StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter
Thanks for the update.
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"- General filter now hides wisdom scrolls starting in red maps"
The best update ever. Ty as always. |
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PSA: Apparently Cluster Jewels can drop as white items, which regular and abyss jewels never could. I didn't anticipate this and the white ones are being caught by a jewel catchall at the end of section 7 with minimal highlighting.
The most important part of this is that they will be hidden in Uberstrict I'll likely put out a minor update in a few days to fix this and a few other small issues. edit: new cluster jewel blocks for those who just want to copy paste: Show BaseType "Cluster Jewel" Class Jewel Rarity Unique SetBackgroundColor 250 150 0 SetBorderColor 250 250 250 SetTextColor 0 0 0 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 5 150 MinimapIcon 0 Orange Raindrop PlayEffect Orange Show BaseType "Cluster Jewel" ItemLevel >= 80 SetBackgroundColor 250 125 150 SetBorderColor 250 250 250 SetTextColor 0 0 0 SetFontSize 42 PlayAlertSound 11 200 MinimapIcon 0 Pink Raindrop PlayEffect Pink Show BaseType "Cluster Jewel" SetBackgroundColor 250 125 150 SetBorderColor 0 0 0 SetTextColor 0 0 0 SetFontSize 40 PlayAlertSound 12 200 MinimapIcon 1 Pink Raindrop PlayEffect Pink IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Mar 17, 2020, 12:09:35 AM
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3/17/20 - v3.10.1
Delirium League Update I - Cluster Jewel Fixes & Other Adjustments I usually don't release updates this minor nor this early but there are some important changes that warrant attention. Cluster Jewels can drop as white items in addition to magic and rare. As no other jewel previously in the game could drop white this was something I didn't anticipate. This results in white cluster jewels being caught by a catch-all at the end of the jewel section with minimal highlighting as well as being hidden in Uberstrict. Therefore I'm putting this out quickly before the majority of people switch to higher strictness filters. In addition cluster jewels wound up being far rarer than anticipated. I expected them to be similar to abyss jewels with only higher ilvl ones being valuable but they're rare enough (and delirium is chaotic enough) to warrant sound/icon on all of them, not just the high level ones. I've also started introducing some of the new icons/lights/colors but that process is nowhere near complete and this only contains a tiny fraction of the overall planned changes. For those of you who've heavily edited your filters and only want the important stuff - the most significant changes are in the Delirium section at the end of Section 3. Just copy that part into your current filter, the rest is relatively minor. It's worth noting that keeping me on your ingame friends list a good way to be notified of any issues that may come up as I'll always broadcast it several times times in my status over the course of a day. In the 4+ years the filter has existed this is probably the closest I've ever come to having a significant issue on a league launch - fortunately it was confined to only the strictest filter. Important/notable changes: - Increased cluster jewel highlighting and fixed white ones being hidden in Uberstrict - Re-added SSF overrides to all filters. I may have been a bit overzealous in removing them, something which I regretted very shortly after leaguestart - Fixed Fossilised Delirium Orb showing up as a fossil instead of a delirium orb - Sharktooth arrow quiver and bone spirit shield (for quiver and +1 helm recipes) are now integrated into their respective levelling sections and their corresponding override blocks have been removed Minor bullshit: - Added an influenced map section which changes icon/light colors on shaped/elder maps - Started incorporating new colors/icons (i.e. pink light/icons on t16 maps) - Fixed a rather obscure bug which prevented scroll fragments from being hidden at higher levels in General - Corrected summoner claws not terminating at mapstart even though all other classes weapons did - Bismuth flask now stops showing at 67 in general instead of 72, and no longer show in strict levelling ranges - Hallowed life flask no longer shows when maps start in all filters - Divine life flask extra font/border now shows until 70 in gen/strict, 67 in uber - Adjusted a number of font sizes/bases shown/other small changes in various levelling sections - Added extra highlight for 83+ elder bows - Moved Paua Amulet unique from LS to VV As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Mar 17, 2020, 4:53:25 AM
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3/30/20 - v3.10.2
Delirium League Update II - Economy, New Highlights, Uberstrict Improvements This update contains the major economy update of the league and incorporates the new colors/icons/light into the filter. The latter is an ongoing process that isn't yet complete but as of this update the bulk of the work is done. With the large number of colors/icons to now choose from virtually every item type has its own icon with no overlap (i.e. stars only represent unique items now, links are now on pentagons instead of being shared with stars). The most noteworthy major change of this update is that Uberstrict has finally started hiding trash uniques. The combination of easy magic map sustain even in HCSSF along with increased number of uniques dropping (via Delirium and other sources) has made this change somewhat inevitable. It's important to note that the list of hidden uniques is curated and takes care to only hide uniques with no shared bases and that are absolutely at the bottom of the value list as well as being rather common. Note that the default unique animation/effect will still play on these hidden uniques and cannot be disabled. Uniques that are very rare but are low value / bottom tier due to meta swings are still shown. In addition this block will always be OFF during leaguestart updates and enabled during the first update of the league once all new uniques are known (Raiz you can relax now). Unique filtering has also changed a bit. Cyan star now represents Upper Variable Value (shared bases where at least 