Oro's Sacrifice Perma-Flickering Duelist
![]() Hello exiles!!! This is my first post in the forum and English is not my main language so be gentle with me :D I'll post a simple guide for my first "successfull" build ever in this game. By successfull I mean this is the first character I get to reach level 86 (for now, there is still a room for progress :p). So why Flickering with Oro's Sacrifice? :
Well I just was looking throw the Wiki and i found that: "Gain a Frenzy Charge if an Attack Ignites an Enemy" I said that's interesting, I think I saw a skill that consumes Frenzy Charges. Bingo !!! It's Flicker Strike !!! A very interesting combination (maybe xD). So I decided to make a build around that concept and called the character PermaFlickIgnitOros very hard to guess :p There are some builds around the same idea, but each build has it's own specificity and play style. With further investigation and testing, i polished the build many times so it became what you will see next. Pros and Cons:
Pros: - Hight damage - Very hight attack speed - Fast clearing speed - Hight mobility, dodge and evasion - Very fun to play :) Cons: - Elemental damage reflexion - Low HP (I need your thoughts about that point) - Can't Atziri - I usually miss currency or items because i keep flickering all the time xD - Needs a good computer? Essential items:
Oro's Sacrifice is essential for it's capacity to produce Frenzy Charges Fireborn gives a hight boost to fire damage if allocated under the Duelist starting area (see skilltree) Oro's Sacrifice crit chance is low, so it's much easier to stack chance to ignite than crit chance. How to ignite?
Mokou's Embrace rings can give up to 20% chance to ignite. Doryani's Invitation (Fire variant) dives +10% chance to ignite while using a flask, you will see later that I use flasks with long lasting effects so I can benefit of it longer. I also use Flammability curse to get extra chance to ignite (13%) My total chance to ignite with all combined sources is 62% You might say this is not enough to keep frenzy charges up!!! Well, this % combined with "Multistrike" support gem can actually make that work. The chance to not have a single charge is 5.5%: Chance to not ignite = 100% - chance to ignite = 38% Chance to not ignite 3 successive times = 38% * 38% * 38% = 5.5% So you should at least get one charge at 94.5% of cases!!! My skilltree:
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwQAAF4FLQW1B3UILgqbDPINjREvEYEWvxmOIVUj9iaVKwouUzBxMHw2PTfUOkI-z0CgQzFHfkp9S3hM_02STipRR1O7VEdVS1b6Whpbr13yXhNeRV85YeJirGOnZU1noGyMdO14enjreu99dYTZhO-Haod2ivCMNo19jb-QCpLzmy2bjZ2qnsSjiqR4pcumvqiiqSeplKr4sKu0xbvjvTa95r6nv9XApsHVwdjC7MMzxILTb9N-1CPawdw93UbdqN7445_nCulG62PtP-2D7g7vevrr_MX-ug==?accountName=fjtheknight&characterName=PermaFlickIgnitOros My Skills:
-Fliker Strike: Linked with Weapon Elemental Damage - Multistrike - Melee Splash - Blood Magic - (Fire Penetration if 6l) This combination makes your damage higher and your frenzy charges always up because you spend only 1 charge to make three attacks (Multistrike). -Flammability: Linked with Blasphemy to transform it to an aura because while flickering we can't curse ennemies the normal way -Flame Dash: For mobility -Vaal Grace: To get more godge and feel comfortable vs large packs of mobs or vs bosses -Summon Flame Golem: Gives a boost to damage -Anger: Increases fire damage. I tried haste and grace also, but i think Anger is the best aura to use. -Cast When Damage Taken Setup: I use 2 setups: * CWDT lvl 3 with Arctic Breath + Greater and Lesser Multiple Projectiles for small hits * CWDT lvl 11 with phase run to become invisible to ennemie in dangerous situations (other ideas maybe?) My gear:
Starkonja's Head and Snakebite give life, attak speed and accuracy, yet reducing frenzy charge duration. Maybe replacing Snakebite with good gloves with life, attack speed and chaos resistance could be better if we invest more skillpoints in accuracy. Doryani's Invitation provides sustain to Blood Magic. Darkray Vectors gives movement speed, dodge and one extra frenzy charge Because i lack chaos resistance, I use Amethyst Flask. Other flasks gives HP, Evasion and movement speed to keep Doryani's effect up all the time. Fireborn is allocated under the Duelist starting area, converting a good amount of damage to fire damage. My Stats:
- Offence : ![]() Attack speed can often get higher with a boost of 40% from Mokou's Embrace rings. Damage seems low but tooltip always shows erronated values of dps for elemental builds (i think?) and does not take fire penetration from Flammability in consideration. - Defence : ![]() With hight evasion and dodge, i bearly get hit. Flickering permanently is also a good means to avoid being hit. 4000 HP is not enough for good survivability, but i very rarely get oneshotted by a unique boss. I need some ideas about that point. Short gameplay video: So give me you feedback as soon as possible :p If i forget to mention somthing or if there is a point that is not clear please let me now :) I recommand this for any one who's looking for a new play style and some headache and sight problems xD Have fun !!! PermaFlickIgnitOros ![]() Last edited by fjtheknight#6070 on Feb 27, 2016, 7:28:25 AM Last bumped on Apr 9, 2016, 1:26:28 AM
