Current Development Priorities

Chris wrote:
We also need to work on the preloading/RAM usage situation. We are both using too much RAM (approaching the 4gb virtual memory limit on 64 bit windows) while simultaneously not preloading enough to prevent asset loading during combat occasionally. This is very high priority for us and we will make sure it is improved as soon as possible.

E6750 with 4Gb; I had been playing on a 32Gb monster - and did not notice this until a reverse migration. I certainly look forward to not seeing that my ram usage is over 95%.

Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe
Hey Chris,
Cadiro is my New BEST friend ;)
Check my [3.0] [STARTER] [MINER] FROSTBolt KING - ATZ/uLAB /Guardians/Vaal Temple # CI/LIFE-MOM # ###
I would say having Check points be for each encounter would be much more preferable then having to run through the same 20mins or more i mean why would you put people through hell on Normal getting one shot isn't a rush in any sense of the word, that is called over tuned why wasn't this discussed.

Normal is normal for a reason to bring players in show mechanics of the fights, And don't get me wrong i get it you want hard content then why don't you have no check points for merciless and have check points for Cruel and normal. I mean i get it you want the extra goodies to be hard to get but when you drive players away that isn't good, When you have things like this players tend to not wanna come back and make reviews that are less favorable which makes a bad impression.

For instance i had my Brother play today with me at least for a while then when he got to labyrinth he gave up said why bother playing something that is too much favorable to players that have been playing for yrs on end. And then went back to playing GW2, That was his only down side he loved the graphics and abilities even the huge passive tree of endless possibilities, But just couldn't get past the fact that it seemed like you were catering too much to the experienced players over the new player that have never played.

For my experience i did think normal was the hardest part of labyrinth most players don't have the mitigation in normal or the power to take down the boss fast or at a reasonable rate. So here is how i rate the fights.

Normal: Too difficult for new players but still doable with the know how being experienced player.

Cruel: Hard but not crazy difficult for a new player but much more easy for experienced player.

Merciless: Medium difficulty being you now have or should have maxed out your mitigation or close to it but for experienced players it is a frigin joke of a fight.

Should this not be reversed? i mean i feel it should be but maybe it is just me that feels this way.
tackle70 wrote:
Some Standard and Hardcore players (i.e. not those in the Perandus leagues) have a lot of characters that they want to Ascend. Running 18 Trials and 3 Labyrinths is a lot of work when you have several high-level characters from each previous challenge league. We will be running a process tomorrow that will grant some Ascendancy points to existing Standard/Hardcore characters. Characters in Cruel will receive two points and characters in Merciless will receive four points. You still need to run a Labyrinth to actually choose an Ascendancy class. This means that if you run the Merciless Labyrinth, it'll be equivalent to running all three (due to the bonus four points). Note that this is a one-time process that we run, and only applies to existing permanent league characters.

Thank you times a million! Keep up the great work. Game just keeps getting better.

Still need to run that crap at least once. And for some of my favorite builds is deadly nuisance eg. my hybrid summoner with no movements skill...

Leave that crap for those who like it, don't throw it into throats of all us aRPG lovers. I for one, don't think that I will be speccing in near future any of my 20+ 90+ levels characters just because I start to vomit on mere though that I need to enter this shitty Labirynth.
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
Thank you so much for taking permanent characters in to consideration. I personally would have had to run the labyrinth 93 times and done 558 trials. I think that would have left a very sour taste in my mouth.
Omg ty ty ty for the labyrinth changes! Finally feel like I can jump into having fun with all the new content now that the tedious work has been removed.
Below 10 minutes on only certain layouts? How about below 10 minutes on all layouts thus far? Got sub-5 minutes once...

This expansion is amazingly good and fun. The labyrinth is great! Keep up the good work.
IGN: Fiona_Falconstrike, Geldar_the_Barbarian, Natalie_Fellshadow
Keep up the good work GGG, can't wait to try the Labytinthe :)
shushpan4eg wrote:
There are currently no known realm stability issues. We've had to deal with two unrelated types of realm crashes so far and are very sorry about the frustration they caused. We expect iit should be smooth sailing from here.

Chris, pls fix -_-


I'm in NY and my friend is in UT on 2 different servers and we both get kicked at the same time with "You must be logged in to perform this operation" after a few minutes of lockstep freezing hell every few feet.

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