[2.2 / 2.3.0 Theory] "Wraeclast Janitor" : 2 Handed Mace Sweep
Hello Adventurers of Wraeclast, and welcome to my 2.2 Guide!
This is a Guide in order to exploit the idea of Two Handed Mace Sweep in different setup. This thread will give you only tested informations for 2.2 with a special sections for what will change on the build for 2.3.0 release. I hope this Guide can be useful to you ! Introduction : Guide Informations : This guide will give you my point of view and ideas on, for me (at least), the best and most versatile Two Handed Attack Skill : Sweep. The actual informations are the results of differents test during Ascendancy League (Softcore & Hardcore for more possibilities). And as said in the first lines, this guide contain 100% tested informations and will stay the same since Sweep is an old skill. No guess, no theorycrafting besides before release of new content. In this guide I'll give as much informations and details as I can in order to let you use my build as you please or to create a variation on your own. I can't say that I'll do something extremely detailed but I'll try my best to succeed in giving something easy to understand and to replicate with your own character. My Duelist experience : Since I first player Path of Exile, about 3.5 years ago, I played exclusively (or nearly) Two Handed Duelist build, because it was the best Class for this sort of build and in the end, always gave me the most fun. I have only real experiences with Duelist, however it doesn't mean this build can't be done with another Class as Marauder. It is just the fact that I'm bound to this class, for the worse as for the best, so I try my best to extract all the potential of this class. As you can understand, I really love the Duelist Class in each of its aspects (even more with Ascendancy) and I have quite some experiences with the Two Handed way of playing it. Let's begin with basic informations to give everyone what he need to understand the whole guide. What in the world is Sweep ? Sweep (Link) is a Melee Attack Gem (Tags : Attack, AoE, Melee) which is available in the Game since the early stages of Beta. When used, your character swings his weapon in a circle (around you) which knockback each enemy hit. It can only be used with Two Handed weapons (Staff, Mace, Sword, Axe).The gem requires you to be at least level 12 to use it, thus you need another skill to run through the game until that point. This skill is, at least for me, a "sort of" Cyclone which obliged you to be static to be used and with a knockback effect. What do I need to know about Sweep ? Each attack have a chance to knockback each enemy hit (30% at level 1), which, in a way, gives you a defensive mechanic but can be a huge downside while used with a high attack speed (and with some huge luck) since you'll hit less enemy because of the knockback. On top of that little downside, a big drawback in the "10% less Attack Speed" from the gem which will, in the early levels, slow the gameplay (before Multistrike). This means that a huge number of attack speed in required in your Skill Tree and Gear in order to get this skill as fast as any other one. What is my idea behind this build ? Cyclone is seen as one of the best possibility when using a Two Handed Weapon, however not for me. The fact that there is many details that can make Cyclone feel buggy (chill ground, environment bits,...) makes me hates this skill in a way. Besides that fact, I feel more safe while playing Sweep than while playing Cyclone because you have a little defensive mechanic which can keep you safe from hard hit monster. On top of that, with the new Ascendancy content, I feel like Sweep have a bigger and stronger place in the current meta while used at its full potential. And, since it's a skill you get early on, you can familiarizes with it to get a better feeling. How to increase Lacerate damage ? At first, when I first played the gem itself, I felt like someone who lost every single bit of energy in his body. The fact that the Attack Speed was slower than anything else told me that Attack Speed would have a huge impact on this skill. This "less Attack Speed", even for only 10% was really harsh to deal with early on. On top of that, the little knockback was really painful while it proc when we didn't want to. So for me, more attack speed = more hit but more hit = more knockback. So I need to have a good