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DO you even look at the forums before posting a guide? There are at the moment at least 4 other guides on this exact build with the same weapon, same class and most likely a variant of the same tree, Why I could even do another guide since I went iron reflexes and blood magic where others havent doesnt mean the idea is yours or we need another guide. Sorry
As for advice on more life get a Koam's and 5-6 link Oro's as shown in 3 of the other guides break 6k hp and all that. I like the evasion but its nearly impossible to have high dodge evasion and still have good life as well as while you may dodge 3 of 4 hits but without any phyical midigation youll get 1 shot allot and stunned allot when slamming into packs it starts to happen allot more often around t10 maps and totally off the scales t12 plus. My advice would be read the other guides if you have an idea that greatly changes the build either share with the players on an existing guide or make a guide showing why theres allot of difference between your guide and theirs. Thanks Last edited by sethbine#5137 on Feb 26, 2016, 11:01:08 PM
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" " GG :D And Yes. I looked at the forums before posting this guide. Why I posted it? Because the other guides, even if using the same weapon (Oro's) are not as much effective as this one (At least that's what i think :D ). And I didn't say it's my idea, It just came up to my mind before knowing that there are some builds around it that's it :) . I added a short video of a T9 map run so you can have better idea about the build gameplay. |
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Well for one a kaom's would give you the life you need and you should try cwdt immortal call even that 1/3rd of a second it lasts often saves you. you dont need rally cry to make it work.
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" Thank you for advice :) |
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this updated for 2.2? how far did u get map-wise?
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" Hi I think changes in this patch don't affect the tree. Maybe when ascending I'll choose "You have Fortify" for more survivability. Map clear speed is quite good (2-3 minutes / T9-10) depending on the map. Maybe i'll try a tankier version and see. Last edited by fjtheknight#6070 on Mar 8, 2016, 11:25:04 AM
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I can't see your skill tree because it's set to private, but I can show you mine.
I played Oro's flicker last league to great success- so much so that I decided to do it again this league. I highly recommend this build to anyone looking for a fun, tanky, and high-DPS character. My own build is a bit different than OP's, but it provides a lot more defense. My tree is available here: Stats: 6.9k life @ lvl 90 ~6500 avg damage without frenzy charges ~5000 armor Arctic armor, endurance charges (blasphemied warlord's curse) permanent fortify (champion) tons of leech and life regen no blood magic Here's my gear:
I absolutely recommend using a Kaom's with this build. It's almost purpose-built for this character. You don't need the sockets since you're using a 2h. Also important is getting the enchant on your boots that gives 8% chance to ignite if you haven't crit recently (we never crit, so it's always up). This character is great for running the labyrinth, too. I've gotten my runs down to 5 minutes exactly. The gem setup is as follows: flicker, multistrike, melee splash, weapon elemental damage, fire penetration. I don't really know what I'd use as the sixth link. The only map mod I will not run is elemental reflect. I can run no status ailments if I switch flicker for lightning strike or something. I've also killed atziri with this build! You can use flicker strike all the way up to Atziri herself, then just put in double strike instead of flicker. I did it with no deaths, too :) Good guide, OP. This is probably my favorite build :) |
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" Im looking for this build for 2.2 aswell, but im somewhat noob and I don't get why are you using "wrecking ball"? since this is suposed to do insignificant physical damage, or Im wrong? Last edited by superfer#7832 on Mar 23, 2016, 4:55:21 AM
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" Ah, I guess the tree doesn't show jewels. In the central Duelist jewel socket, I'm using the Fireborn jewel. http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Fireborn That jewel makes all those physical damage nodes in the duelist area into fire damage nodes. It's really quite good! |
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