[2.2][Video] Cast on Hit Juggernaut (Trypanon Cyclone CoC)
The Build uses the new Unique Hammer Trypanon to trigger Cast on Crit. With Cyclone we can work around the low attackspeed of the weapon by scaling our aps with movespeed and recasting Cyclone.
As we have 100% Crit and therefore Hitting is the special condition we need to meet to Cast Spells i call the Build "Cast on Hit". Perandus League ended and as Trypanon is a League Unique this build is only possible in Standard now. I won´t update the Guide but you can still use it if you want to make a Trypanon build in Standard to have some fun ![]() First Impression Video Build Guide Video T9-T13 Map Gameplay Atziri Guide Part 1 Atziri Guide Part 2 ![]() Pro: -Cheap as hell - 100% Crit Chance - Accuracy needs less investment than Crit - Gets more than 200% Life from the Tree - Can make perfect use of Elemental Equilibrium and Elemental Overload - Can use CoC from lvl 40 on. Con: - High End damage might be lower than other CoC Builds - Has to use a 2 Hand Weapon ![]() Skilltree for lvl 85 Bandits: Oak - Kill all - Oak If you level to 90 get the Hematophagy cluster for better Leechrate. For leveling up more, grab more Jewel Sockets! ![]() The Build enabling Item is the Trypanon that makes all attacks Crit = 100% Critchance. Accuracy is easy to get while leveling and with the Juggernaut Ascendancy also not a Problem later on. You get 100% Crit and 90-95% Chance to hit very easy and also from leveln 40 on so that you can switch to CoC as quick as no other build. Other Gear: All other Gear can be focused on getting Life + Resists. One thing we really need is Movespeed as high as we can because we scale our attackspeed with Movespeed to avoid the downside of the really slow APS of the Hammer. Helmet: Rare Halmet with Life, Accuracy and Resists as you need them. If you don´t need Resists on your Helmet you can also use Devotos Devotion for some more Movespeed and nice Chaos Res. Rats Nest would be another Helmet with Movespeed that also provides some Crit Chance for our Spells. A Scolds Bridle is also affordable in Perandus. It provides alot of Spelldamage, helps to trigger the endurance Charge gain of Unflinching and enables us to use Vaal Moltenshell for Singeltarget help and fun. Gloves We can use Rares with Life, Accuracy and Resists here or use Doedres Tenure for some Spelldamage boost. Repentance would be a option if you get the Stats for it, as it stands we don´t have enough Int for it. If you use a Scolds Bridle you will need the Resists and Life here. Boots We need 30% Movespeed on Boots, its the most important Stat for this build. apart from that, Life and Resists. If you happen to have amazing Resists on other Gear you can also try to use Atziris Steps for some Spelldodge. Chest Links are the most important thing on the Chest. Use a Tabula or a cheap 6link, if you use a 5Link try to get a nice high life roll and some resists. A Carcass Jack would work well here if you have the money for it. Rings: Rings are a amazing Source for Resists. Get one with good Resists and Life, Accuracy is a nice Bonus. If you want to use some fancy uniques, a Death Rush is a nice addition. Accuracy can roll up to 400 on Rings. Amulet You can get Life, Spelldamage, Accuracy, Global Crit, Resists on your Amulet. If you want to use a unique i found that Winterheart is nice for the can not be chilled part, making chilled ground less annoying. It also has a big chunk of Cold Res and some Life. Belt Get one with as high Life as possible and Resists as you need them. Best base is a Leather Belt. If you are rich you can also craft 5% Movespeed on your belt with Tora. Flasks You want 2 or 3 Life Flasks with instant or half instant recovery and a usefull effect like removes bleeding, removes poison, curse immune. You don´t need remove Freeze as we get freeze immunity with the Marauder ascendancy. The other 2 Flasks should be Quicksilver Flasks with additional Movespeed and Surgeons Mod. You can also use one Silver Flask to stack the Quicksilver speed with the Onslaught Buff. The last Flask can be a Utility Flask like Basalt, Granite, or Resist Flask matching the Mapboss. My Gear atm:
