[Dii] Diabloii.net Guild

Open spots filling fast for the new temp leagues! Join us for fun and games today.
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Ya'll still recruiting? Oldskool D2jsp member (currently banned by njaguar for the last 6 years) looking for guild! I used to run OP GM Duels on US EAST Ladder.
mazzotta70 wrote:
Ya'll still recruiting? Oldskool D2jsp member (currently banned by njaguar for the last 6 years) looking for guild! I used to run OP GM Duels on US EAST Ladder.

We still have open spots. I'll invite. Just need an in game name please. Profile is set to private.

Thanks for your interest
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Last edited by Dacar92#5775 on May 25, 2016, 7:37:19 PM
Hi, i'd like to join your guild. IGN is StayInTheShadows
Last edited by NightIife#6939 on May 26, 2016, 5:11:58 PM
I'm interested in joining. Pretty casual player who plays for a few hours a day. IGN - GetHighToGetBy
Destination20 wrote:
I'm interested in joining. Pretty casual player who plays for a few hours a day. IGN - GetHighToGetBy

Sorry for the late reply. Was out of town for the holiday weekend. I see you're in a guild now. If you change your mind please keep us in mind.

To others: we still have open spots. Let me know if you're interested.
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
hi there,

Diablo2 patch 1.09d - that was the time when I started playing one of the best games ever. I remember accs over accs full of mules in order to stash all that mf-run-stuff, leveling my one and only lvl99 burizone in cow-level - sweet memories :)
After a few years I quit playing and gave it a new try with patch1.13 - classic and LoD. But it wasn't the same anymore. Diablo2's flair was its community, that made this game so much fun.

Thtats why I am here :)

I really hope to find this flair again.

I played PoE 1 or 2 years ago (season9/10 - standard, hc, and some of the leagues, too), but I don't remember anything (and I never made it deep into endgame-content) so I am pretty much considered noob.
I have loads of stashes filled with crappy lowlvl stuff, so I have decided to start with the new league instead of cleaning this mess :)

I am looking for some casual party-play, maybe a bit guidance, tips&tricks and having a good time overall. Unfortunately I am not much into trading - it seemed easier in diablo2 (even in classic), but PoE-content is huge.

I am in CET and my online-times vary from day to day.

thats it. if you are still looking for new oldschoolplayers, I'd like to join and revive some good old Diablo2-feeling :)

IGN: Imuzo_Similana (standard sc)

have fun

p.s. I am gonna play sc-league most of the times. I have lost too many chars in hc because of that small lag when opening chests due to old computer hardware.

p.p.s: *free bump*
Last edited by imuzo#3596 on Jun 1, 2016, 3:47:56 AM
Thanks for the awesome story. It brought back memories and nostalgia for me.

Invite sent!
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Hi, I would like to join.
Just got back into the game after a long hiatus and am looking for a guild to tackle Prophecy with.
Currently playing HC while waiting for league to start. IGN: BigThrobbingTotems

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