2.2 Gladiator Facebreaker Max Block / Counter attack [WIP]

What do you think about this setup using Doedre's Damning extra curse ring?

Weapon: None, Unarmed

Shield: Ice Crash-Melee Phys-Fortify (R-R-R)

Helm: CWDT(High lvl)-Tempest Shield-Immortal Call-Enfeeble (R-B-R-B)
(Endurance charge generation on 6l and Warlord's Mark)

Chest: Riposte-Added Fire Dmg-Melee Phys-Inc Aoe-Melee Splash-Endurance on Stun (G-R-R-B-R-R)

Gloves: Blasphemy-Herald of Ash-Hatred-Warlord's Mark (B-R-G-R)

Boots: Reckoning-Added Fire Dmg-Melee Phys-Conc Effect (R-R-R-B)

Single Target
Switch Weapon: Ice Crash-Melee Phys-Fortify (R-R-R)

Switch Shield: Vengeance-Melee Phys-Conc Effect (R-R-B)
Last edited by Rollan#1828 on Mar 14, 2016, 7:58:41 PM
I am kind of newish to the game and this is my third major character that I have really spent some time with and I have a few leveling tips if you are starting from level one.

- Facebreakers start at level 16 and when you first hit that I would recommend just a simple infernal blow
- The belt can be used starting at level 8. The old version with 10-20 physical damage is a little expensive, but worth it in the end.
- In act 3 of normal I started to run a cyclone build which made my dps go up to 2k. I ran a six ling Cyclone->Riposte-> Melee Physical->added fire-> Melee Splash-> Reduced Mana
-At this point I just kept adding damage through gear.
-when looking at amulets and rings find ones that give good #-# physical roles.
-The whole time level reckoning, tempest shield, shield charge, and enduring cry so you can switch to them
- In Cruel I switched to a 5 link chest and I made this Riposte-> Melee Physica-> added fire -> Melee Splash-> and then blind because of colors
- Then the facebreakers I had Reckoning -> Melee physical -> Increased Area -> Cyclone
-This gave cyclone 6k dps, Riposte 4.5k, Reckoning 3.5k
-As the blocking takes over you start to notice more counter attacks and you need to start using tempest shield and enduring cry to max on dps.
-My character is currently level 55 and I just entered merciless with 6.5k dps cyclone, 5k riposte, and 4k reckoning. Once I can use abyssus that will more than double my dps.

Overall I think this has been a fun and interesting build to work out and I have really enjoyed playing it.

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