zSavage's Brief Guide on how to Kill Izaro
Thought I'd put together some mechanics to help people with this fight. There's some cool stuff that you can do to make the fight a lot easier.
Izaro's basic attacks:
Shield Charge - Izaro charges at where you were when he begins his animation. Watch for the start animation, move out of the way, and punish him while he is in his recovery animation. He will not do this attack if you are close to him. Leap Slam - Izaro winds up and jumps to where you were when he started the attack. Again, watch for the animation, move aside, and punish him while he recovers. He also doesn't use this if you are too close. Bone Cascade - Looks kinda like glacial cascade. Often a follow up attack performed with not too much visible windup. If you are moving around this shouldn't hit you, and if it does, it probably won't kill you. If you are in melee, you should be OK. Bony Ground - The ground erupts with bony things that whack at you and slow you down. Again, Izaro won't use this if you're close. Move out of it ASAP and watch for a big attack coming in like a charge or leap. Green Spirit Orbs - Fired from the Goddess of Justice atop Izaro's back. Izaro has no windup for this. They are aimed at where you were a short time before they are fired. They also stay in the air for a while. Performed regardless of range. If you're melee, you should be able to tank this or flask it off. As ranged, keep moving, and you'll avoid it pretty well. Pulse Swing - Izaro's most damaging attack and often a major source of death for my ranged char, at least. Izaro winds up, does a 270, and releases a pulse of damage from his sword. Does a lot of damage (often 2-3K in merc), which usually stuns you. If there's green balls in the air and you get hit by this (or a ball + cascade combo), it's usually end of run, unless you're very very tanky. He uses this when he has a sword. Mace Smash: Very damaging melee attack, similar to Vaal oversoul or Voll slams. Look for the windup and get the hell outta Dodge.
1st and 2nd Phases
These phases generally consist of some kind of summon or mechanic that you must defeat or buff Izaro in all the later fights. I'll share strategy for the ones I've seen and will update the more I find.
Charge Disruptors
Three charge disruptors are in the arena. Each can be used once (and one twice if you found the right Labyrinth Item). Using one causes Izaro to lose all his charges (yellow balls on him) that make him attack faster and possibly do more damage. Izaro will retain any charges not removed when he hits his % for the remainder of the phases. This is a tough one. If you have low DPS, you need to be sparing with your use of the disruptors. You want him to be on as few charges as possible when the fight is over. DPS him, and when things are getting too tricky, activate a disruptor. The goal is to use the last disruptor right before he hits his HP threshold. If your DPS is godly just activate a disruptor immediately and chunk him. He might get one or two charges at most, which is insignificant.
Elemental Conduits
Three elemental conduits (look like statues) will rise, each buffing Izaro's damage and resistance to an element while it is active, as well as adding a chance for that ailment (1 each for fire, cold, light). Any conduit active when Izaro hits his threshold (including those that haven't risen from the floor yet) will be active in later fights. For low DPS: Deactivate each conduit when it is active (by walking up to it and clicking on it). Try to make sure each is inactive when Izaro hits his threshold. This could involve waiting till all are up, then deactivating them quickly in sequence, then bursting Izaro to his threshold. For high DPS: Run around in circles till all of the conduits are active. Then deactivate them all as quickly as possible. Then burst Izaro to his threshold. This is a moderate difficulty one. I'd say Charge Disruptors (above) is the hardest and the biggest impact if not done well.
Izaro's three lieutenants appear in order. Any not killed (including ones that didn't rise up) will come back in later fights. For low DPS: Kill each lieutenant as he appears, then threshold Izaro. The lieutenants are fairly easy and die quickly. For high DPS: Same tactic as above. This is one of the easier phases, and the impact of 'failing' is not very high, as the lieutenants are not difficult or a danger unless your DPS is really low.
Summoning Portals
Three portals appear in order and spawn guardian(s). Any not killed (including ones that didn't rise up) will come back in later fights (I assume; I've never failed this phase). For low DPS: Kill each portal as it appears, then threshold Izaro. The portals are fairly easy and die quickly, as do their summons. For high DPS: Same tactic as above. This is one of the easier phases. If you fail this phase, the portals will summon guardians in later fights. If there's any phase to intentionally fail for strong builds to get extra keys, it's this one.