attack speed and base damage. After that, the usual things for a AoE Attack Gem : Radius of Area Skill & Area Damage. But these stats have a lesser impact since it means to hit more enemies with your knockback which can make a sloppy gameplay. I think we can resume everything by "Hit Fast but Hard" & "Too Much Attack Speed = Too Much Pain". That's why I tried my to best to hit a reasonable value of attack while still boosting the base damage as much as possible with every single nodes available on the tree. Google Spreadsheet : Coming really soon If the view of all this text and sections and stuff makes you feel desesperate, I tried (and will try from now) to make a Google Spreadsheet in order to resume the all the guide informations : (Only basic informations on it at this moment) Gems Setup :
Weapon :
5L - Heavy Strike | Faster Attacks | Multistrike | Blood Magic | Melee Physical Damage (Good Single Target Damage) 6L - Heavy Strike | Faster Attacks | Multistrike | Blood Magic | Melee Physical Damage | Fortify OR Life Gain on Hit (Main single target damage source) Both setup gives about the same amount of damage and survivability : fast attack speed in order to melt every boss as fast as possible. This setup is here in order to relieve the knockback downside of Sweep by a higher damage output (but STILL a knockback). Even with the knockback of Heavy Strike you're still able to melt boss pretty quick since this skill have a pretty huge damage output. The choise of Fortify or Life Gain on Hit depend on your Ascendancy Class choice.. _________________________________________________________________________________ Body Armour : 5L - Sweep | Faster Attacks | Melee Physical Damage | Fortify OR Added Fire Damage | Multistrike (Main area damage source) 6L - Sweep | Faster Attacks | Melee Physical Damage | Fortify OR Added Fire Damage | Multistrike | Increased Area of Effect (More damage and huge AoE boost) Both setup gives about the same damage output : high attack speed to counter the "10% less Attack Speed" of the skill and as much physical damage as possible. Once again, the choice of Fortify or not depend on yourself only. _________________________________________________________________________________ Helmet : 4L - Arctic Breath (level 4) | Greater Multiple Projectiles | Cast when Damage Taken (level 1) | Hatred (More Defensive Setup & Damage) This setup gives you Hatred, first of all, which give a really descent amount of overall damage. With that, we have a Cast when Damage Taken setup which gives you control over your surroundings and which, with the addition of the other CwDT setup, makes you really safe in any situation you can encounter. _________________________________________________________________________________ Gloves : 4L - Enduring Cry OR Arctic Armour | Increased Duration | Vaal Haste / Grace | Blood Rage (Global Damage & Defense bonus) Enduring Cry is here in order to give you Endurance Charges when you can't obtain them elseway while Arctic Armour is here to gives you a permanent defense possibility. They aren't something to neglect since they represent one of the biggest defense you'll have. Blood Rage is just free Attack Speed / Frenzy Charges which result in overall free damage boost. For the Vaal Haste / Grace, it gives you a really huge boost when you need it. _________________________________________________________________________________ Boots : 4L - Leap Slam | Faster Attacks | Endurance Charge on Melee Stun | Blood Magic (Fast mobility & Endurance Charges) While Leap Slam is one of the best mobility skills out there, the Endurance Charges are really helpful to run while you mostly jump right in the enemy pack. _________________________________________________________________________________ Gems Quality : Every gem don't need quality, some are really nice for the build, some are just a waste of time / currency. Weapon :
-Heavy Strike : "+1% increased Stun Duration on enemies"
