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Are there any good archer spectres?
Magnus_Orla wrote:
Are there any good archer spectres?

Never get hard hits from archers in game (except rogue one's) so i dont think we have realy interesting mobs with bows in game.

Wana cover bosses with arrow rain? Use Clone build for necromancer =)
xenophobius wrote:
Xehnas wrote:
Anyone knows the maps for Host Chieftain?

EDIT : Apparently, you can find it in the Shaped Ashen woods, so i suppose he's also in all forest maps.

Doesn't seem to proc his buff often...

I think their use mana as Carnage ones so you need to connect Bloodmagic support for give them endless mana pool for their magic.

Is that so?

Maybe I should try running a high level clarity.

Their spell has super high cold dmg although their damage modifier is on the low side.

TBH I seriously don't know what the damage mod does if even it affect their base spells or just the added damage supports.


Their realy funny but have one problem - their sometimes forget to use jump ability and waste time in melee combat =)
Maybe i should try bloodmagic gem. Maybe.
What is the best support for Kitava heralds, for 4l?
Just got some Undying Inductors from Maligaro's Sanctum (the map in Act7) and they're just bonkers with GMP. Does anyone know if you can get them in maps later on?
nyderic wrote:
Just got some Undying Inductors from Maligaro's Sanctum (the map in Act7) and they're just bonkers with GMP. Does anyone know if you can get them in maps later on?

Good Luck Maligaro's Sanctum is a onetime visit only place

once you kill maligaro you can not go back into Maligaro's Sanctum on that character
CoolColJ wrote:
The Undying Engineer, the one that create siege Ballistas

Playing around with them and found that spell echo makes them create 2 ballistas!

But LMP/GMP have no effect, in terms of projectile spread, but maybe more projectiles are shot in a straight line

Undying Inductor

pretty strong with spell echo, faster proj, pierce, added fire and hatred
They just spam their EK, but squishy


These do a vortex slam which I think could do a lot of damage and the vortex stays a while, but they have a pretty long cooldown. Multistrike makes them lay more down

Good Luck Maligaro's Sanctum is a onetime visit only place

once you kill maligaro you can not go back into Maligaro's Sanctum on that character

INDUCTERS Only spawn in a place you can ONLY GO TO ONCE PER CHAR

that means no desecrate and no taking them into maps

i have also NEVER seen one in a map ever

Inducters are a no go as a sustainable spectre since you can never get them in maps and can not desecrate them outside of that one time zone

(there are 2 zones int he game that are one time visit only)
Last edited by Dextera#5538 on Sep 10, 2017, 9:50:12 PM
CoolColJ wrote:

Undying Operator -

very interesting, they do a static strike, physical converted to lightning so hatred works on them.

Then they also spawn these lightning orbs, like the Harbinger mobs.
Like large stationary ball lightning, deals quite a bit of damage

has potential


Undying Labourer, the ones without the extra cold damage afix

These spawn a siege ballista type thing that shoots ice shot, GMP/LMP doesn't work on it.
they hit with glacial hammer

pretty cool

I find that the operator ball attack seems to have a really long and annoying cooldown. They also seems to deal less damage when stationary and have meh AoE.

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