Curse Fonts
Three curse fonts (Temp Chains, Vulnerability, Ele Weakness) appear in some order. Any not killed (including ones that didn't rise up) will come back in later fights (I assume, I've never failed this phase). Each one curses you with its curse while near it and casts a powerful version of you when it is destroyed. For low DPS: Kill each font as it appears, then threshold Izaro. The fonts are pretty tanky and the curses can be very deadly. I highly recommend having a curse immune flask or two to remove the empowered curses/be immune to the blasphemy-like effect of the fonts. For high DPS: Same tactic as above. This is one of the harder phases, and if you do not kill a font, you will have that curse on you in all the subsequent boss fights. It's important to note that if you're far away from a font when it dies you won't take the empowered curse.
Elemental Essences
Video Three golems (fire, ice, lightning) appear in order. If left alive for too long Izaro will absorb them and get buffed. He will retain these buffs in the later fights. For low DPS: Kill each golem as it appears, then threshold Izaro. The golems are fairly tanky, so focus them down as quickly as possible. For high DPS: Same tactic as above. This is one of the moderate phases. When I've failed this phase it made the next fights go very poorly. The fight isn't too hard if you kill the elementals before Izaro gets to them.
Three idols (fire, ice, lightning) appear in order. They begin with no health and gradually heal. If allowed to reach full, they will buff Izaro. For low DPS: As you move around the arena, be sure to hit each idol a few times to make sure it doesn't reach full HP. Make sure no idols activate, and threshold Izaro. For high DPS: Ignore the idols. Kill Izaro as quickly as possible. None of the idols will heal enough to be able to impact later phases. This is one of the easier phases in most cases. It's pretty similar to the conduits. The Idols have the same model but are a different color.
Video Three gargoyles (fire, ice, lightning) appear in order. In turn they will each fire a beam into Izaro to buff him. If not killed before the beam is done, Izaro will be buffed. A gargoyle firing the beam is very vulnerable to damage while the inactive ones are resistant. For low DPS: Kill each gargoyle as it activates, then threshold Izaro. Killing inactive gargoyles is generally a waste of time. For high DPS: Same tactic as above. This is one of the moderate phases. I have yet to fail this phase so I don't know what the consequences are.
Using Trinkets
Before each Trial, there will be a dead end area called a Forgotten Reliquary. A trinket can be found that makes each phase easier. The effects of the trinkets on each phase are as follows: Charge Disruptors: The first Disruptor you use can be used a 2nd time. Lieutenants: The first lieutenant hit is instantly killed. Portals: The first portal hit is instantly destroyed. Fonts: The first font hit is instantly destroyed. Essences: The first essence hit is instantly destroyed. Conduits: The first conduit activated doesn't reactivate. Gargoyles: The first gargoyle hit is instantly destroyed (use on an inactive gargoyle for the lolz) Idols: The first idol hit is instantly destroyed. See a pattern?
3rd Phase
Video This is the one where everything is on the line. Failing means starting over, and victory means ascendance and a chance for a powerful enchant. Izaro will have all the buffs from his previous phases if you 'failed' them. Making him more difficult makes him drop additional keys, but you have to buff him quite a bit Izaro will be in a slightly larger and differently shaped arena, filled with traps (any combination of two from the 6 possible ones). Much less of the floor is safe, so watch your footing. Izaro has one new attack: When a large green circle appears around him, a corresponding circle will appear in a trap. If you're in this when it expires, you'll be teleported to the trap. If you are melee, you can attempt to facetank this phase. Namelock the boss (highlight his name and hold down your attack button). Even if he teleports you into a trap, in most cases you'll walk right back to him immediately and keep hitting him due to namelock. Keep a finger or two over your flasks to stay alive if not super tanky. Remember, Izaro won't do a lot of his most dangerous attacks if you are close to him. Finally, this gem: Culling Strike is the easy MVP of the 3rd fight. Because Izaro's HP carries over between fights, this reduces the duration of the final fight by about 1/3. Socket it where you can and use it when he gets low to end things before you die.
