Update for Players who can't run Path of Exile
i fixed my problem in windows 7 64 bit with missing that dll .
I upraded windows to windows 10 64 bit and yesterday game running normaly. But right now is other problem: Unable to connect to pathcing server. Server is closed? or i am other problem? |
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I fixed the problem updating a couple of updated for win 8.1. Just go for windows update and check if there is any.
Hope this helps! <3 ///ASCENDANCY HYPE/// <3 |
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" fyi guys, uninstalling zonealarm firewall, and installing comodo firewall fixed my issue...yay onward to ascendancy!! |
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Installed the steam version... magically works.
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please the fix...I want to play, 4 days without my path of exile....
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A normal or a silent installation of the Microsoft VS 2015 C++ run-time redistributable package (the same one which is included in the game client installation) may produce errors. There are cases in which it's almost impossible to either re-install or make an installation repair. This is usually related to missing security update dependencies, for Windows 7 / 8.1 / Vista.
The easiest way is to make a full Windows update, prior to installing the run-time. On Windows 10 PCs, everything should be ok. Prerequisites: For Windows 8.1: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2919355 For Windows 8: Upgrade to 8.1, then install the security update. For Windows 7: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/976932 For earlier Windows versions: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/948465 Additional prerequisite, for all Windows versions: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2999226 Latest Microsoft VS 2015 C++ run-time: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145 Install in the order listed above. These updates are non redistributable, hence they should be manually installed by the end user and cannot be included in the game client. Wine users can modify the security level and then try installing the updates. VirtualBox and VMWare Player are also promising now, in terms of 3D applications. Last edited by aryosgr#3381 on Mar 4, 2016, 4:55:15 AM
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Pls GGG fix now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my pc win7sp1 64 bit |
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The KBKB2999226 prerequisite also comes with redistributable packages, so it may be included with the application, but needs Windows version control, to install the proper package:
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48234 This also makes it possible for Windows 8.0 support (not tested). This KB will still depend on 2919355 (Win 8.1), 976932 (Win 7) and 948465 (Vista) which most people already have. Last edited by aryosgr#3381 on Mar 4, 2016, 9:45:01 AM
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Still in that 1%... Kinda put out... Hope the release is spectacular. GL
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I've been playing POE since the first open beta, and throughout all these years I've never been disappointed in GGG. But this one got to me.
As far as I know they still haven't released a fix yet for those who were in the 1%. This means that for those people in that 1% they havent had access to the game (never mind that this is happening a few days before one of the biggest expansions!) for days. I'm not sure if this isn't receiving attention because of Acendancy release, they dont have a fix, or because it only impacts a small number of users. Regardless im upset because this situation was handled so poorly with only one communication going out to users on the site. This is even more unfortunate because I don't think the issue is with GGG, but rather with users who don't have up to date Operating Systems. In my case, my OS (Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit) had not been updated in over a year. I only found this out in the last few days. That being said POE has been working fine all this time. I tried so many things to get my game working before Ascendancy launches and none of the assistance from the users in the thread has worked for me. Thanks for all the recommendations btw. I would like to confirm though that installing the Steam client resolves the problem. Your windows OS doesn't need to be updated (although its best if it is) and you don't need to have any of the C++ redistributables installed either. The game is about 9GB in size on Steam. When you launch the game from Steam, for some reason it does take a while to load, but just let it run it will eventually get into the game. On to Ascendancy! :) |
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