PoE Planner - Online Build Planner

I am so dumb with PoE in general I registered and enter Witch and Elementalist but can make anything on the tree fill in.
Hi, I started playing recently and I would like to learn more about the game, as well as build planning and all that stuff, everything is super nice, but the only thing I encounter, and I don't know if it might be because of the computer I'm using (work computer), is that the auras don't have like stats and a description when you hover over them? I don't know much so I don't really know what I'm looking at...
Hi, thanks for the website! I would like to request a free text field to save some links/ideas related to the build. Thanks!
Love this site and tool but was wondering if you might add rage support? Or any of the new supports, really.
Last edited by Elboob_Almighty#9916 on Jul 3, 2019, 5:00:56 AM
It's a nice tool, but I have to ask for a password reset option for accounts. My keychain didn't save the password properly and now I can't get into my account any longer, there's no reset option anywhere that I can find.
It's a bit sad that newer auras like Rage Zealotry and others have yet to be added since March. (Checked the forum posts here, the earliest mention of 'missing zealotry' was in 2019 march)

Everything else works as intended, thank you so much for providing us with such a great tool.
Why tf cant i import my character when its not on private done everything u guys tell me 2 do
Weird request but would you be able to implement a way to zoom in and out of the tree without needing a scroll wheel?
Hey there. I just wanted to comment that there seem to be multiple skills that aren't showing in the list of equipment.
I couldn't find Dash, Steelskin, or Precision, and that's just the ones I tried.
As possible future update, would it be possible to consider not being automatically logged out after a while? That would make long sessions in the tool more comfortable as a QOL.

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