Just totally useless since we don't really use it for that purpose. UTILITY : 0 / 10 -Faster Attacks : "+0,5% increased Attack Speed" More attack per second, a huge boost. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Multistrike : "+0.5% increased Melee Physical Damage" Just pure damage so pretty sick. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Blood Magic : "0.5% reduced Mana Cost" It can always be useful, but not mendatory. UTILITY : 6 / 10 -Melee Physical Damage : "+0.5% increased Melee Physical Damage" Damage, damage, even more damage. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Fortify : "+0,5% increased Fortify Duration" Can only be useful but since we never use only once the attack, only a little "plus". UTILITY : 2 / 10 -Life Gain on Hit : "+0,5 Life gained for each ennemy hit by your Attacks" It can always makes you safer. UTILITY : 6 / 10 Body Armour :
-Sweep : "+0.5% increased Area of Effect Radius"
You hit more people as strong as everyone else. UTILITY : 8 / 10 -Faster Attacks : "+0,5% increased Attack Speed" Once again, more people affected. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Melee Physical Damage : "+0.5% increased Melee Physical Damage" Damage everywhere for everyone. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Multistrike : "+0.5% increased Melee Physical Damage" As nearly everything on top, more damage. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Fortify : "+0,5% increased Fortify Duration" Useful, but not really. UTILITY : 2 / 10 -Added Fire Damage : "+0.5% increased Fire Damage" Fire Damage is still damage. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Increased Area of Effect : "+0.5% increased Area Damage" Area damage, it's damage too, so really worth. UTILITY : 10 / 10 Helmet :
-Arctic Breath : "+0.5% increased Area of Effect radius"
How to chill everything in one hit. UTILITY : 8 / 10 -Greater Multiple Projectiles : "+0.5% increased Attack Speed & 0.5% increased Cast Speed" Not used for damage, so no. UTILITY : 0 / 10 -Hatred : "+1% increased Area of Effect radius" We're not a summoner so we don't really need a huge Hatred. UTILITY : 0 / 10 -Cast when Damage Taken : "+0.5% increased Damage" As for GMP, not for damage, so no real use. UTILITY : 0 / 10 Gloves :
-Enduring Cry : "+3% increased Area of Effect radius"
More endurance charges but sometimes pointless. UTILITY : 6 / 10 -Arctic Armour : "+1% increased Duration" Can be useful but since we move a lot. UTILITY : 6 / 10 -Increased Duration : "+0.5% increased Skill Effect Duration" Duration is always good, especially for Vaal Aura. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Vaal Haste /Grace : "+1% increased Area of Effect radius" Hard to get and useless on Aura for us. UTILITY : 0 / 10 -Blood Rage : "+0.5% increased Attack Speed" More attack speed can't be bad for us. UTILITY : 10 / 10 Boots :
-Leap Slam : "+0.5% chance to Knock Enemies Back on hit"
Both our attack already knockback so, please, no more. UTILITY : 0 / 10 -Faster Attacks : "+0,5% increased Attack Speed" Just gives you the opportunity to go everywhere you please. UTILITY : 10 / 10 -Endurance Charge on Melee Stun : "+1% increased Stun Duration on ennemies" We just want the charges. UTILITY : 0 / 10 -Blood Magic : "+0.5% reduced Mana Cost" Less cost is always helpful. UTILITY : 6 / 10 Skill Trees :
Every link redirect you to the Online Skill Tree of the site.
I am working on getting 2 different setup, one more Offensive and one more Defensive in order to leave everyone the freedom of their game style. Defensive Setup :
These trees are for people who prefer playing as safe as possible while still being able to run through the game quite easily.
Ascendancy tree used (Champion) : Unstoppable Hero -> Fortitude -> Inspirational This setup gives you, in one hand, a sick Defensive Boost which is permanent Fortify and, in the other hand, some nice Offensive Boost as % Damage or Movement Speed. Leveling Trees :
End Act 1 Normal : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQUtFexHfmVNdO1674TZhO-HaorwkGypJ6mUuR29Nr6nxILKkNrB6UY=
20 Points Start with some Damage & Life nodes, nothing really special. Important Stats : 50% Life - 2,6% Life Regeneration - 93% Physical Damage - 21% Attack Speed End Act 3 Normal : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQHcBS0JlhQgFew5Dkd-UEdfP2VNdO12rHfjeWh674TZhO-FUodqivCQbJd5qSepbqmUrY25Hb02vqfBBMSCypDPftlh2sHkUelG6hjrCe8O 40 Points Going through the Marauder Area in order to rush Resolute Technique. Important Stats : 84% Life - 4,4% Life Regeneration - 180% Physical Damage - 34% Attack Speed End Act 3 Cruel : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQHcBS0JlhLhFCAUcRXsIVUnICz7OQ5AoEa3R35QR14TXz9lTWhldO12rHfjeWh673zZggeE2YTvhVKHaooiivCQbJHOl3mi6qknqW6plK2NuR277b02vqfBBMSCypDPftNv2WHZfNrB5FHpRuoY6wnvDvPd9zL46w== 