[Dii] Diabloii.net Guild

Looking for guild. Want to play with ppl.

MrsSkyThorn is my character name.
Old time D2 player here, currently LF guild. Didn't post a lot on the Dii forums, but go by RattleHead over there. Used to play mainly HC Barbs in D2 (usually named MeatWall until I lost the name).

I play the challenge leagues and my "main" is in PSC, RattleQuake. One of my friends recently came back to PoE and wants to play HC, so I can also be found in PHC on RattleReave. Thanks!
Invites sent. Thanks! See you online
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
im not that old (20 years) but i used to Play D2lod a lot. and now looking to start in here (already have a lvl 81 summoner)
is that okay?
aratek IGN:_ArcusTangens_
Last edited by Aratek#4457 on Apr 12, 2016, 11:14:38 AM
Great to have you. Thanks for joining.
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Last edited by Dacar92#5775 on Apr 12, 2016, 7:39:23 PM
Still recruiting. Let me know if you're interested.

Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
Old d1/2 player here. Looking for a guild. If you are still inviting let me know. Sixsidedwhore is my current main.
Invite sent! Thanks
Rose: You're an alien? You sound like you're from the North.
Doctor: LOTS of planets have a North!!!
D2 long timer here. New to PoE. Looking for a fun guild to join!

Hit me up with an invite if there is some room left for me.

AceRiddler is my main character name.


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