[2.6] CI Poison Blink arrow/Mirror arrow Occultist
This build was originally posted in perandus league where I achieved level 98. I am currently updating this thread with the current 2.6 version. This build is currently level 96 in legacy league.
Here is a link to the character- https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/FearTHeFrO/characters (FrOReturn) Skill tree-
For the skill tree, you will want to focus as much as you can on skill effect duration, minion damage, curse effect, and jewel slots. This is the only way we can increase the damage for blink arrow and mirror arrow. My gear and explanation of gear- Bow- The best bow we can use is lioneye's, nothing else compares besides MAYBE a legacy reach of the council, and even then its still close. It is very hard for us to get any accuracy for our minions, therefore lioneye's basically brings us from 70% chance to hit to 100% while also having great stats as well. Quiver- Soul strike, if you're on legacy league then I recommend going for the legacy version as its a huge increase in your defenses. Helmet- High es hubris, best enchants are proj weakness curse effect, temporal chains curse effect, and blink arrow/mirror arrow damage. Gloves- High es gloves crafted with minion damage Rings- Try to get the stats you are missing off the rings. For example if you need strength/dex/resists anything like that this is the place to go. I also highly suggest unset rings, this build requires a lot of different gems because you basically have to use double 6 link. Crafted with faster start energy shield recharge from level 3 leo. Boots- Standard high es/movement speed/resists Belt- Lots of options for belts, but I prefer rare high es/strength/reduced flask charges/resist belts (crystal belt would be ideal) Amulet- Eye of chayula corrupted for minion damage. Chest- High es chest with some resists. Now onto the ascendancy class. Even though we are technically a summoner so most people would assume necromancer be the strongest ascendancy, this is not the case for this particular build. Occultist is extremely strong for us both defensively and offensively. Void beacon is basically just a straight up 20% more multiplier, and profane bloom is another 10% multiplier. Add on top of this all the extra es %/extra curse/wicked ward when we already have an extremely fast faster es recharge and there's no question occultist is the best. For the four ascendancy points, in order it will be - Void Beacon, Wicked Ward, Profane Bloom, Malediction. Bandits- All skill points. Jewels- You will want to focus on minion damage/resist/faster start of energy shield recharge. You can also get minion damage/% es jewels but they are extremely expensive and I don't think they are any better than faster start of es recharge jewels. Gems and links explained- For our main skills blink arrow and mirror arrow, your 5 link will be GMP/Added chaos/Poison/Minion damage. For a 6th link you will add pierce. The reason for this is, we are basically trying to scale the added chaos damage gem+our bow phys damage with the poison as much as possible. We do this by double dipping as much minion damage as we can possibly get. Combined with all the skill effect nodes on the tree, this gets us a huge long lasting poison. Rest of our links- 4 link cwdt/immortal call/increased duration/vaal discipline - very standard 4 link for most CI characters. 4 link Wither/Spell totem/Faster casting/increased duration - This is to help out our single target vs bosses. 4 link Blasphemy/Temporal Chains/Projectile Weakness/Enlighten - Our main curses. Unset rings or 6th socket on your bow/armour- Enduring cry/Discipline. Flasks- This is my setup that I use, you can use something different but this is what I found works best for me. The only required flask I 100% recommend is the witchfire to get the third curse of vuln. Below is some video's from 2.2, the build has changed very slightly since then but I will be adding some 2.6 videos in the future. Video- T15 Colosseum map vulnerability/60% regen/enfeeble/double boss deathless. Video of a random plateau map just to show off the clear speed-
If you have any questions feel free to ask them here or PM me. IGN- FrOArrow Last edited by FearTHeFrO#7784 on Mar 23, 2017, 11:33:18 AM Last bumped on Jun 3, 2018, 6:35:35 PM
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Is there any reason why the inc duration in your boots is level capped?
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With my testing so far, trap, cluster trap is a must have for a mirror arrow build. Using either instant traps via sunblast and cheap construction jewels, or going sab for chain reaction, results in a SILLY amount of clones, allowing you to drop GMP (screw that less multiplier) and use pierce instead. The more multipliers on pierce and trap, plus the additional clones well make up for the loss in arrows.
Just tossing out an idea, would like to see it really worked with, but I've been busy refining my Siege Ballista Hierophant, playing around with an avatar of fire burn self cast discharge elementalist, an EK sire of shards trapper, and a wild strike inquisitor (I am not convinced that this one is viable). I do plan to get to the mirror arrow trapper though! :) Last edited by Spherous#7649 on Mar 20, 2016, 5:18:39 AM
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hi, whats about bandits ?