60 Points Resolute Technique and some others nice nodes. Important Stats : 94% Life - 4,4% Life Regeneration - 246% Physical Damage - 34% Attack Speed - 2 Jewel Sockets - 2 Endurance Charges End Act 3 Merciless : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQHcBS0HdQmWEuEUIBRxFewhNCFVJyAs-zGeNZI5Djs7QKBBP0a3R35N41BHUeZeE18_ZU1oZW87dO12rHdTd-N4DXloeu982YIHhNmE74VSh2qKIorwkGyRzpd5nsWi6qZXqSepbqmUrY20L7XyuR277b02vqfAGsCmwQTEgsqQz37Tb9i92WHZfNrB3D3kUelG6hjrCe8O8933Mvjr_o8= 80 Points Getting a lot more Survivability and Damage. Important Stats : 128% Life - 4,4% Life Regeneration - 404% Physical Damage - 54% Attack Speed - 2 Jewel Sockets - 2 Endurance Charges Around level 80-85 : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQHcBLMFLQd1CZYS4RQgFHEU9hXsITQhVScgLPsxnjSONZI5Djs7PAU9D0CgQT9DMUa3R35M_03jUEdR5l4TXz9lTWhlaPJr2W87cql07Xasd1N343gNeWh673zZggeE2YTvhVKGO4dqiiKK8I9gkGyRzpd5nsWiAKLqplepJ6luqZStja9sr6e0L7XyuR277b02vqfAGsBmwKbBBMSCxPbKkM9-02_WWNi92WHZfNrB3D3kUelG6hjrCe8O8B_yQfPd9zL46_6P 100 Points Back to the usual Damage & Life nodes. Some Aura Effect & utilities. Since the main nodes are already taken, it's just boost now. Important Stats : 152% Life - 5,6% Life Regeneration - 470% Physical Damage - 65% Attack Speed - 3 Jewel Sockets - 2 Endurance Charges EndGame Tree :
Basic Setup : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQGRAdwEswUtB3UJlg3NEuEUIBRxFPYV7Bo4HM4hNCFVJyAnLytQLPst0jGeNI41kjkOOtg64Ts7PAU9Dz38QKBBP0MxRrdHfkz_TeNQR1HmXhNfP2VNaGVo8mvZbztyqXTtdqx3U3fjeA15aHrvfLt82YIHhNmE74VShjuHaooiivCMz49gkFWQbJHOl3mexZ_fogCi6qZXqSepbqmUrY2vbK-ntC-18rkdu-29Nr6nwBrAZsCmwQTEWMSCxPbKkM9-02_WWNi92WHZfNrB3D3kUelG6hjrCe8O73zwH_JB8kXz3fZI9zL46_4K_lT-jw==
120 Points At this point, we have everything we really need to crush the game. Important Stats : 219% Life - 6,2% Life Regeneration - 470% Physical Damage - 65% Attack Speed - 3 Jewel Sockets - 3 Endurance Charges Offensive Setup :
These trees are for people love to crush everything as fast as possible without thinking twice about jumping into a pack.
Ascendancy tree used (Slayer) : Brutal Fervour -> Impact -> Headsman This setup gives you as much damage you can get and that, while being able to hit every monster in your screen. Leveling Trees :
End Act 1 Normal : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQUtFexHfmVNdO1674TZhO-HaorwkGybLaknqZS5Hb02vqfKkNrB6UY=
20 Points Start with some Damage & Life nodes, nothing really special. Important Stats : 46% Life - 2,6% Life Regeneration - 93% Physical Damage - 27% Attack Speed End Act 3 Normal : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQUtDjwUcRXsGJE6UkCgRrdHfl4TYJFhUmVNZ1h07Xaseu982YTZhO-GYIdqivCQbJstqSeplLkdvJ-9Nr6nypDTb9rB5K3pRuoY7073Mvjr 40 Points Rush to Resolute Technique while taking some bonus nodes. Important Stats : 63% Life - 2,6% Life Regeneration - 139% Physical Damage - 33% Attack Speed - 1 Jewel Socket End Act 3 Cruel : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQUtCZYOPBLhFCAUcRXsGJEhVScgLPs5DjpSQKBGt0d-UEdeE18_YJFhUmVNZ1h07Xaseu982YTZhO-FUoZgh2qKIorwkGyS0Jd5my2pJ6mUrY25HbyfvTa-p8qQz37Tb9lh2sHkUeSt6UbqGOsJ7w7vTvcy-Ov8Sw== 60 Points Get everything important in the Marauder area. Important Stats : 98% Life - 4,4% Life Regeneration - 292% Physical Damage - 46% Attack Speed - 1 Jewel Socket - 1 Endurance Charge End Act 3 Merciless : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQUtB3UJlg48EuEUIBRNFHEV7BiRIVUnICz7OQ46Ujs7QKBDMUa3R35M_1BHUeZeE18_YJFhUmVNZ1hoZXKpdO12rHdTeu982YIHhNmE74VShmCHaooiivCPYJBskc6S0Jd5my2exaknqZStjbkdu-28n702vqfApsqQz37Tb9ZY2WHZfNrB3D3kUeSt6UbqGOsJ7w7vTvJB8933Mvjr_Es= 80 Points Getting everything you missed running through the tree. Important Stats : 117% Life - 4,4% Life Regeneration - 398% Physical Damage - 66% Attack Speed - 2 Jewel Sockets - 2 Endurance Charges Around level 80-85 : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQSzBS0HdQmWDjwS4RQgFE0UcRXsGJEhNCFVJyAs-zkOOlI62Ds7PAU9D0CgQT9DMUa3R35M_1BHUeZeE18_YJFhUmVNZ1hoZWjycql07Xasd1N35XrvfLt82YIHgpuE2YTvhVKGYIdqiiKK8I9gkGyRzpLQl3maO5stnsWf36IAqSeplK2Nr6e0L7kdu-28n702vqfAZsCmxPbKkM9-02_WWNlh2Xzawdw95FHkrelG6hjrCew47w7vTu988B_yQfPd9zL46_xL 100 Points Running to Templar Area in order to get the last few things we really need. Important Stats : 137% Life - 5,4% Life Regeneration - 464% Physical Damage - 71% Attack Speed - 2 Jewel Sockets - 2 Endurance Charges EndGame Tree :
