[2.2] The Queen of Blades is Dead

Good Job for killing another Build GGG

Videos wrote:
Tier 15 Enfeeble Abyss Map w/ Kaom Boss Kill


Tier 13 Excavation w/ Double Boss, 45% Monster Life and No Life/Mana Regen

Casual Gameplay: Tier 12 Village Ruins w/ Enfeeble and Min/Max 2 Second Boss Kills

Tier 13 Excavation w/ Enfeeble 3:07

Sub 2:20 Hybrid CoC Gorge Run

4 Second Tier 12 Double Overgrown Ruins Boss Kill with Ele Weakness+97% Cold Damage+35% Boss Damage

About the Creator of this build
If you have any questions about the game I'm online as Vowel - I'm incredibly knowledgeable about the game in general and I've already helped a ton of people, as a result I'm rewriting the guide a bit (especially in wake of the announcement of Build of the Week Returning) - My stream is twitch.tv/kraiwen - you can check me out sometimes. if you link the build please consider posting a comment, sharing your gear or even chatting with other individuals in this thread. Have a nice day

Obligatory Epic Image as most build threads are required to have as a Banner

Pros and Cons to the Queen of Blades
PROS You get what you put into the gear, it's relatively cheap overall aside from the Shavs especially on temp Leagues. Headhunter is not required, please see Gear section. Can do every Map Mod except Curse Immune and no Leech (Including blood magic, requires link moving), No Regen is a piece of cake. Build has absolutely ridiculous damage

CONS You get what you put into the gear? Also 4 Green on Shavronne's Wrappings.. good luck with that

Gear, Links, Flasks, Jewels and Belts

if you can't attain a Headhunter use either a Physical version of Doryani's Invitation (BiS vs Bosses), The Magnate for Charges/Phys/Stun, or even a High Energy Shield Chain Belt. (or w/e Unique belt you'd like to test)


You can drop Ming's Heart for another Diamond if you'd really want more ES, alternatively you can drop the gloves for Facebreakers (pure glass cannon) and get a high ES diamond for wayyy more damage, but you are very susceptible to Chaos damage. You absolutely must use a dagger with the Hit's Can't be Evaded Mod

Using these 2 instead of my current gloves+ring I get around 7% more DPS than my current setup and about 200 more energy Shield. However I do end up with Negative Chaos resistance (Bad in Maps with Poison Mod/Desecrated Ground or vs Village Ruins Boss) so it really depends if you want more damage (which I don't) - keep in mind Ming's Synergizes well with Atziri's Promise

We use Assassin and Berserker

Leveling Tree - Passive Skill Tree

Please level as Hybrid ES/Life Caster, using any spell. I prefer Crit Spark at the moment, Crit BV, EK, Bladefall all work really well as well. Here is my leveling tree. We will continue leveling as Crit Spark because we will have regret points from the quests given to us. While leveling you should Link Herald of Thunder to Assassins Mark and Curse on Hit, alternatively Orb of Storms+Power charge on crit works well too.

First 38 Skill points

First 77 Skill points

Afterwards you can transition into CoC whenever you want. This is what your build should look like

First 99 Skill Points, Transition to COC

98 Skill point if you have a Shavs

107 Skill points - Lowlife

I saw a level 92 Scion in Perandus League NOT using a Vagan Dagger, so please. Use a Vagan dagger


These are all Known as "Vagan Daggers" - Vagan being the Master in the game capable of selling items with the Mod/Prefix "Hit's Can't be Evaded" - You absolutely, ABSOLUTELY must use this dagger. In Path of Exile Critical Strikes are rolled twice, meaning if you had 100% Crit chance and a 90% Chance to hit (accuracy), in reality you'd only have a 81% chance to crit. With These daggers we bypass the Chance to Hit, permanently capping ourself at 100%. With 100% accuracy and 100% crit chance we have a 100% chance to crit every attack! That's 81%->100% with one dagger! That's absolutely insane for any CoC Build! Making ours the best compared to those Quill Rain guys. Any one of these daggers with these mods will be better than anything else you can find in the game, please use one. The best bases are Royal Skean - Boot Blade - Slaughter Knife, other bases are fine and work too, but know that any other base will always be inferior to these 3 Knifes listed.

How to Craft a Vagan Dagger?

Buy a Blue Vagan Dagger (from Vagan himself or another Player) - Make sure it reads "Vagan's Slaughter Knife" without another suffix/mod on it.

