The Hunt for Rigwald Winners!

o i dont get a shit ...again (playing 10h/Day everyday) but np i will get an exalted ingame untill this league ends.. if i dont get disconnected just when it drops.. gg :S
🅰🅻🅸🅽 ::: ! ♥ PoE ツ 👌 :::
Last edited by 4lin#7510 on Mar 8, 2016, 8:32:37 AM
Congrats to the winners.

This was the first league where I finished all the challenges. And probably the last because the immense amount of full clears in the Perandus league just makes it not fun for me.
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
Congratulations to the winners ! RIP Rigwald.
Last edited by leto2626#2588 on Mar 8, 2016, 9:15:12 AM
neverlucky, neverstashtabs.
well, not really never. I won a beta key a few weeks before 2.0.
too bad nowadays there is almost no chance to win something left.
but congrats to all the winners!
Hey, hey! It's the Postal Dude! Get him!
Lucky Motherfuckers!
Congratz everyone. :)
Who taught you how to fight... your mum? (òÓ,)_\,,/
Whoa, whaaat. I won a thing. That's awesome, I'm super grateful!
Congrats to the winners!
Congrats to the winners. I didn't even get to fight him once, I've been suffering burn out since the 1 month league challenges, and got into Talisman league with a month left to finish the challenges, needless to say, I didn't complete them, not even half. But am looking forward to the new challenges to complete with Ascendancy.
GGG should bring Flash back permanently :) without the beyhond ofc xD

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