Basic Setup : https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQAAQGRBLMFLQU8B3UJlg3NDjwS4RQgFE0UcRT2FewYkRo4HM4hNCFVJyAnLytQLPst0jSOOQ46UjrYOzs8BT0PQKBBP0MxRrdHfkh4TP9QR1HmXhNfP2CRYVJlTWZUZ1hoZWjya9lyqXTtdqx3U3fleu98u3zZggeCm4TZhO-FUoV7hjuGYIdqiiKK8I9gkFWQbJHOktCXeZo7my2exZ_fogCpJ6mUrY2vp7QvuR277byfvTa-p8BmwKbE9sVTypDPftNv1ljZYdl82sHcMtw95FHkrelG6hjrCew47w7vTu988B_yQfPd9zL46_xL_lQ=
119 Points At this point, we have everything we really need to crush the game. Important Stats : 177% Life - 5,4% Life Regeneration - 504% Physical Damage - 77% Attack Speed - 3 Jewel Sockets - 3 Endurance Charges Gear Setup :
Flasks :
Taste of Hate | Atziri's Promise | Granite (of Heat) | Divine (of Staunching) | Divine (of Warding) Taste of Hate is a bit costly but it gives some huge defensive and offensive boost. - Taste of Hate = Huge Damage boost with some mitigations on top. - Atziri's Promise = Physical damage as Chaos, Chaos damage leeched as life... Well, more damage for them, less damage for me ! - 2 Divine Life Flask and 1 Granite for Freeze / Curse / Bleeding which are really harsh. Can replace the Granite for any Elemental Flask while doing hard Elemental Boss / maps Weapon : High DPS Two Handed Mace You just need a high amount of Physical Damages, only Damage. A Coronal Maul can be really usefull with the +6% Increased Radius of Area Skills implicit. - 400+ Physical Damages - 1,3+ Attack Speed Armour : Lightning Coil Overall the best Body Armour for melee character. - "30-40% Physical Damage taken as Lightning Damage" = "Less" flat damage - "+60-80 to Maximum Life" since we're melee, life is essential. - The less Lightning Resistance isn't a big issue, just need to get it on others pieces. Common Rare Items No fancy items, nothing too expensive. - You can trade the Lightning Coil for some high armour, good resist and life chest piece, like an Astral Plate.... - Overcap your resistances to get 109% @Res in Merciless. (Elemental Weakness = easy map) - Find items with "+60 or more Maximum Life" each to have a huge health pool. We're never too safe - Amulet; Belt; Rings with "Adds #-# Physical Damage" or "#% Increased Attack Speed", it's free damage. - Movement Speed on boots but since you're Leap Slaming everywhere, it's nearly useless. Useful Uniques : Carcass Jack, Belly of the Beast, Abyssus,... You have access to a large panel of Uniques that can help you progress to get a better stuff or a different setup of gear, like more damage... It's your own choice! Overall Price : Less than 1 Exalted Orb : This is the price that people will spent when they are new or playing a fresh League. Either way, you'll need to set goals and take time in order to find the best deals for the money you have. Around 5 Exalted Orbs : At this point, you'll start to spend more and more time to find new stuffs, but each of these upgrade will makes you way stronger. More than 15 Exalted Orbs : From this point, you shouldn't need my help to know what to get. Try to always spend more into your weapons since it's the items which gives you the biggest upgrade when you find really nice piece. Mirror worthy : Like every build, with a huge price come a huge power. I never achieved this but I think you know what you have to do there. What to invest in first ? For this build, there is 2 importants things to get as early as possible in order to facilitate your progression : a good weapon & a Body Armour with nice stats / rolls. Even if it isn't with perfect stats, having what you really need on those will help you greatly. So first, for the weapon, you need to search a weapon with nice attack speed and flat damage. Since Mace isn't the most used item type, it may takes some times to find upgrades quite fast, but you'll always find something if you can wait the good moment. For the Body Armour, it depends on which one you want to use. However, in any case, you need to push yourself to get the best stats possible on it as early as possible. From the Health roll of the Lightning Coil, to the resist of a Rare Chest or the damage roll on a Carcass Jack, you need to aim for the highest in order to get a huge boost that you won't need to change every now and then. Stats :
These stats aren't a "must have" but more a sort of idea of what you need to get. It is here to give you some sort of idea on what you should aim for. If you have less or more, it isn't bad, at least, if you are around my numbers.
