pierce, +100% physical damage. It also has flat 250-300 accuracy (again if this can rival Lioneye never evade). It's also 100% pierce so you could drop projectile weakness in favor of a different curse. It's also +10% movement speed which is always nice. (And of course we are losing a lot of defense from not getting soulstrike.) Null's Inclination. - This could be pretty beast for the build as well. Again if the chaos gem +10% chaos affects the bow damage, it may stack quite nicely. Minions Deal 1% Increased Damage per 10 Dexterity also seems like it could sky rocket quite nicely. And of course we are ignoring the "summon on kill" since it doesn't work with clones. We are missing out on accuracy buffs. Thoughts? Last edited by intangible_s#6679 on Apr 11, 2016, 1:20:45 AM
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if i get out the range of curse, does it still last? it seems mine disappear= =
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" If your curses are linked to blasphemy and cast as auras (per the build) then no, they only apply while you're near an enemy. If you're manually casting them or you're using a curse on hit setup then yes, they'll apply even offscreen (and last an insane amount of time with all the curse nodes). |
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" Necromancer and occultist are both viable options but occultist beats it out for sure especially in damage. At high level when you have all your jewel slots, you have something like 240% minion damage already. Adding 45% minion damage on top of that doesn't really add that much compared to something like -20% chaos resist. Basically a free multiplier and extremely useful vs monsters/bosses that actually resist chaos damage. Main reason I personally didn't go necromancer is because I kinda hate the idea of having to cast offering skills every few seconds. The build already has a ramp up time with having to cast two spells every few seconds, adding another on top of that already makes the build feel a lot clunkier and slows the clear speed down. For this reason I prefer wicked ward over mistress of sacrafise. Both are viable and one isn't going to completely outclass the other as far as I can tell, mostly just comes down to play-style and preference. I will say that necromancer is much better when you are first starting out, and occultist scales very well into the late game because of the 20% multiplier+wicked ward. As for bows, there's basically no better choice than lioneye's. It has everything you want, high phys damage, enough attack speed to hit the attack speed cap of the minions, and the hits can't be evaded. It's also not expensive at all, I'm not sure what league you play on but on perandus it was only a couple chaos at best. You should have that much currency by the time you get to level 66. IGN- FrOArrow
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Just wanted to pop in and say that this build will be getting a really amazing new skill in the next patch, spirit offering.
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1652208 Obviously this skill is extremely useful since the build is scaled through physical damage and chaos damage. I expect a lot of poison nerfs next league, but maybe this skill can keep this build still viable after the nerfs. Either way I'm excited to do more testing once the next league is out. To expand on that a little more, the first idea that popped into my head when I seen this new skill was, a hybrid spectre/arrow summoner that goes hybrid life/es with necromancer ascendancy. Undying Evangelist spectre's seem like they would benefit the most from this new skill, and they+arrow minions already work great with vis mortis chest armor. Obviously it's hard to say how the build will change without seeing the full patch notes, but things are looking up for the next league already : ) IGN- FrOArrow Last edited by FearTHeFrO#7784 on Apr 21, 2016, 10:59:55 PM
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I'm currently doing a Necro life version of this build, it's going well in the flashback league.
I've been testing flesh offering and it doesn't seem to effect the clones as they attack at the same rate with or without offering up which probably mean bone offering and the future spirit one won't either... |
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" The clones have an attack speed cap, and you are probably at that cap, hence you won't get anything from FO. A really good cheap solid bow to level with is Doomfletch - it'll last you from Normal right through late Cruel. |
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I will probably be playing this as my first build next league. I looked over the ascendancy class changes/seen the new skills so far. Unless the patch notes drastically change something related to the build it will still be pretty much the same.
I will still go occultist (yes I know necromancer got buffed, and occultist was unchanged, but I still think its extremely strong). Only difference will be that you will use spirit offering as one of your gems. Link it with vaal discpline attached with increased duration. Reason I still think occultist is strong is because stacking rarity as a CI character is much easier to gear and allows you to be really greedy with gear. Necromancer if you don't care about magic finding at all might be stronger. I would go some sort of hybrid spectre/zombie/clone build. Go life/es hybrid and use spirit offering. Evangilists is probably the best spectre you can use since they do pretty well on a 4 link and benefit a lot from spirit offering/vis mortis. But even with all the necromancer buffs occultist is just too strong to pass up. Wicked ward+soul striker is one of the most broken defensive mechanics in the game, void beacon -20 chaos resist is just amazing and we stack a lot of aura radius on the tree to make it even stronger. There's a reason all the ascendancy classes besides occultist got buffed, because for builds that able to utilize some of the mechanics of the occultist tree are extremely strong already, and this builds uses it better than most. IGN- FrOArrow
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