[2.2]Juggernaut-Sunder-(UPDATED) Lvl 90. 5500 hp, Fast clear speeds, Atziri done. Videos soon

Well guys did my first full deathless Atziri run today. Ive never done much atziri in the past since I wasnt sure exactly how to do it but, believe me I can tank almost everything except double flame blasts which I learnt from my first attempt. I managed to kill her but died 3 times learning. Today I killed her without dieing had full portals got Slink boots and a mortal Ignornace piece too. Anyway if I can do it guys anyone can, Love this build plan to keep working it til I get to 100 and Ill keep this guide updated if anyone has questions.
Just hit 90 with this build today

Really tanky, even tho i use abyssus. Playing reflect (with some flask management) and facetanking all map mods. Hardcore viable. The times i have died, it's been due to my own stupidity.

Lacking some damage in tier 10+ maps to bosses but have really high clear speed in <10 tier maps. But i only have a 5L and lvl 19 gems without Q. (Tooltip dps 37k with charges)

Considering i've spent under 1exa on gear (including 5L) this is a cheap and solid first leauge build.

Changed the passive tree to get some more dps nodes instead of life. Still have 5200k life with my three.

My gear:



It's beed fun playing the build, thanks for that. Now it's time for me to take a short break from PoE before i reroll somethin else.

Edit: I love playing Temporal chain maps in partys. Im so much faster than everybody else due to the "Unstoppable" juggernaut node. :) Also great movement speed in general with haste and so on.

Last edited by porr#6638 on Apr 1, 2016, 12:43:48 PM
porr wrote:
Just hit 90 with this build today

Really tanky, even tho i use abyssus. Playing reflect (with some flask management) and facetanking all map mods. Hardcore viable. The times i have died, it's been due to my own stupidity.

Lacking some damage in tier 10+ maps to bosses but have really high clear speed in <10 tier maps. But i only have a 5L and lvl 19 gems without Q. (Tooltip dps 37k with charges)

Considering i've spent under 1exa on gear (including 5L) this is a cheap and solid first leauge build.

Changed the passive tree to get some more dps nodes instead of life. Still have 5200k life with my three.

My gear:



It's beed fun playing the build, thanks for that. Now it's time for me to take a short break from PoE before i reroll somethin else.

Edit: I love playing Temporal chain maps in partys. Im so much faster than everybody else due to the "Unstoppable" juggernaut node. :) Also great movement speed in general with haste and so on.


I see where you went and yes I could change to those but I have 38k dps in hideout and 55k or so with buffs and more with flasks, I also have 2 more jewels and 2 more end charges.
Hey, I've been using this build for a little while and I think its a very fun build but I don't understand why you take RT since I haven't missed a single sunder from the beginning.
Omontopok wrote:
Hey, I've been using this build for a little while and I think its a very fun build but I don't understand why you take RT since I haven't missed a single sunder from the beginning.
Well I have no idea what your accuracy is at but I was at 76% which didnt feel good enough, that 4th hit Id consistantly miss even if you dont see it miss it does can equal allot of damage. And unless you have a huge amount of crit like my crit version theres no reason to miss any attacks or not take rt.
can post video please
The rest of the 'end-game' content will be available along with a heap of new stuff when the game launches in a few months time. From what I've seen it's going to be awesome. - Michael_GGG
My impressions:
+Labyrinth is complete cakewalk
+hit 90 quite fast and painless (30-35 hours or so)
+killed Atziri easily, although it could be trouble for new players
+no real danger faced while mapping under 12 tier.

Not going further in tiers though, turning to mass-murderous Deadeye.
Thanks for the guide! I recommend it to everyone who needs easy and fun 90 lvl.
plodoovosch wrote:
My impressions:
+Labyrinth is complete cakewalk
+hit 90 quite fast and painless (30-35 hours or so)
+killed Atziri easily, although it could be trouble for new players
+no real danger faced while mapping under 12 tier.

Not going further in tiers though, turning to mass-murderous Deadeye.
Thanks for the guide! I recommend it to everyone who needs easy and fun 90 lvl.

Thanks and I also found the game easy with this build, I leveled from 1-90 a little slower but, I was in design mode at the time constantly twinking my build and getting gear etc. I was able to do all the main content by level 70 with a 4 link Sunder Juggernaut has been by far the best tank character Ive ever played. Love the speed 75% movement as well as Sunder clearing packs and I had no problems solo either. My top dps on my RT Tank version is 38k with just aura's and 2k with buffs more then enough to kill pretty much everything. My goal is to attempt umber.
HI FIRSTLY THX FOR THE GUIDE, i tried it on an old toon just for a look to see if its HC viable, which it is.

i have only made 1 change, which was to take IR, the builds now rocking 22k armour and with a lvl 16 determanation up 32k, i can see top gear hitting 40k plus armour no problem.

again thx :D
shoooms wrote:
HI FIRSTLY THX FOR THE GUIDE, i tried it on an old toon just for a look to see if its HC viable, which it is.

i have only made 1 change, which was to take IR, the builds now rocking 22k armour and with a lvl 16 determanation up 32k, i can see top gear hitting 40k plus armour no problem.

again thx :D

Rt is fine and all but, you could also run grace determ and be running 20k armor and around 40=45% evasion. Believe me its great to not take much damage because almost half the hits dont even hit you and then you also avoid allot of the damage with armor. I personally run AA Hatred Ash most the time but, Ive ran a few maps like torture chamber with grace and determ and found the boss not to be nearly as hard to beat. still think he is op for tier 7 map but not my call.

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