Dream's Compendium of Builds
![]() If you like interesting/obscure/complicated builds, then this is the place for you. If you aren't totally focused on clearspeed down the the millisecond, then this is the place for you. If you have currency/items laying around waiting to be used, this is the place for you. Build's without a guide
[3.2] Zerphi RF Uber elder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzdT-yRjIxc&feature=youtu.be Double Aegis tank (75/75 block aegis tank with 20-45k armour and uses spirit offering) https://youtu.be/czkTouEF_0Y https://pastebin.com/iQ6YFwmW [3.5]Relic Hunter (6L holy relic melee necro) End Game viable https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2306375 melee with that clears with relics and auto summons skeletons [3.5] Wretched Orb (Insane duration Winter orb) Shaper, Uber elder, end game https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2276369 High duration Winter Orb build [3.4] Cast on Crawler (cwdt - spells - Herald of Agony) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2218795 perpetual auto-caster with super minion [3.3] FlickerSpree (Cospri/indigon flickerstrike CoC inquisitor) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2186854 infinite flickerstrike using new "gain a frenzy charge when you spend 200 mana" [3.3] Popcorn Skeleton bomber (Minion instability Earendel's Embrace) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2151982 Skeletons. explosions. popcorn. [3.3] Worms of Command - (Infinite worms + chains of command on a PF) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2128865 Worms. Pathfinder. Animated weapons. More worms. More animated weapons. [3.3] Spectrenate Dead (1-shot guardians and Shaper) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2094074 Detonate level 95 spectres to kill bosses. Clear with flame golems and phantasms. [3.2] Death Walker (Bubonic Trail) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2144988 Detonate level 95 corpses with bubonic trail [3.2] Explosive Auto Healer (life version) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1910462 Uses maligaro's Lens + essence of insanity to trigger aoe heals and deal damage [3.2] Burning Man (Vaal Molten Shell) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2027860 Fire. Lots of fire. [3.2] Immortal Poet (standard League only) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2070758 100% damage mitigation using phys conversion and 100% max resists. Dual wield Poet's pen VD. [3.1] Immortal Archer https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2008228 100% damage mitigation using phys conversion and 100% max resist [3.1] DoT Pact (Dark pact with poison and skeletons) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1979732 focuses on scaling poison damage with dark pact and summon skeletons [3.0] Explosive Auto Summoner (ES) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1867166 Essence of insanity/heartbound loop combo + raise spectres, and coruscating elixir to detonate minions. This version is mostly limited to Standard League. [3.0] Boom Box (Self cast molten shell) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1823642 Scold's bridle to self cast and explode molten shell every cast [3.0] Firefly (v.3) - Burning Herald of Thunder bomber https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1944192 Latest version - still effective - 100% ignite chance proliferating HoT [3.0] Death's Hall and Oaths - 6l ED + Death's Oath zerker https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1941027 Modifies the Death aura with supports for essence drain and spams abyssal cry Older builds [2.6]The FireFly (Burning HoT - insane damage) - older version https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1741893 Uses Herald of thunder converted to fire with proliferate. Clears packs instantly, melts bosses. [2.5] The FireFly (Lite) - older version https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1787793/page/1 Budget/life version of proliferating ignite herald of thunder [2.6] Wormageddon 2 - ranger version https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1877107 Uses doedre's elixir + the writhing jar + Herald of ice to chain kill worms and monsters 2.5 Anomaly Tank (6l vortex - max block, ci, high regen) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1703583 6l fire vortex ignite - aegis tank - can do all content 2.5 The Shaman Tank (6L vortex - Aegis necromancer) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1738236 This is the witch version of the anomaly tank. Uses vortex converted to fire and summons wolves. Max block - CI 2.5 Summon Raging Inferno (3 x 6L flame golem) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1579614 Fun build which summons 3-5 devastating fire golems 2.4 Wormageddon (6L herald of ice + worms) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1662643 NO LONGER WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! - see new pathfinder version above. 2.4 Emberstrike (2h flicker - obliterate everything) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1602536 Fun build using the taming/emberwake, self cast blade vortex for ignites, and oro's flickerstrike Older outdated builds