![]() Mainlink: Cyclone-CastonCrit-LifeLeech-Flamesurge - Shock Nova - Ice Nova/Inc.Aoe/Conc. Effect/Controlled Destruction You can also use other AoE Spells like Flamesurge, Glacial Cascade, Stormcall, just keep in mind to use at least 2 different Elements to make use of Elemental Equilibrium. The 6. Link has many good options, just try out what feels best for you. While leveling you can use a 4 Link with Cyclone-CoC + 2x Novas and leech with a CwdT Warlords Mark. Curse: Cwdt-WarlordsMark-inc. AoE Keep the CwdT low level the Leech on Warlords does not go higher its 2% on all levels. If you feel like you don´t need the Leech and want more damage try to put a Elemental Weakness in your Counterattack CoC Setup. Utility: CwdT-Blade Vortex - Powercharge on Crit - inc. Duration/inc. Crit Strikes Also low level CwdT to get the Blades up as much as possible. This setup is just there to get Powercharges for the Spellcrit Chance to enable freeze and shock. If you play with Scolds, replace this Setup with Vaal Moltenshell - inc. Duration - Controleld Destruction - inc. Aoe/ Conc. Effect CWDT - Immortal Call - inc. Duration Standard immortal call setup to counter burst damage. Vengeance - Cast on Crit - Elemental Weakness - Golem of Choice With this setup you can run a high level golem without recasting it yourself. It wil lalso curse enemies that don´t die fast with Elemental Weakness. It works a lot more reliable than i first thougth just try it. You can also put a Spell like Cold Snap here instead of the Elemental Weakness if you feel like you don´t need the curse and want some more fancy Spells. Mobility Leapslam - Faster attacks or Flamedash If you enjoy the epic slow Leapslam you can use it to jump up and down Ledges, a Flamedash is a lot quicker. ![]() How do i level this? Leveling is really easy! You can just use 2 Hand Weapons for leveling or use some Spells of your choice. I leveled with a selection of low level 2hand weapons ans Groundslam, Sunder and Earth Quake. Limbsplit, Hrimnor's Hymn, Quecholli, Geofri's Baptism,Reaper's Pursuit got you covered until you can use the Trypanon. 30 Points Grab Life, some Accuracy and go for Blood Magic. 50 Points Travel up to Templar and grab Jewel Sockets and EE. You can use these to fix Statrequirements or Resists while leveling and later look for really good Jewels. 70 Points Get the AoE Nodes and travel to Witch Area. Grab Elemental Overload. You should be able to Equip Trypanon right away with level 40, you first Ascendancy should be the Undeniabe Node. 90 Points Grab Duelist Area and leftside of the Templar Area. From here just fill out to the final tree as you see fit. What is your current Setup? I toy around with Links and Gear alot, you can see my current Setup in my Profile here: Character Page.(IaS_CastonHit) You can also check all my Characters and latest builds in this Thread! How does EE work? EE is the Reason we use 3 different Elemental Spells and have Fire Damage on the Attacks. CoC casts the Spells in the order linked. So if you link: CoC-Shock Nova - Flamesurge - Ice Nova You will first ignite with the attack , then hit with lightning, then Fire, then Cold, then Fire Attack again. The ignite from the attacks triggers the 50% more damage from Flamesurge. Can i play this as Scion? Yes! there is a very good Scion Variant of the Build. I also thought about a Scion Variant that uses Berserker and Champion Ascendancy to get 2 free links. It also has the option to go for Vaal Pact and Acro for better Leech and defense. A buddy is playing this Variant atm and it works really well. You can do it with or without Bloodmagic, if you don´t use Bloodmagic get Mana on Hit Jewels and Curse Poacher Mark for Mana Sustain. Here is Tree for non Blood Magic Dual Curse Experimental Scion Tree Thanks to NikolaiHolst for contributing ideas to this Version and Hundertmoerder + AIXtreme2 testing this Version! [spoilerBoE_Tags](BoE)skill=Cyclone;skill=Glacial+Cascade;skill=Ice+Nova;skill=Shock+Nova;item=Scold's+Bridle;item=Trypanon;defense=Life;coc=true;cheap=true;atziri=true;crit=false;hardcore=false(BoE)[/spoiler] Current Builds: All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on May 30, 2016, 2:15:15 AM Last bumped on Jul 31, 2016, 2:37:13 PM
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Updated lots of stuff in Links + Gear section.
