Upcoming Unique Items
I love the claw shield (and always hoped someone would do that).
I noticed it has reflect (to melee attackers) as a mod. AFAIK there are few options for reflecting spell damage or ranged attacks. Would be interesting to play a full reflect build. Chris Wilson: "Today was the proudest day of my life."
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Essence Worm is a well designed unique, looking forward to it.
IGN: MullaXul
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Essence Worm Ring + Clear Mind Jewel
GGG. ![]() Neden yaşıyorsun? Last edited by Jideament#2792 on Feb 3, 2016, 10:41:38 PM
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Wyrmsign+Daresso's ehh?
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All I can think about:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGSGw4KyR9c |
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The usual Hatred/HoA set-up looks kinda juicy with Hatred in Essence Worm. Gamepedia is currently being a TOTAL F***ING S***BAG and not giving me access to the PoE Wiki, but being able to work up a level 23 Hatred for 0 reservation cost is a pretty cool deal. Even if I don't know how much damage that is right now god damnit Gamepedia. But yeah. Herald and boosted Hatred for 35% total reservation? Sign me right the hell up.
PLUS! You can now run one (or two, if you don't need any other rings. Remember, you have two fingers you can feed to the eldritch nightmare worm, folks!) reservations, without Blood Magic, while still having "no reserved Mana" for the Clear Mind jewel's spell damage bonus. Run a reservation, still get Clear Mind, pick up Mind Over Matter and maybe a few of the Rallying Cry threshhold gems (whatever their name is. God damnit Gamepedia), and lose significantly less damage while using your mana as half a health pool. Advancing Fortress is going to be really really popular for faux dual-wield builds, if not quite as popular as things like Death's Hand considering it's not as friendly to Reave. Dual Strikers, or Ice Crashers, or other no-claws attackers could get a lot of use out of it, though. Seems like the sort of thing that'll sneak into a number of niche builds, especially since it's about as close as you can get to actual dual-shield. Does mean you can get Fortify on a WB/LS > Faster Attacks > Blood Magic link though, so that's cool. Not entirely sure what to think of Reckless Defenses. I sorta feel like the bonuses are a little lackluster for the penalty of rendering yourself crit bait, but at the same time block/spellblock chance can be awfully hard to get and it is stackable. Suppose we'll have to see. As for Wyrmsign...well. That just sounds like fun. Especially with the incoming Silver flasks. Build up endurance...then go nuts. or slice off all your End charges with corrupted jewels and be nuts all the time. Wasn't around for Rampage, but it looks like you don't have to've been anymore. Heh, good to see GGG/supporters doing fun stuff like this. I like the flavor of these uniques, cool stuff that bends the rules. Now if only I didn't need all the other random stats on my Shadow's current Unset ring... |
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that claw is awesome. even for some endbuilds..
What if you dualwield them? 15*2 + 15(base dual wield)? = 45block Last edited by TheDeathX#0331 on Feb 3, 2016, 9:16:27 PM
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Do I have perma rampage with Wyrmsign if I have 3x -1 endurance charge jewels on tree?
Do what You will shall be the whole of the law.
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I was thinking about the Essence worm ring; As Shadow - 2x Essence Worm rings = 2x50% reserved auras for free and 80% more mana reserverd, specc Influence = 20% Effect of non-curse auras and 4% less mana reserved. Specc Charisma = 6% Effect of non-curse auras and 12% less mana reserved. Specc Leadership = 12% Effect of non-curse auras and 4% less mana reserved. Use Soul Taker and lvl 3 Enlighten will result in 2x 50% auras 3x25% auras/heralds and the effect is 38% more. Aint that to op for 9 nodes?
Or use alphas howl and Soul Taker maby wont be needed. Last edited by fAERSKA#0733 on Feb 3, 2016, 9:27:21 PM
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"iirc Snakebite works if you have -3 frenzy from pacifism so it might work aswel ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
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