2.2 Dance of Death (scolds CWDT - cast every spell in the game) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1429589 Purely fun build, doesnt excel at anything but looks cool. 2.2 The Nautilus - Deep_Water tank https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1461716 Nerfed to hell. 2.2 The Storm Herald (Crit herald of ice/herald of thunder) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1655042 Ignore this section here:
Death';s Oath berzerker https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAECAASzCPQLYQ5ID6sRLREvEZYTbRQJFCAWbxa_Fy8ZihpsGo8byBzcHaohkCL0JDckiySqJLAmiCaVLJwvbzLRNj026TwtPV89_EVHRZ1GcUkTUEdSU1NSVUtYY18_X9Bh4mKsZ5to8mpDaoxsC2yMbRlwu3aCfIN9-3_GgKSDX4TFieCMz48akx-TJ5eVl_Sa4Ju1naqdrqEvogCi2acIrj6vbLDYtAy00bVItzC86r6KvwjAZsHFwzrDaMauxtjIDMgUytPP3dkT4YjjauOE5FHmWOoQ62Pr7uwY7w7wH_GK9W_2SPba-F_60vsJ_kk= Death oath occultist https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDAAQHCPQN4g5ID6sRLREvEZYTbRQJFScWbxa_Fy8ZihpsGo8byBzcHaoi9CSLJKoksCaIJpUo-iycL281kjY9Nuk6WDrhPV9Bh0WdRnFIjkkTTLNN41JTU1JVS1XGVyth4mKsakNqjGwLbIxtGXC7doJ8g3_GgKSCx4PbhMWJ4IyxjxqTH5Mnl5WX9Jrgm4qbtZ2qna6hL6LZplenCLDYtAy00bVItzC3PriTvOq9gr5PvorBxcM6yAzIFMrTz93QH9OP2L3ZE9-K4YjjauOE5ljoWukC62Pr7uwY7IPv6_GK8kX1b_ba-ej60vsJ_gr-Sf6P_rM= Firefly Ultimate https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAAN1A-4EswYOCfYLYREtEmkTNRQgFm8XHBcvF6QYVhhqGS4aOBzcHRQdvh8YIbAkqicvJ-0o-iqNLpQzhzT3NZI22DbpOVI6WDrYOuE8BTwtPfxBh0WdRlJJG03jUEdR-1NSVcZV1lZIWAdYY18EXz9k52ZUZ5todGjya3pxeXyDgKSCm4LHg1-DzIPbhXuOvo8aj0aQVZD6kSuSwZeFmjua4JuhnWOdrp_fogCmV6cIrJiuPq9sr423PriTxFjGrsi_zRbUfNSP2CTYvdpi323fsOFz42rkUevu7DjsVe8O73zwH_Fs8kX2SPfX-ej60vxM_gr-jw== Boombox https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAAHnBAcEswYOCPQJ9gthDF8UIBRNGDwYVhiRGS4aOBo-G_ocpxzcHwIl3ycvJ-0o-ikuNZI2xTpYOtg8BTwtPV89_EGHRZ1GUklPTItMs1BHUlNTUlOlVcZWSFcNVytYY18qXz9mVGhlaPJqQ2t6bRl8Dny4ggeCm4LHg1-DzIPbhTKFe4zPjxqQVZD6ly2XlZf0mK2aO5rgns2fy5_fogCkGacIpzCtja9stiy3PriTvJ-8qrzqvSe9gsBmxFjE9sauyL_PftAf0iHUfNgk2L3ZYdl8323fiukC6-Tr7uw47w7vS-987-vwH_Gs8i_yQfOb9kj56PxL_Ez-Cv6z ES auto summoner https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDAAthDF8NfA5IES8RUBGWFScYVhslHKcc3B0UHxgi9CaIKPorCiymLL8x-zQKNbk3ZjeDOQs8LUGHRZ1HhUjnSbFLrkyzTblR-1NSU6VVtVfJXGtd8l8_ZlRmnmebaHRo8mvbbAttGXIPfRh-WX_Gf-OCx4Nfg8yESIVgjHaMsY8aj0aTJ5RvmK2a4JtYm6GezZ_LoS-m66cIpyunMKrErj6vbLQMtzC3Mbc-uJO-isEEwcXDbcRYxq7K08y8zRbQH9OP18_ZW9le2mLa3d-K5FHoWukC6rrr7uwY7IPsiu-I7-v2SPfB99f5N_no-tL-gQ== Life autosummoner https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMDAAQHBLMI9AthDF8N4hCXE2wUIBUnFm8YPBhWGmwcpxzcHxgi9CSqKPoqmDWSNuk6WDrhPC1Bh0QERZ1GcUiOSOdJT0rITLNNuVBHUftTUlOlVcZXK18_Z5to8mpDa9tsC20ZbqpvO3gNe8N9GILHgwmDX4PMg9uFMoVgiq-MsYzPjxqPRpARkyeXLZitmuCbipuhna6hL6IAplemrKcIrJiuPq9ssHe0DLXytz64k7yqvOq9J72Cvk--ir-XwBrEWMauyT3K08y8zRbQH9OP0_vYvdkL34rjauRR6QLr7uyD7IrvDu_r8B_yRfZI99f56PqA_gr-j_6z More info for 3.0 skill point quests: Act 1 : The Marooned Mariner Act 1 : The Dweller of the Deep Act 1 : The Way Forward Act 2 : Deal With The Bandits (+2 if you kill all bandits) Act 3 : Victario's Secrets Act 3 : Piety's Pets Act 4 : An Indomitable Spirit Act 5 : In Service to Science Act 5 : Kitava's Torments Act 6 : The Father of War Act 6 : The Puppet Mistress Act 6 : The Cloven One Act 6 : The Master of a Million Faces Act 7 : Kishara's Star Act 7 : Queen of Despair Act 8 : Reflection of Terror Act 8 : Love is Dead Act 8 : The Gemling Legion Act 9 : The Ruler of Highgate Act 9 : The Storm Blade Act 10 : An End to Hunger (+2) Act 10 : Map to Tsoatha Main characters: Deep_water - AnomaIy - Artica Build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1602863 Last edited by DreamScythe#1384 on Jan 12, 2019, 12:25:58 AM Last bumped on May 22, 2018, 12:41:55 AM
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added the ultimate HoT build.
Main characters: Deep_water - AnomaIy - Artica
Build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1602863 |
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Main characters: Deep_water - AnomaIy - Artica
Build guides: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1602863 |
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love your work
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 |
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