1 unique is very high value), brown star Variable Value, red star for jewels. The Prophecy purple border block has been retired as it's been useless since the day I put in it. The purple border from that block has been repurposed for a "shared boss bases block" - what this effectively means is that if you see a unique with a purple border it's because the only valuable unique on that base comes from a boss. So you can ignore it unless you've just killed a boss. This particular block has no icon associated with it. Lastly, Perfidy appears to only drop in Simulacrum so I'm leaving unique Glorious Plate on the gloriously white background. Important/notable changes: - Large cluster jewels below 75 have reduced highlighting and no sound. Unfortunately it's impossible to filter by number of passives. - White leather belts, coral rings, and 2-stat amulets now show in strict during levelling ranges for essence reasons - Extended level at which general sounds early/leaguestart uniques until 77 - Regret and Scour orbs have swapped tiers - Adjusted league-specific uniques. A few more bases (jade amulet, amber amulet) are now in the no-sound block but the no-sound block now always has the blue star minimap icon like the sounded block does. (reminder that the design goal is that if you see a blue star minimap icon but are in an area where no league specific uniques can drop, you can ignore it) - Retiered unique maps - Redid animate blocks - Moved all oils up in value slightly, leading to Silver now having white bg and Verdant no longer being hidden in Uber - Removed purple borders from rare chests in all filters, they now use 2nd tier borders at highest (blue) - Resist shield bases now show during Strict levelling - Resist shield rares now stop showing in Strict when red tier maps start, high HP base shields always show - Added some more IDcraft checks for Talismans - Uber now hides all talismans that don't pass IDcraft checks - Uber now hides a large number of trash uniques Icon/Color Changes: - Map minimap icons now match the map tier color - Influenced items and Atlas bases now use the new cross icon - Catalysts, prophecies, and veiled items now use the new moon icon - Oils and splinters now use the new raindrop icon - Unique jewels now use cyan stars - Incorporated the new colors, lights, and icons across the filter - numerous changes too many to list Influenced highlighting adjustments: - Increased highlighting 83+ elder bows and axes, moreso for siege axe and citadel bow - Increased highlighting elder axes when 83+, moreso for siege axe - i80+ Warlord HP base shields, i80+ Hunter quivers to semiwhite, broadheads to white - All coral and unset influenced rings i80+ are on semiwhite now - Moved shaper/elder heavy/leather to semiwhite - Moved all 80+ influenced ring highlight to white border, the previous "brighter color" border was insufficient Unique Tiering changes: HV to SV: Citrine Amulet, Colossal Tower Shield SV to bottom: Crusader Chainmail, Silken Hood, Short Bow, Soldier Gloves, Soldier Boots, Necromancer Silks, Sharktooth Arrow Quiver, Silk Slippers HV to max: Deerskin Gloves VV to UVV: Cloth Belt Divination Tiering Changes: - Betrayal from low to high - Cheater from high to max - Strategist mid to high Minor stuff: - Put higher tier delirium orbs on a slightly different highlight - Fixed hidden bismuths making sounds in Strict during levelling ranges - Reduced font size resist shields pre-A5 kitava - Condensed map fragment section - Added Mirrored False to all non-jewellery IDcraft blocks - Adjusted tiers/highlighting for divine flasks in Strict (again) - Some catchall blocks which missed the "all levelling blocks end at 67" treatment in the league launch update have now been forced to fall in line As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Mar 30, 2020, 11:23:37 AM
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Hey man, just wanted to say thanks again. This latest update is solid gold. I honestly just love it. Your colors/icons/fonts just make so much intuitive sense. It's so easy to know what's dropped just by the visual cues.
I also love the sections and layout in your filter.. makes customizing it further very easy. For me, in the UberStrict, i've added an entry in Maps section for my favorite/target lower tier maps. Example T8 Burial Chambers or T5 Tower. This makes it so i still get an icon + sound + beam effect on those maps and i can back track if needed to keep sustaining them. I was also planning to make a trash uniques section but i saw you already beat me to the punch on that with this latest update. Saved me a lot of time looking up the various bases :D Thanks again man, your filter is the best. |
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" Already planning on using the old shaped map highlights (cyan) for that and hopefully having that section located at the top of the filter - I just need to make sure it doesn't conflict with too many things if I do that. Appreciate the feedback and glad you're enjoying the filter. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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Hey, I've been looking for a filter to use for HCSSF since I'm starting out in it for the first time, and this one seems promising. My question is how do I set it up/install it? I've only ever used filterblade and it just gives you a .filter file to put in the PoE folder or syncs. I don't see that here or in the pastebins?
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You can either copy the pastebin into notepad and save as whatevername.filter or you can follow from this link and click on follow. Last edited by Artophwar#3021 on Apr 28, 2020, 4:02:26 AM
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Hey Hobbit, thanks for the filter. Got to level 100 this league and I've been using it for the past few leagues now. Can I suggest the removal of Primal Incubators in the uber strict filter at minimum? With Delirium adding so many incubator drops and annointing amulets they seem worthless. I also felt that the prophecy quest lines 1 and 2 (for something like Unbreathing Queen) could be hidden as well. I know I can personally edit these out but just wanted to give my input.
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