ZiggyD Reveals the Scion Ascendancy Class: The Ascendant

And the Scion army rises again.
Also, having 2 starting points?!?! GGG, you went to 11 out of 10 with that one :D
"Teamwork is OP"
-The one and only one Dark_Reaper115 at your service.
shazec wrote:
Everyone rerolling their builds to Scion again :D

Nope, not me, i don't like Scion at all, Duelist, Marauder, Witch or Templar all the way.
Everyone saying is op should turn on their brain first, those nodes are way weaker than original classes, honestly i'm disappointed, it was better to create 3 scion paths melee/caster/bow like the others classes being original
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
holy freaking shi-- And here I was trying to get my duelist, templar, and witch to 100. How foolish it was for me to leave my scion at level 3 :(
Back to The Melee (Reaving Insight): view-thread/1240462
Fusion Skill Engineering: view-thread/1095291
Already liked scion a lot... gonna be fun after ascendancy ;-)
pathofexile.com/ascendancy/classes add plz
ggnorekthx wrote:
Zahkriisos1337 wrote:
So Scion REALLY is the masterrace than... oh boy.

But seriously GGG, why should we even pick one of the other classes when scion can do EVERYTHING just as good or even better now?! FeelsBadMan

Did you actually watch the video? She doesn't do it BETTER, most of the nodes are "mini" versions.

Still, super cool!

And since it costs 3 points to reach a major node, she gets 2 major nodes, not 3. And the claim in the video,Zahkriisos133, that these nodes are more powerful than any individual subclass major nodes is something that does not appear to to scrutiny unless some of the previously revealed classes have received severe nerfs.

Take e.g. the Occultist node, shown as the first in the example, with 20% maximum ES, 1% ES regeneration, enemies you curse have -15% enemy chaos resistance, +20% damage if you've killed a cursed enemy recently.

It is a funny combination of things from the Occultist class, but if you are interested in energy shield as a primary defense it doesn't hold a candle to the Occultist Vile Bastion (1% ES regen per enemy killed recently, immune to stun on full ES) or, if you are more interested in cursing, it doesn't hold a candle to Malediction (+1 curse on enemies, When you Kill an Enemy, for each Curse on that Enemy, gain 4% of Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage for 4 seconds). Its strengths (in this case) is that it does a little bit of this, a little bit of that, but nothing that affects the game to the same degree as either of the two Occultist nodes.

Moreover, her minor nodes are worth around 1 skill point each (+40 to stat, +1 skill point), while the minor nodes for the other Ascendancies are worth 2-3 skill points each.

On the face of it, it appears that GGG has not only gone with a somewhat boring approach (the Scion's special ability is to mimic others, but poorly, and done their level best to ensure that anybody who wants to make a dedicated build focused on anything that one of the other characters subclasses is good at will be best off using that other character rather than a Scion.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, and I'm sure there'll be interesting builds based on mixing and matching, but it is does seem a bit boring. Let's see how it goes.
Last edited by Pi2rEpsilon#4367 on Feb 25, 2016, 4:51:28 PM
i think this like....broke my brain i was down thinking scion asc tree would suck, now im like ^^ but no idea if im selling out by gunning for scions agn XD crazy fun tho no doubt
Me and my guild have been talking about this for months on end,Scion is going to be master of all but a master of none basicly a jack of all trades if you will. I would agree that it seems over powered, but truly i don't think it is going to be as strong as the pure builds will be. But scion has all ways been that class that has been able to touch all the other classes and with this i would say it has made many happy that they are holding true to her class itself.

Now over a month prior i made a scion cleave build in which i suspected that this would happen now i am totally going with this build for next league for sure 100%. Not because she is over powered more to deal with the things that made the build weak will now make up for at least 50% of those faults. I have all ways struggled with gear in new leagues think some of you could agree with that as well, But i think scion could fix a good portion of that and make builds that will be more manageable for the average player base.

And for the top 1% of the players they will most likely not pick up scion at first maybe there second choice of class, but they know they will get much more out of the pure class builds then scion can provide.

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