Afterwards, go to your Hideouts Sharpening Wheel (attained from Vagan ingame) and craft accuracy. The purpose of this is to prevent rolling accuracy in the later steps because as I cleared up earlier. accuracy is 100% useless. Now we should have a dagger with 2 Mods on it, Can't be Evaded and +X to Accuracy

Afterwards, Regal and hope for a good mod. If it's any suffix (you can check here http://poeaffix.net/1h-dagger.html then it's a dud UNLESS it's Crit Chance or Attack speed.

If it's a prefix, congratz! Remove the Accuracy and multimod (Elreon's Mod) accordingly to craft Spell Damage, Attack Speed and Crit Chance for a BiS dagger.

Core Gems Setup and Possible Links

6L/5L Bladefall (21/20) - Ethereal Knives (21/20) - Increased Crit Strikes (21/20) - Cast on Critical Strike (21/20) - Cyclone (20/23) - Increased Critical Damage (20/23)

If you have a 5L drop ICD meaning you'd need 4G 1B.

This is the most efficient damage setup thanks to Assassins Mark. If you can't get 4G 2B then I am sorry, this is one of the worst parts of this build but once you get it, oh man, you're gonna wreck stuff, Queen of Blades Style

Swap to Phys to Lightning against Reflect maps if you need it - it's not a bad link, gives you 50% more damage with shock since you crit every time

4L Hatred - Enlighten (lvl 3/4) - Discipine - Haste

With our Reduced Aura Mana reservation from the tree we can maintain all of this easily on mana while still having around 100 mana left to use our cyclone and whirling blades, which is fine as we sustain our mana cost via Warlord's Marks Leech. We use Hatred to get an insane 51% of our physical damage added as cold (thanks to the 42% Increased effect of Auras we cast on our skill tree. With Haste, we get a substantial boost to Attack Speed, Movement speed and Cast speed, which absolutely boosts our clear speed to levels that other CoC/Cyclone builds cannot match as Movement speed is very important for a cyclone build. Discipline is purely defensive to enable us to hit over 10,000 ES.

4L Warlords Mark - Blasphemy (20Q) - Assassins Mark (lvl 21)- Blood Magic (lvl 20)

This setup enables us to run 2 Aurified Curses. With a 20 quality Blasphemy and the 10% curse effective on our tree, we boost the effect our warlords mark from 2% to 2.4% Life. In conjunction with the 1.5% leech from berserker and the 0.5% from our boots, we're looking at 4.4% Global Damage Leech. Warlords Mark is also a defensive curse as it enables us to a) Stun Mobs much more easier (with our already insane burst damage+guaranteed crit/freeze) and b) generate Endurance Charges which is absolutely a godsend for physical resistance as we have none in this high ES leech cannon build. Asssassin's Mark enables us to bypass the 95% crit cap, meaning instead of having a 95% CC like other builds, we have 100%. Some math, a level 20/20 CoC has a 0.69 proc rate on crits. CoC will proc 65.5% of each hit at 95% CC, and 69% of the time with 100% CC! Meaning, we have a 5% MORE damage over other Crit Capped Builds, and that's excluding the MORE Crit Damage Multiplier we get from the aura.

If you are not yet Lowlife please use CWDT - Blade Vortex - Curse on Hit - Assasins Mark to generate Power Charges

4L Immortal Call (??) - Increased Duration (20/20) - Cast When Damage Taken (??) - Tempest Shield

This setup is purely for defense, using our End Charges from Warlords Mark we can get our Immortal Call to 3 seconds. My IC is level 13 and my CWDT is level 11 , although the levels are purely for preference depending on damage thresholds. I like this the most because at 3 charges it lasts 3 seconds, giving me enough time to kill most endgame bosses (including T13s)
Tempest Shield is in this setup because I like having a constant 3% block chance although you could replace this with anything else such as Chaos Golem/Arctic Breath/Other Skills. I should note that Tempest Shield Procs the Decree in your gloves whenever it hits an enemy, and you also leech for the damage it deals, enabling you to do no regen maps easily.

3L Fortify 20/23 - Faster Attacks 20/23 - Whirling Blades 1/23

Using Fortify, whenever we zoom past a mob we gain a buff that reduces all damage taken by a substantial amount. Whirling Blades and faster Attacks makes this animation faster and smoother allowing us to zip past mobs. I should note that our combination of WB-Fortify is stronger than other builds because our Vagan mod Hit Can't be Evaded means we will always 100% of the time proc Fortify whenever we WB into a pack, which is perfect for a cycloner who wants to deal damage from everywhere to as many mobs as a time. Of course you should use your flasks before entering the pack.


