Skill Reveal - Ancestral Protector

Serleth wrote:
Can you define the range of "closeby"?

Recently they said that they left closeby to purposefully ambiguous so that it can be changed as they see fit. Can't remember where it was might have been on reddit in the occultist post.
When the player moves on it should grab the top of the totem and hop along after.
When I kill a man he stays dead.
This seems like an interesting mechanic, and I am interested in seeing the rest of the ideas for the Ancestral Totems. Melee totems are not something I thought of. However, I would like to see the featured skill do the heavy lifting in the skill reveal video...

Is it a support?
If active, can be triggered?

Dominating Blow+Ancestral Totem+Melee Splash+Multistrike+CoMK+Animated Weapon on a Templar.

If it's active and can't be triggered (like the rest of totems) then it's shit. Shitty range, 0 mobility. Provably only worth as boss-oriented skill (or elreon missions).
Odd, more anchor skills added to a meta based on clear speed and movement.
RF totem still seems better :D
Last edited by karving47#1833 on Feb 17, 2016, 6:33:39 PM
interesting, but why don't buff melee skill or node?

who want summon melee totem :(
Summon spanking totem .....
Not sure about anyone else but this is the only thing that came to mind when I saw this. Was just waiting for the totems head to pop up when it took enough damage. I suppose this is in prep for the Maurader totem Ascendancy we all know is coming up. Try to make sense of it as best as possible. :P

Last edited by cmilles#5060 on Feb 17, 2016, 6:46:42 PM

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