The first number is for the Defensive Setup while the second one is for Offensive Setup. Stats for a random Level 75-80 character :
These numbers are an approximation for a Level 75-80 character.
Life : 4750 -- 4000 (The more you have, the tougher you are.) Resistances (but Chaos) : 75% -- 75% (109% in order to be unaffected by Elemental Weakness maps.) Armor / Evasion : 3000 Armour & 1000 Evasion -- 2500 Armour & 750 Evasion (Some damage mitigation can only be useful, but don't focus on those.) Damage : 25000 & 17500 -- 30000 & 22500 [with Hatred & Herald of Ash] (The more you have, the easier it'll be for you to run through the content.) Other Stats that can help : Life / Mana Leech; Life / Mana on Hit; Movement Speed; Attack Speed (These are here if you really want to maximize your gear, it isn't an obligation.) Stats for a good geared Level 90+ character :
These numbers are an approximation for a Level 90+ character with good gear.
Life : 5500 -- 4500 (If you've not enough life everything will end up killing you.) Resistances (but Chaos) : 75% -- 75% (As said, overcap them to 109% and try to search for some Chaos Resistance after.) Armor / Evasion : 4000 Armour & 1500 Evasion -- 3500 Armour & 1250 Evasion (These will increase with your stuff getting better, however since the Skill Tree isn't focused on them, you won't end up with a ton.) Damage : 32500 & 25000 -- 45000 & 35000 [with Hatred & Herald of Ash] (With all the damage nodes, your DPS will increase pretty fast from a certain point.) Other Stats that can help : Life / Mana Leech; Life / Mana on Hit; Movement Speed; Attack Speed (It's at this moment that these become a good "plus" in your gear. It give you easier progress and faster gameplay.) Bandits :
Normal Difficulty : Oak +40 Health Point
Each point of life is always worth for a Melee Build. On top of that, 40 flat life early in the game can saves you from many bad situation. Cruel Difficulty : None +1 Passive Point With all the Attack Speed and Physical Damage we get from the tree, the Passive Point is way more worth to get than the stats the Bandits gives you. Merciless Difficulty : Oak +1 Endurance Charge OR Kraityn +1 Frenzy Charge At this point it depends on your playstyle. either go for more damage or more survivability, both are great and worth about the same through the whole game with this build. Pros & Cons :
Pros :
- Any gear can do the job. This build can be used as Fresh Starter or Self Found since it doesn't requires Legacy or Mirror worhty items to be used. - Great AoE & Single Target. With the use of 2 different attack skills, it gives us the possibility to shine in any situation, even with the drawback of the permanent knockback. - Can do Atziri. Since we combine a good Offense and a good Defense, Atziri isn't difficult to kill. Cons : - Can be boring. With both skills having a huge knockback possibility, it can be really tough to play at first. - Some maps are impossible. I said that we had a good defense, but we are all but a monster tank, a boss with huge instant damage and it's all for us. - Upgrades can be difficult to find. Mostly for the weapon, since not many people are playing Two Handed Mace, it may take a huge lapse of time to find a 1k DPS upgrade. My Character :
This section will have the stats of 2 Standard characters at around level 90.
