First Wave of Trade Improvements

In order to solve both of these problems we have introduced the concept of Public Stash Tabs. Any premium stash tab can now be set to public.

Lol. You mean "In order to earn some more money". You are not solving the "problems" for the grand majority of your playerbase.

I am very much okay with the implementation of a such premium feature, but be honest, lol.
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Awesome change, thanks for the addition. This eliminates the need for using acquisition/procurement.
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
i get it dev need money, but consider for free player, how about 1 tab like that for all user?
even im gonna upgrade my stash to premium, its kinda..
So it has begun; it will be very interesting to see how this impacts the game...
Last edited by Frozen666#0811 on Mar 1, 2016, 8:12:45 PM
It would be great if you gave everybody one stash tab that can be used for trading, even if it's not premium. This feels a bit too much like having to buy premium stash tabs to get the most out of a new league.
Nezgal wrote:
glockenrock wrote:

I don't get the bitchin... it's not "Pay 2 Win". You people have been doing just fine without this functionality for now. If you want PoE to grow and continue to add ENTIRELY OPTIONAL features like this, they have to be able to pay their programmers. :p

This. And by my definition, P2W is when you can pay for cumulative in-game advantage. Like time-limited buffs, items, currency and so on. Here you can do just fine with a couple premium tabs. Sure, more helps but the big quantitative leap in between 0 and say 2-4. At worst, consider this as the price of the game. For fuck's sake, it's FREE, any other non-P2W non-Free-to-Play MMO will cost you way more than a few tabs.

We get it, it barely effects the game, [Removed by Support]

They should just remove the concept of premium stash tabs completely, the base 4 should get these features, they should refund anyone who upgraded them, then they should only sell the one type of stash tabs at whatever price.
Last edited by Rachel#0000 on Mar 1, 2016, 8:01:21 AM
So this will work without haveing a trade topic in the forums?
Sounds nice.
I like the idea of it being easier to show up as "online" but is there a way to set it to busy or something when you just want to play/map and not do any trading?
sry but i cant deal with "payforwin".
maibe next time

ps: to be honest at this lvl is better a "D3" trade system.
good for me good for u.

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