3L Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 20 - Bladefall (lvl 20) - Chaos Golem (20/20)

Mapping - this setup enables me to leech by being afk and I can 1 shot packs up to Tier 14 when the Bladefall in this 2 Link crits, Chaos Golem gives me another 4% physical damage reduction that adds to End Charges

Blade Vortex - Power Charge on Critical Strike - CWDT (level 1)

Bossing - setup against bosses such as Colosseum Daresso as I rely on Assassins Mark for Charges. I keep this setup in my offhand to swap in case I need it. (useful vs Atziri too)


If you are leveling as this build - Use Blade Vortex-PCoC-CWDT (1) to generate charges as you won't have access to assassin's Mark early on. Good luck Exile

Ascendancy Enchantments
Helm Increased Bladefall Critical Strike Chance, Increased Assassin's Mark Curse Effect, Reduced Aura Mana Reservation is what you want. Crit chance to get more crit, Assassins Mark for more Crit, and Aura Mana Reservation for More mana pool that I have (not necessary for this build, its more QoL0

Gloves Decree of Blades - Its the only spell based physical Enchantment you can get on gloves, its like Ethereal knives and can one shot T15 packs

Boots You want 0.5% of damage leeched as Life and Mana, this synergizes with our high HP pool and large Leech+Vaal Pact against bosses such as Core Malachai

Common Questions

Why aren't you using Taste of Hate?
I really like using Surgeons as I'm on standard, meaning I have immunity to freezing and chill with my flasks. Sure Taste of Hate gives 30% chance to avoid these, but that's too inconsistent for me, coupled with the fact that I don't need damage I don't really like Taste of Hate since I'm only using it for it's convert physical damage to cold damage effect, which Rumi's Already accomplishes in a way while being MUCH Stronger.

Is this build good for a beginner?
This build is more of an endgame build - it has a ton of layers of mechanics layered on top of it to make the entire thing work (such as Lowlife) so I can't really say yes, however it is rather cheapm honestly leveling and getting to a point able to create this build is probably the most hardest part although I can attest that this build is generally cheap, especially on temporary Leagues

More to come

Why do you use Headhunter? I can't afford that!Headhunter fixes the most glaring issue when using Cyclone - movement speed. 30% less movement speed is horrible for clearspeed and feels bad, headhunter fixes that. I also think HH is fun as shhittttttt. DEX+Str meets Haste+Warlords Mark requirements as well, meaning I don't need to worry about dex on gear/tree

How do you deal with Physical Reflect in Maps?Use 2 Rumi's Flasks/manage flasks, I generally survive reflect with IC + high leechh+flask such as Atziri's/Rumis

if you want to be safe, switch ICD gem to Phys2Lightning

Ending Point
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Last edited by SwordDivine#5724 on Sep 4, 2016, 10:34:35 PM
Last bumped on Sep 5, 2016, 9:12:08 PM
Hey man great build I'm really excited to play it in the new league.Can you give more info about bandits and leveling etc. ?
Skill point - skill point - power charge

Level as Bladefall, get a vagan dagger.
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Thanks man this is the best all around cyclone build i've seen in a long time and if you can post levelling skill trees like 20-40-60 points it'd be great
Posted a leveling tree.
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Really impressive videos. What changes would you make for budget (ie no Headhunters) HC?
Last edited by Seufari#5667 on Mar 11, 2016, 7:03:34 PM
Use a Doryani's Belt for HC (MORE LEECH, Strength for Warlords req and 3 Res)

I would make pretty much no changes.
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Can you do uber with it? You seemed to take a lot of damage on the normal version
You can do uber if you dodge and use flasks properly. As you can see this build's playstyle is more of hold 1 button and fat finger flasks every time (that's why I use surgeons)

It's literally designed for not dying and sleeping in maps. If you want to do uber, you'd have to pay attention

That being said yes it can.
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
How does this build deal with lowlife and no stun immunity?

EDIT: I see the video at the bottom, I guess the CWDT setup and tempest shield is enough even for higher maps?
Last edited by Cinara#1259 on Mar 12, 2016, 9:59:21 PM

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