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf |
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" Bandit's are all skill points (if you are CI). Before I moved to CI I had life for oak then switched over. " Only reason is because I didn't have enough strength to level it more with my build currently. " To me the whole trap variation of this build is not as good as people make it out to be. The biggest weakness is you are FORCED to go sabatour, or go sunblast. Both of these are a huge draw back. The trap variation also falls off way harder in the later maps because you can't scale the damage as much. For example, I am guessing your setup would be mirror arrow/trap/cluster trap/minion damage/pierce. You are losing a lot of damage doing this setup, where as with my setup I have poison/added chaos/minion damage which when you get them to max level and with max quality add a ton of scaling. Also I don't see a point in having 50 minions on the field if my 2 minions can kill something in one hit. You can watch the video I linked and for easy low tier maps, I can lay down even just 1 clone and move on and that 1 clone will one shot everything. So why would I need more? The other problem with the trap variation is you have to go ele. And with ele version you cannot go triple blasphemy curses and I think that is one of my builds main strengths. Getting mass curse effect+temp chains+enfeeble basically allows you to face tank any map mods in the game other than curse immune (which isn't THAT common and can easily just be chaos'd over). Not to mention the problem with ele is without curses it's hard to really kill tanky mobs. And the only way to apply curses is to use curse on hit+something. And when you do that you have to stand still, and when you stand still your chances of dying go up. I've played ele version before and I didn't like the playstyle. It was like, lay down minions (or traps in your case), apply curses with ice shot/split arrow whatever then move on. I like that with my build i can just blink arrow/mirror arrow and move on to the next pack. No applying curses/no waiting near my minions to make sure they have wrath/anger on them, just smoother game play and clear speed in my opinion. I just don't see a trap variation of this build offering much more than the poison/triple curse one would. Even if the damage/clear speed is equal or slightly better, you have no way to even come close to the amount of survivability that my build has. -edited this a bit because I went on a huge rant and said some stupid things in the previous version. IGN- FrOArrow Last edited by FearTHeFrO#7784 on Mar 24, 2016, 6:33:20 PM
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Updated the guide a little bit and added a deathless T15 Double Boss vuln/60% regen video. Although Igna phoenix almost killed me because I blinked right into her and didn't have a remove ignite flask : )
IGN- FrOArrow
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Cool build.
A couple questions if you don't mind. I don't really know the mechanics of the arrow/blink arrow besides what I've read. Why do you need skill links on your chest? I thought the clones only used arrow/quiver. Or does the skill link from the chest transfer to the minion? When you teleport into the ground of enemies, why don't they all just turn and smash you. It also looks like you have some sort of phase effect? Thanks! |
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" You can have the gems linked in your chest and not just on your bow. The minions only use your bow/quiver to attack, so if you had damage on like a ring/amulet/chest etc it wouldn't work on them. Basically for defense I have blasphemy+20% quality temporal chains and every possible curse effect node on the tree. This makes enemy's attack really slowly. I also use a quartz flask/stibnite flask right when I blink into mobs. This combo makes it really hard for me to ever die. Quartz flask makes me harder to detect/gives me 10% dodge and Stibnite flask makes a smoke screen that blinds enemies which causes them to miss their attacks. IGN- FrOArrow
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Nice build , I myself am playing ele life version, beacuse I don't like CI , but was thinking going Poison for a moment, good too see it working so well.
My Item Filter : http://pastebin.com/7AsWX5jb
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Hey! I've been using this guide since level 10. It's working really great.
I went mirror arrow and zombies til level 24, then mirror/blink and zombies. Then I picked up spectre as well. I was running mostly 3 links with arrow+cold+minion (depending on colored slots). Right now I just picked up a cheap 5 link bow. Running the full setup except LMP since I'm level 34. chaos/poison/lmp/minion/mirror. On my 3 link chest im running minion/blink/chaos. Although I noticed after dumping the quill rain my attacks are incredibly slow. I need to get some increased attack speed somewhere. I kind of went on a major tangent with the build for leveling. I followed the path north for the minion, damage, but then i went templar to grab the other minion damage and grabbed the HP nodes there. Then i went down to scion and grabbed minion damage and skill duration. I think I may head down for scion hp nodes and then grab the other skill duration. Depending on when I respec into CI... I may need to use a few orbs of regret! |
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