StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter
" You can download the custom sounds filter (cs filter) and follow the instructions in the first post to create your own sound files, if thats what you meant? |
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" Uhhh I don't even remember the commands for these and I can't find them anywhere; they're not on the wiki. If you can actually get the files as mp3 or wav sounds you can just set them up like all other custom sounds, but if I remember correctly there were filter commands for these sounds directly. If you can find these commands then I guess I can give you the small program I use to set up the CS filters, there's a config file you can change to set it to replace the sounds with different commands instead. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Apr 30, 2021, 8:44:53 AM
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Just some quick feedback, a lot of the well rolled rare items rewarded by ultimatum are being hidden in strict+ because they are not on the "best" base. Not sure what the proper fix it, but for me in ssf I've just been showing all identified rares.
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" The "well-rolled" system only exists in Heist now and isn't part of Ultimatum at all but yes, it's entirely possible that some mediocre rolls on trash bases will be hidden. Anything with an actual high tier meaningful roll will get picked up by the IDcraft blocks. The only fix is to show all identified rares. I'm not sure I'm going to bother with such a change in the next update as I feel the IDcraft blocks flag the non-shit ones well enough. If you want to add the command yourself the best place is probably in Section 12. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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Quick feedback: I tried this filter for the first time today; I'm farming T16 maps and even on UberStrict it shows WAY too much stuff. I would love if it would at least hide trash uniques. (I know, i know, it can be customized with notepad++. I just can't be arsed learning when you can use neversink's website to customize everything easily.
Otherwise, great filter, love the colours & icons you chose! |
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" There's a block for hiding trash uniques in Section 8 of the Uber filter, it's just always disabled by on league launch updates to avoid potentially hiding a new valuable unique. For example, Temptation Step was added this league and is on Shagreen Boots, which is a base actually hidden by this block. (Temptation is shit and I will be leaving this base in the uber hide block, but that's besides the point.) The block is always re-enabled at the first league launch update (which will be out within the next day or so), but I will never enable it on launch updates to avoid a critical situation. You're free to enable it manually, just be aware of what it actually does. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on May 17, 2021, 9:31:56 PM
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5/18/21 - v3.14.1
Ultimatum League Update I - Various Refinements Just the usual various adjustments, improvements, and some minor economy tuning. Nothing major or critical; you can skip this update if you want. Update Notes: Noteworthy Changes: - Strict once again shows 84 bases. While the whole "gen shows 84+, strict 85+, uber 86+" progression looks nice on paper, it doesn't really work in reality because you're always on strict before you hit 83 zones. I'm going to keep on trying to tighten general at higher levels and maybe one day we'll get there - ilvl 64/65 ideal caster bases now have bigger font size and minimap icon (gen and strict). All caster nonrare levelling highlighting now terminates at this point. - 1h/2h melee and bow rare levelling blocks now cut at 67 instead of 72. The rewrite I did a few leagues back was a bit too generous and it was overlapping with Section 11. - Cleaned up upper tier influence sections and removed a number of old and redundant blocks (example: nobody is rolling shaper quant amulets anymore), updated others to the current meta and updated a lot of the notes. Overall the section is much more condensed now and very few non-atlas bases retain solid white backgrounds. - Re-enabled uber unique hide block Other Changes: - Removed sound from rogue's marker in all filters - White jewellery bases (leather, coral, 2 stat amulets, the 6 resist rings) now show for the first 2 tiers of maps in general instead of terminating right before maps for essence reasons - Drastically expanded colors used for util flasks while levelling. Previous: speed flasks (quicksilver/silver) on purple, offensive flasks (diamond/sulphur) on yellow, all other defensive flasks on pink. New: offensive and speed are unchanged, jade is now green, granite/basalt are now orange, quartz cyan, stibnite grey. Pink icon is no longer used and amethyst is no longer considered a defensive levelling flask (it will still show but will no longer have any special highlight). Overall intention is to reduce backtracking while levelling. - DPS flasks (diamond/sulphur) retain minimap icon but are no longer sounded during levelling - Tiered all new div cards and removed a few cards from the Uber hide block. Moved the entire Div card section to exact match syntax which means the exception blocks are finally gone and the section is much cleaner. - Tiered all new uniques and changed some of the blocks (some removed, some added). Updated some unique tiering (really mainly Demon Dagger) - Retiered main quest chain prophecies, given they never drop they've now become quite valuable - Sounded utility flasks in strict now end at 67 instead of 72 - Enchanted maps (blight, delirium) now use normal map icon colors instead of grey ones - Updated oil and vial tiers Minor adjustments, tweaks, and fixes - Grasping mail moved to Section 12 as it's not actually an atlas base - Disabled default drop sounds on currency blocks that have filter or custom sounds associated with them - Various font size adjustments - Moved a few more sections to AreaLevel - Fixed topotanate gloves having pink text - Fixed General filter showing far more rare shields in white tier maps than intended - Fixed Blessing of God showing up as a breach blessing instead of a div card As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. Many thanks to all those who have donated so far. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on May 18, 2021, 3:52:38 AM
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Edit: nevermind I'm dumb, it's just because I'm in lower maps Last edited by Jasper111#4040 on May 18, 2021, 12:12:18 PM
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There seems to be missing a "HasInfluence Shaper" or something in this section?
#ailment avoidance Show BaseType "Titan Greaves" "Sorcerer Boots" ItemLevel >= 81 SetBackgroundColor 100 100 100 SetBorderColor 250 250 250 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 1 250 MinimapIcon 1 White Cross PlayEffect White Since last update, these 2 boots are showing by the hundreds. |
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" " yeah I apparently forgot HasInfluence Shaper on the ailment block. it's fixed now, if you want to fix it manually instead of redownloading just add that line to that block (can just ctrl+f "ailment") IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on May 18, 2021, 4:04:11 PM
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