Upcoming Unique Items

4 brilliant Uniques!

The only one that I'm sceptical about are the gloves. The design for this unique is really cool. But I would've kinda preferred that we didn't get a non-Legacy Rampage unique.

But since the Unique is still decent overall and most people won't share my problem with it, I guess it's still a really good one.
Essence Worm sounds insaaane! MOM builds will love this im sure.
That jewel is pretty damn good for full evasion cap block. Keep in mind that you have TWO chances to avoid crits, because when they roll a crit you get a second evasion roll, and if you succeed it gets downgraded to a normal hit. So with good evasion it's more like...4% additional chance to be crit, 6% additional chance to be hit (non-crit). But if it gets you that last hurdle to cap spell block...could very well be worth it endgame even.

As for the ring...BLOOD MAGIC KEYSTONE HYPE. Rings give you a lot of good shit though, all depends on the meta if you can make it work.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Haven't read all the post so far but has anyone one else seen that there is some sort of vaal sceptre looking item on the login screen for the upcoming unique item? Anyone have any clue what it might be?
I personally can't wait for the Iron Commander Unique Bow (5 Siege Ballista Totems anyone? :P)

Love the reference on Wyrmsign, and I think it's being underestimated, Rampage is quite powerful and if you can keep it up you have permanent Rampage once you've used Enduring Cry. It has Life, so it's not useless, and even a low level Conc could be nice.

That Ring is amazing... It'll finally make Blood Magic builds viable. Very excited.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Want a super strong, free aura or two? Essence Worm will give you the power you crave, but be prepared for high costs if you ask for more.

GG! I assume it works with blood magic pasive
Nice gloves, i need that ^^
cant wait !
Ring ideas:

1) ring, BM and clear mind
2) 2x ring, 2x purity, rotp and ele conversion taly
3) ring, clarity, mom and clear mind
4) 2x ring, determination and IR grace with acro
5) ring, purity of fire -> right side of the tree (crit/chaos/trap) RF builds
6) ring, vitality and zealoth's oath
7) ring, discipline and EB, double curse on blasphemy (98% reserved)
Hum nice item trash vendor
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