[2.4]Animate Weapon Summoner. 2 BUILDS! Poison OR Elemental - Max Block, EB/MoM. Atziri Video!
" You're definitely right about the totem. I wish I had more hotbar space. All the 'comfy' keys are used for my other skills. T is a little far over for me. Totem is nice because its a 'set and forget'. CHANGELOG: Added an Atziri Video! IGN: PortiaDeRossi Last edited by Organics#7173 on Mar 22, 2016, 8:20:31 PM
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I don't know why there are more Skillbar buttons. Yes, there are Builds out there who need 2 but...
Some weeks ago, Chris mentioned that they will add more Buttons for Skills. This cannot be that hard to implement. I also think that they should put some skills together for Summoners. It's the only Class that really need every Socket on the Gear for Skills and even than it's not enough. While it's cool that you have options for the most situations to counter them, you have to have them ready when you need them. I really want to link a CWDT setup with Bone offering, to get the Block chance when i take Damage. But i already cannot socket all Skills that i want to. cheers NurbelST Level 97 Low Life Animate Weapon (Standart)
DerNurbler Level 96 Low Life Animate Weapon (Talisman/Standart) Animate_Weapon_for_Life (Essence) |
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" Preaching to the choir. CHANGELOG: Added Wasteland/Conservatory boss videos. Trying to get my hands on harder maps to make boss kill videos. Only one I'm sure I can't do is Core. IGN: PortiaDeRossi
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Hey I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, but the item Jorrhast's Blacksteel is an item from Tempest League that might be fun with this build. It's a 2-H, so you'd rely more on Rumi's for max block, but it could be fun to try.
They're only like 10c in PSC, so at least it might be worth picking up to test with. builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1663570/
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" I have one and I've linked it, but I don't think its an item you'd want to use if you're interested in leveling past 90. You'd need to constantly keep Rumi's/Bone Offering up if you wanted to have decent block. You'd also have to build comepletely differently. Closer to my old build that used Victario's chest/Femur of the Saints. I'm sure it can be very powerful offensively, but it might be much too squishy for my liking. If I can get a 2nd set of animate weapon gems I might try out a variant that uses it. IGN: PortiaDeRossi
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I testet Jorrhast's Blacksteel while the Tempest league was running (Ripped People sold them cheap on Standart x)). In my Opinion, this item is best in slot for an AW Build. Sure, your Weapons don't last that long (~77 seconds as Necromancer, all duration nodes and inc. Duration support Gem) but running around with 120 to 160 Weapons in Groups is fucking Amazing. BUT, the lag and Framerate drop is crazy. So going for the maximum amount of Weapons is not that good, but you spent less time on Summoning and even that the Weapons don't last that long, in the End you have an increase in clearspeed. Especially when soloing and bad rng happens, you still have enough Minions to fight with.
I Build this on life, with Kaom's heart ect. and had about 7,8k life. But that's just life and not the best defence, so as the OP said, for leveling this Item is not the best choice. For having much fun it is indeed. You don't need that much defence as an AW Summoner. I leveled with the Life Build (+1 Staff and Blood Magic Vagan craft...~650 life per cast :D) from 93 to 97 without problems and Deaths (one death from Flamebearers...i hate that Mod) but it worked "well" No regen/slower regen maps sucked balls, but in a Group it was okay'ish. If you want to level solo, go for Poison AW (AW-added chaos-poison-minion dam-splash-inc. duration) so you can drop wrath and anger for defensive auras like Grace and Determenation. Less Damage, but also a viable option. I leveled as this last league to 92. At that point i switched to low life, which should be the goal for everyone who want to level close to 100 with an AW build, and mostly solod until 96 where i stopped. The defence you achieve is amazing and totally worth it. But it's expensive. My old poison Character runs like 8,5k es 700es regen with ZO, 17k armour, overcapped resists, stun and Freeze immunity and enough damage to do maps without stress. Not the best clearspeed but safe and i didn't die once from 91 to 96. I ran mostly 8 mod maps with 120+ quantity with really dangerous mods from T9 till T15. Keeping your eyes open and good positioning will safe you more XP than everything else. I played many Builds and the only Build i consider getting to level 100 is an AW Build on low Life, but this is only my opinion ^^ cheers NurbelST Level 97 Low Life Animate Weapon (Standart) DerNurbler Level 96 Low Life Animate Weapon (Talisman/Standart) Animate_Weapon_for_Life (Essence) Last edited by Nurbel#4899 on Mar 24, 2016, 3:35:59 AM
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" Maaan if I had the currency I would totally roll low life. Did you use Jorrhast's with the poison build? How on earth did you get those colours? Must have been expensive. I'll have to work hard to prove you wrong about lowlife being the only build being able to reach 100.. haha. 7 more levels to go! IGN: PortiaDeRossi
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" No, i didn't use Jorrhast's with poison, because back then the mechanic of Poison like today was not in the Game. I just used a Tabula for the Test, so i did not colour the Mace for that ^^ LowLife AW is not the only Build that can reach 100, it is the only Build that i would go for 100 (which i will do, but soloing from 97 1/2 to 100 is...yeah ^^). I respecced my old 93 Witch to Necromancer and AW yesterday (Elemental Based) and the Damage push is insane compared to my Scion (which is not an ascendant yet, i don't want to RIP in the Fucking Lab, which is not hard as an ES based Character, especially when at lvl 97). I still want to go lowLife Bloodmagic, but for that i need the Fucking Stone Golem buff enchant on my Helmet -.-* NurbelST Level 97 Low Life Animate Weapon (Standart)
DerNurbler Level 96 Low Life Animate Weapon (Talisman/Standart) Animate_Weapon_for_Life (Essence) |
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" I hear you on those enchantments. I am trying to get my hands on a reduced Anger/Wrath/Haste reservation enchanted Alpha's to see if I can somehow cram in a 4th Aura. Poison sounds like an interesting mechanic. With my current gear/tree, if we switched over to poison and dropped our elemental auras, we could run 2 50% defense auras instead... or... we could run all 3 Purities and just give ourself and our weapons stupid amounts of survivability. 75/75 block, 80/80/80 resistances (81/81/81 with level 21 purities.. Actually probably even more with all of our aura nodes...), probably 75 chaos res because we wouldn't need to get as much res from our gear.. With those kind of incredible defenses I can't imagine how I'd ever die. The idea excites me but I'm not sure if it'll do enough damage. I know you said that Animate Weapon doesn't need that much defense, but if it doesn't severely gimp clear speed I don't know why it shouldn't be tested out. IGN: PortiaDeRossi
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I have recorded a Video with my Poison Build yesterday (T14 Shrine), i will convert and Upload it later. Since it was on my lvl 97 toon, i took my time, better than dying, so i needed about 9 minutes for the map. You can clear faster though. Compared to Elemental, Poison clear's slower, but bosses still melt in seconds. It is noticable, but your Damage is still insane.
Keep in mind that you need atleast a 5-Link to get started with Poison, that's the Downside, but you can take 2 Defensive auras instead of Wrath and Anger, which is huge. cheers NurbelST Level 97 Low Life Animate Weapon (Standart)
DerNurbler Level 96 Low Life Animate Weapon (Talisman/Standart) Animate_Weapon_for_Life (Essence) |
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