Defensive Setup :
Current Skill Tree (with Jewels) :
Gear :
Stats :
General Stats :
Defense Stats :
Damage Stats :
Offensive Setup :
Current Skill Tree (with Jewels) :
Gear :
Stats :
General Stats :
Defense Stats :
Damage Stats :
And the unrighteous were turned to ash! Last edited by Kormir#2318 on May 31, 2016, 11:35:59 AM Last bumped on Jul 3, 2016, 2:40:29 PM
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--- Reserved ---
I'm open to any sort of comments on my guide as long as it is something constructive and which may improve the guide. Any good idea will be studied in order to make this guide better. You can contact me through this Guide or through Forum or InGame (KormirAscension) messages. What for 2.3.0 release ? :
- With 2.3.0, this guide will have just little changes, as new ascendancy trees... But since no real changes are awaited for Sweep, it will mostly stay the same. Both setups will get a lot more damage with the new Slayer tree and the 2 additional Ascendancy points.
Updates List :
Update 0 : Creation of the guide. (v. 0.0) -27 February
Update 1 : Offensive Trees = DONE // Defensive Trees = DONE // Gear Setup = DONE ! // Stats = DONE !(v. 0.1) -29 February Update 2 : Everything's done (but Damage Stats which I can't post until release).(v. 0.2) -1 March Update 3 : Added "Offensive Setup" & "Defensive Setup" at "My Character" part since I'll use multiple Duelist (about the same level) in order to give the best idea with what you can get.(v. 0.3) -3 March Update 4 : New complete guide with updated informations.(v. 0.4) -31 May Other Guides :
- [2.3 WIP] "Blender Rebirth" : Dual Wielding Axe / Sword Lacerate
=> https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1665989 (Up to date, waiting 2.3.0 release) - [2.2 / 2.3.0 Theory] "Icy Calamity" : 2 Handed Mace Ice Crash => https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1299608 (Outdated, soon updated) And the unrighteous were turned to ash! Last edited by Kormir#2318 on May 31, 2016, 10:43:09 AM
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Couldn't you use Ice Nova instead of Arctic Breath if all you're going for is the chill effect? You can also replace the GMP socket with something else.
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Hey boss_david
Thanks for the first feedback ^^ Well, I could use Ice Nova, but for me it wouldn't be that effective. For sure, the chill effect will be there, but less important. The use of Arctic Breath is that it chill everything, from melee to range. It's a reduced move speed and attack speed for everything around you on a screen scale so. For me, it feel more effective. And the unrighteous were turned to ash!
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Daily Updates :
Update 2 : Everything's done (but Damage Stats which I can't post until release).(v. 0.2) -1 March From now until Ascendancy's release, not many things will change on the post. However, I'm here to answer every of your question related to the build. Everything is welcomed since it'll help me to improve it. And the unrighteous were turned to ash! Last edited by Kormir#2318 on Mar 1, 2016, 12:24:52 PM
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Few quick questions:
Why maces? Is it because BiS would be well rolled Coronal Maul, thanks to aoe implicit? How good are other types of weapons such as 2h Axes or Swords? What would be useful midgame or early mapping uniques? Especially those cheap ones :P How good would be Marohi Erqi since it has 15lvl Inc AoE mod in it? Those question may sound stupid, but I've never tried Sweep hence I'm asking. |
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Hey KR33P
First, thanks for the feedback. Those questions doesn't sound stupid, Sweep is an old Skill but not many people played it so. For the maces, mostly as you say the AoE bonus. There is not only the implicit on Coronal Maul, there is also a 5% nodes. On top of that, maces are easier to obtain since many people play Cyclone with Axe. Other weapons are good, but I don't think you'll get the same result since you'll need more point to reach damage cluster for those weapons if I don't mistake myselt. For the mapping, it depends on yourself. You can manage everything, you just need the tactics. And, for the Marohi, since Sweep isn't a huge base damage weapon, the 0.99 Attack speed is a huge issue for the build. You'll have the Inc AoE, however you'll hit only a few time and it'll be hard for you to manage things with it. You can use it for leveling, but I don't think it's really good for that build especially. Daily Updates : Update 3 : Added "Offensive Setup" & "Defensive Setup" at "My Character" part since I'll use multiple Duelist (about the same level) in order to give the best idea of what you can get.(v. 0.3) -3 March And the unrighteous were turned to ash! Last edited by Kormir#2318 on Mar 3, 2016, 9:39:05 AM
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Please update passive trees.
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Passive tree is blank. Can get a update please? :'(
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Hey both of you,
Without being mean, can you please search a bit more by yourself ? :p And the unrighteous were turned to ash!
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