[2.4] CI Bladefall Trapper - High tier mapping - EV/ES/Block - Updating for 2.4.

i actually didn't use binos even when i had deerstalker as my pseudo 5L

i have nothing but positive things to say about cluster trap

it does perform worse than old build at uber atziri that's for sure, but this isn't a build designed completely around uber farming

i was about that i'd use mines because minefield has less spread than cluster trap so overlap would happen 100% and i'd just faceroll oneshot everything

i wanted this build to be able to do all and any map and map boss and i wanted it to be Uber capable if i decide to farm her on the side

and for mapping cluster trap > bino's prolif 100% at least from my experience and i've been getting messages from some other people that switched and feel way more comfortable with cluster trap

- cluster trap has way better coverage than bino's prolif

- doesn't get shit on by packs that are spread out

- because you have to throw less traps in general to kill mobs and coupled with extra cooldown reduction from Saboteur, this is by far the smoothest and best trap managment build i've played since tri - elemental trapper prolif when prolif was good

Don't get me wrong, Bino's prolif is still ok, i mean i got lvl 95 with it and did pretty much anything that there's to do in the game, i just think cluster trap mapping capabilities outshine it

I'll be uploading some videos of red maps i got from my uber farming quite soon

I've build a quite decent t13/t14 map base i'm just waiting to hit lvl 91-92 since i'm still getting good exp from t9-10 maps and don't want to goup yet
IGN JustifiedF
So after checking prices for Heretic's Veil, I realized I do not have enough currency to buy one yet. Would you recommend just sticking with CWDT + Immortal Call + Increased Duration along with enduring cry for endurance charges for defensive purposes until I can afford one? I noticed that you dropped the typical CWDT Immortal Call combo in your current gear but since I'm in Hardcore, I didn't want to take the risk.
oh i need to update the gear

i wasn't using cwdt for a while cause i couldn't chrome my gear xD

i'm guessing heretic's is quite expensive on HC since it's like 50c for a poop roll on SC

i'd use blasphemy enfeeble and then run cwdt temp chains if i was on HC

i actually tried temp chains + blasphemy combo and it's so OP but my defences are pretty good for now so i'm using vuln for faster mapping, might switch for highest tier maps but first few tier 14's actually went quite well even with just enfeeble for defense curse

blind + evasion + block is amazing and high ES pool takes care of spell damage

I uploaded 2 new videos of tier 14 maps so you can judge the survivability for yourself

i'd definitely use Enduring cry on HC too

IGN JustifiedF
I am now using poison bladefall trap with life build using bino's.
I chose assassin as I thought saboteur has too many useless nodes for poison traps, only the chain reaction thingy is good for it.
But I think the trap recovery time is a bit of slow and think of changing to saboteur.
Or if there is other way to reduce the recovery time?(using bladefall 4L in deerstalker)
Still struggling as there is only 1 useful nodes in saboteur.
So is there a comfortable way to go the blasphemy route with Saboteur without getting lucky with +1 curse ammy?

I picked up a heretic veil for cheap but ran into a roadblock with the above issue. I don't have the currency to yolo vaal ammys unfortunately.
Quick update for anyone interested in an alternative setup (Posted a similar comment in Pohx's thread too).
Mainly to be different, and also because I couldn't be bothered fiddling with gear, I had a play with my trapper from talisman back in standard.
I took trickster as my ascendancy, it's not ideal for a life based build as a lot of bonuses are es based, but gives us extra dodge (main reason for taking), increased DoT and a bit more regen and evasion. Increased movespeed always nice too.

Cluster trap is good, even without chain reaction. I played with it instead of trap damage (I had foolishly vaaled my chest, would be a better swap for conc effect or controlled desctruction). I will probably use it for clearing easy content (Actually, for easy content, maybe swap for poison - shouldn't need it).

But in the main sticking to the bino prolif.

