[2.4] FoxTactic's LVL100 Crunchy Frost Ninja Frostblades\wildstrike
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Respected reworked version yesterday, much more weaker imo. You lose too much offense for a little defense, can't deal with maps which i did with older version
I tried shield version but dual wield feels perfect. Losing that attack speed sucks. Hitting 438k wild strike fully buffed
Sorry for this nooby question... I am pretty new to the game.
Where do I get the skill from? I looked them up in the Wiki but it seems that they are now available for templars? Thank you |
Will likely have to message a few people as the lowest will be afk. Will re-state for him, while a new player can do this, the chances of you becoming frustrated are very high with this build. |
So I saw your updated build and noticed that you specced out of Mana Flows. I am already having trouble with not having enough intelligence to upgrade my wrath. How do you get the 155 int required for a lvl 20 wrath. I was looking at your lvl 91's gear and I didnt see much int besides +15 to all attributes. How did you get that extra Intelligence? I am lvl 86 and am sitting at 123 int while taking one of the +30 int nodes.
This is my version of the skill tree at 89, it has changed a lot and will no doubt change a little as I upgrade gear such as dropping some accuracy nodes for more life etc:-
http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAURBQU1GQVNNQWR2bmRpNHhLbU14bWxGekFaZ1N6b2dEd0gyanlyMndMWWNhdVBDMkR6TGMtZzFfLUN2SkYyTDAxa3Y2UHRmSjREY0FhcVc1dk8zZmpBZHlFMlVkLXZUWmxUYjZuR2JScWswel9Rekhhd1hUdEJTMTY3MDRxSTlPUFlHOG5tbXBicncyTmgzYmpuMHA5TUh5TmZTUDJUWkpSUi1kVUpQM18zbzJfMUNNd2NkMm9TM2c2UWdXMXd1eTB4V0tzYkl5ZHFqWTliV3pzc0l3THVYd1BxeGFfSnBWaDRsVkxqRGFKMDNCU1BzLTk1aTVUMDI4MzFPMF93ek5hR25sb1Bfem9aZ2l4djlWVHUtRno3U0NDbTFmaWQtWGUtS1I0d2RYOHhlNE9vNG9DbHRKOGttNjhWaW1MbTI3ZmhvQXcAEEFBQUNBQWZRQVFIMEFRQUEAAA== It's designed for a bit more mitigation and reliable life steal. Accuracy is a MASSIVE boon to this build giving more reliable consistent damage and life steal sustainability. With the original tree I was on about 83% with a bit of rating on my gear...not enough, nowhere near enough. Though the damage was there for most maps the life and mana steal was very unreliable in higher tiers. Reflect is less of an issue with the big reduction in crit multi. The damage is of course considerably less, at 85 I was hitting 180k fully buffed, 60k with only heralds and no charges but this is still more than enough. Capping resistances is now much easier. You're no longer limited to swords. I am smashing through tier 13+ content with no issues and my rings and amulet are absolute trash other than the resistances and intelligence(for Herald of Thunder) on them. Btw, Sibyl's lament can be rather useful... try it out! |
"I know it's somewhat joking answer, but Atziri's Acuity. Not only does it the stuff that it does, namely granting unparalleled sustain, but it also has up to 80 Int. Never bought anything this expensive in any league, but when I finally saved up and shelled out out the required 14ex, good lord, IT'S AMAZING. Really recommend. IGN: Zurgle. Steam ID: zuthuzu. I'm rarely online ingame, most of the time online in steam.
Feel free to add in either, if you wanted something checked out. |
guys please help for reflect matters... i been tweaking around to make it viable to run reflect maps
i swap Faster Attacks for Life Leech cause im using Aculty glove but it seems not reliable too...what u guys do to run reflect map ? thanks man |
" Don't run reflect maps. Period. You simply cannot. For try, for see, and for know.
This is a buff |