Ascendancy's Unique Items

Wow, with just a quick try I already made a 580% inc phys damage, 600% crit chance, 115% crit mult and 82% atk speed tree for dual wielding that "Sword". Can't wait to see the Ascendancy ttree and make an optimized build with that weapon!
Really wish they'd show the uniques on the homepage banner in addition to this thread. I don't understand why you'd put them and not the thread.

Also that 1st shield -- Why the discharge buffs? 20% Chance to not consume charges enchantment wasn't OP enough? So, Power Charge generation ☑, + Max Power Charges ☑, and extra damage ☑.
Designing Cospri's Will:
Designing Cospri's Malice:
Iron Heart/Iron Fortress too!
Imbalanced new uniques incoming...
Just dual wield 2 of the swords and do something like this

If the new tree allows anything like that it will be incredible!

Probably add vaal pact for good measure ;]
IGN Golioth
Last edited by Sirjohnny1#4571 on Feb 22, 2016, 9:22:11 PM
That unique chest-piece on the home page banner is really beatiful. I hope it gets a 3D-art and it's cheap so we can buy it and get some skin transfers. :)
♣ IGN: DoctaMagicFinder
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♠ Proud brazilian player.
How will that sword work with notables like "deadly Dilettante" Will it triple dip with the claw,dagger, and sword modifiers. if so, it could really be worth building around. There's other node combos too. like by the blade or whatever too.
nice alchemy and alteration shards there xD
hmm that flask would synergize well with beserker

feels wrong though that you would make that a required item for a viable beserker build.

Deadly Dilettante would become 72% increased damage for it.. :O

And that Flask is really nice for proc'ing on-Kill Buffs on Bosses, since that's the biggest qualm most people have had about those Ascendancy Nodes, being that they'd be non-extistant against bosses.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Feb 22, 2016, 10:21:07 PM
Wow 1 high end item... Wohooo.. But seriously did they just advertise it as great for Discharge. Maybe we can make a 6man group in ascendancy and test discharge out together?

Shall we?

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