Lvl 72 now and just killed Merciless Izaro for my last 2 Ascendancy Points. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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Cool build!
IGN: sabratta
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nice build !
i had a similar idea but dont have the time to test it out atm, please upload more videos so i can see the build in action :D. my build would be using chieftain ascendency class, instead of juggernaut, to help sustain RF:
Shaper's Seed unique amu is required to get enought life reg | |
Could discharge also work? New with Coc builds.
IGN: sabratta
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this the only trypanon topic i could find lol
do you think dropping blood magic and getting elreon rings + clarity and other auras would be better. or maybe even an immortal flesh for the mana regen. could drop EE for ele focus on the gems and try procc shoc with herald of thunder + cyclone Last edited by Doyzord#3208 on Mar 10, 2016, 7:22:51 AM
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So I guess this is the no crit "Cast on Crit" build.
Basically the weapon let's you crit with no crit investment, enabling CoC. Also there is hardly any spell damage scaling(gear and passives). IMO Berserker (Aspect of Carnage) or Inquisitor (Inevitable Judgement) would make a better Ascendancy class choice. Good Luck! |
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" so 237% increased, 40% More, 3 Jewel Sockets that can roll about 30% each for Spell/Ele Damage from the Tree is almost nothing ye? Plz show me a CoC build that has more pure Spell/Ele on the Tree. On Gear we get Doedres Gloves or Repentance + Spell Damage on the Amulet. I played Tier 14 maps on Bladefall CoC with a Vagan Dagger without Spell damage and a shield with only high ES, no spell damage, so no Spelldamage from gear at all... and infact many CoC build will run with low spell damage weapons and maybe get 60-140% from Shield + Wand/Dagger which isn´t all that much. " You can drop BM but imho its jsut not worth it. You can´t really run any good Aura and need shitty Elreon Rings that are expensive at league start. Only Auras you could run would be Puritys but imho really not worth it. You can´t Shock with Herald of thnder and the added damage will not even be enough to shock a white mob in Dried Lake... " Discharge could indeed work, you would need a Voll´s Protector as Chest then to get enough Powercharges. you should also get more charges from the tree and invest in more spell crit. For really good damage on it you would also need to run Bladevortex to generate charges and later on get a Voll´s Devotion Amulet. " I leveld the build to 80 and made some Videos i wil ledit it and upload tomorrow. Btw: Updated the Gear section with my current lvl 80 Gear Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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" hmm i see what about blashpemy + ele weakness or warlords maybe even conductivity if you go all lightning it can get even more insane with multi cursing, but then there are curse immune mobs and maps lol. maybe it can spec into that later when elreon rings are cheaper thanks for testing this out btw, been really interested in the item ever since i saw it, but i cant really play that much these days to get it going at high enough level for testing Last edited by Doyzord#3208 on Mar 10, 2016, 12:46:53 PM
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" Whats the point in Dual Cursing with all Lightning when you can just use 2 Elements and get EE that works on curse immune mobs and map bosses? If you want a Elemental Weakness just put it in the Counterattack CoC Setup for high level curse without any investment. Triggers 100% on any enemie that lives long enough for it to matter. Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides poeurl.com/c4vT |
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