Other Labyrinth tips
I highly recommend having a move skill that can cross gaps. I highly recommend binding 'Move Only' to your LMB and leaving it like that, if you don't already do this. This lets you control your character much better for the precision needed for the labyrinth. I highly recommend instant life flasks, and a curse immune flask. If you have a flask that gives you a DPS boost to help threshold Izaro, I highly recommend that as well. Some users have recommended using smoke mines and CWDT + Detonate Mines to teleport away when a big hit is taken.
Killing Argus
Argus is a giant gargoyle thing that is Izaro's pet. He's somewhere in the maze, always in an arena like area behind a closed door.
Argus is pretty tanky and immune to just about every status effect. He also does a lot of physical damage. However, Argus is a pretty darn dumb dude. He will always attack and pursue the closest thing to him, be it a golem, a totem, or another player. If you're ranged, just let him agro your golem (or maybe a blink/mirror arrow clone for you archers). Then just shoot him. If melee, you can use a decoy totem, allow your golem to soak some damage, or just have good armor/use immortal call. Argus drops a Treasure Key that can be used at the end to open an additional chest. I hope this was helpful to you guys! Let me know if you have anything else you need help with or if there's something I forgot. Feel free to share your own tricks and I'll add them to help out future readers. -Savage Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild @BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed) Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder twitch.tv/savagewolves Last edited by zSavage#0846 on Mar 14, 2016, 3:27:10 AM Last bumped on Jul 11, 2016, 3:36:48 AM
smoke mine + cwdt + detonate mines
this WILL save your life NUMEROUS times |
+1 nice read. Thank you.
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The two bone-based attacks just made me realize that Izaro is Papyrus going totally ham. Nyeheheh.
Also, neat overview. |
First time I beat Izaro on Merciless, I thought he was bugging or I was rubberbanding into traps for some reason..
Second time I beat Izaro on merciless, I realized that it was probably a mechanic and that he randomly teleported you into traps for no apparent reason. Then I watched Ziggy's stream, and realized that apparently Izaro occasionally got a green circle and that THAT was what teleprots you! >_< FailFish " So THAT'S what Detonate Mines Gem is for! EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* |
" Don't forget detonate mines totem for the mine DPS. Theorycrafter/Build Creator for PORTAL guild
@BlightScourge -> guide @ view-thread/1382667 (Retired till Mjolner is fixed) Lvl 94 Crit Mjolner Marauder twitch.tv/savagewolves |
Doesn't one of the Izaro Mechanics spawn Bearer-type explosions of each Element if failed? Pretty sure I saw that on Kripps stream..
Wasn't it the Conduits? Did they change it? PS. It's not a "Bone" Cascade, they're gold grasping statue hands.. EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home *Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Mar 8, 2016, 3:22:14 PM
" i hate mines placement method (never understood why the 'at your feet' was bad) so the mines are limited to Smoke Mine for me and this skill is something that makes evasion builds almost immortal. place a mine, facetank stuff, it gets hairy, you tp out immediately (stun or no stun) it allowed me to level up my uber tanky life/ev/es character as i had ~5k ehp buffer. enough for one slam but not enough for two. Smoke Mine made it 100% safe to take one slam. one of THE most effective defense mechanics in POE right now. give it a try, ive loved it since that Detonage Mines gem hit. |
Izaro has a "base" set of skills depending on his weapon type.
I know that there is a mace variant and a 2 swords variant. Not sure if there are any other variants. Mace has a VaalOversoul/Voll/Malachai-esque charged forward smash. 2Swords has that stupid, deadly charged Reave. In the 3rd phase (only), he uses a "teleportation circle" attack. He targets a location in the room (usually right in the middle of a bunch of traps), then creates a giant green circle around himself. After 3s, the circle pops and anyone standing in it gets teleported to the target location. --- On top of that, he gets 2 of the possible 6 additions through the first two phases. --- On top of that, in the last phase, he gets 2 of the 6 possible trap types. Personally I find the burning floors to be the hardest. |
" In case it helps, there's a list of a bunch of different things that can occur in the first and second phases in the Perandus league challenges: Face it, all of your suggestions are worse than this idea:
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/657756 |