Ran a couple of uber's. First one I made a mess of - killed first too quick and the second parked itself against the wall so couldn't run round it and non stop fired ball lightning. I've no idea what you do about that , was stunlocking and insta killing me. Maybe with topaz + saffels?
Second one was fine though.
Basically damage is less, but its still enough to kill split phase with 3 traps - which is good enough (Caveat - this is with mostly 20/20 gems, a 21/20 bladefall and some pretty nice jewels, and running a very strong vulnerability on blasphemy)
60% dodge chance does let you get away with a few mistakes too (obv not for hardcore!)

Then ran a pretty brutal Colosseum with zero problems.

CI is almost certainly the best for Uber, and saboteur/cluster is probably the best for clearspeed, but trickster does seem to be a fine option.

Character is TrappistPunk if anyone wants to check my profile.


Last edited by Carlovski#7040 on Mar 14, 2016, 10:32:59 AM
hey, thanks mate for sharing your thoughts

and yeah there are ways to make cluster trap feel good without chain reaction, i covered them in my new vid

summary is stack trap trigger radius or use sunblast + reduced trap duration gems

i think trigger radius is actually much better option

Trickster is a quite good all around ascendancy for a ton of builds and definitely one of most versatile, it just gives good bonuses for everything but nothing too flashy so people overlook it quite a bit

And yeah double vaal has been giving me headache too, i also cover a lot of my uber thoughts in the video if you're interested definitely check it out

i have a new pretty sick build planned for trickster that is also poison based, i need to solve couple of issues first but if it's gonna be half as good as i think it has the potential to be absolutely retarded for uber atziri farming

still in the process of testing though don't want to disclose anything yet
IGN JustifiedF
Last edited by Justifi3d#3841 on Mar 14, 2016, 10:51:15 AM
Hi - some additional questions:

1) For a Saboteur build, have you been able to effectively utilize Mine Field for either its smoke/blind capabilities and/or for increased AOE? If effecive to increase AOE, how are you applying it? My personal experience thus far is that its unwieldy and distracting.

2) For a Sabeoteur build, what is your assessment on the effectiveness of the 5th and 6th ascendancy point nodes allocated to supporting the Blind mechanic? If not that effective, are there other options to spend the 5th and 6th points that are even worth considering. For instance, demolition specialist could synergize well with placing mine fields (but only if mine fields are effective in the first place per the first question.

Personal progress update: At level 87 - with mediocre equipment and a "5L" deerstalker - but just bought a iLVL 100 6L Carnal Armour for 3.2 EX - dirt cheap IMO? Now I just have to chaos spam it until I get something decent - but I am excited.
Last edited by atlassound#3044 on Mar 14, 2016, 12:22:20 PM
Can you do it in a HP version to ?
or HP/shield
yeah that carnal armor was a steal imo for 3.2 ex, this build uses a lot of niche stuff like pure resist es rings, block daggers and ev/es armors so you can find sweet deals for cheap

i think Blind is underrated, it actually procs pretty often with bladefall since you hit multiple times and helps when it matters which is on unique mobs

i heard people rag on blind telling how it's bad on podcast yesterday and i was quite surprised that they don't value 50% extra chance to evade, but i've heard stuff more retarded than that on that podcast so it's whatever

people in general undervalue evasion a lot, i'm glad i can prove them wrong

i mean it's not flashy more multiplier or something but it's much better than a stibnite flask imo cause you can apply it from range

i only use minefield when setting up on boss fights, it's not that great and would be too clunky to utilize all the time, i wouldn't build around it, it's just that i can't really find any links that would be more useful

i'm sorry i don't play HP based builds that much and i'm not the one to ask questions about HP, i'd like to help you but i wasn't satisfied with defences on HP build so i completely ditched it

Pohx has a pretty good HP poison build i'm sure you could find better answers there

i don't think hybrid is ever worth it over CI imo
IGN JustifiedF
Last edited by Justifi3d#3841 on Mar 14, 2016, 1:35:26 PM

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