Here is all the info that you need.

-----------------------Build Details-----------------------

Keep in mind that u will only get to play with flicker strike in level 67 when u can start using Oro's Sacrifice while leveling simply use moltens strike or something that you like, use tabula if you have currency...

(Duelist) Passive Trees while leveling// (The last is the final tree.)


First Jewel

Fireborn Crimson Jewel





Last Jewel

Izaro's Turmoil Crimson Jewel (optional)


Now for the skill links //

Flicker Strike + Weapon Elemental Damage + Multistrike + Melee Splash (if 5 link )Fire penetration / (if 6 link ) Life Leech

Vaal cyclone + Life Gain on it + Weapon Elemental Damage + Fire Penetration

Cast When Damage Taken + Molten Shell + Blood Rage + Summon Flame Totem (All 20)

Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Vengeance + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun (All 20) // OR ONLY Endurance Cry if you prefer.


Oak for 40+ Life
Kill all for the passive point
Kraityn for the frenzy charge


My gear



Here is a videoclip on me clearing a map and some picture of my stats



Cast When Damage Taken + Molten Shell + Blood Rage + Summon Flame Golem (All 20)

Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Vengeance + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun (All 20)
Instead of only Enduring Cry




Without Charges (Offence & Defence)



With Charges & Bloodrage & Molten Shell & Summon Flame Golem(Offence & Defence)




And that's it guys, if you have any question just reply, i will try to answer them, even if i am not too good at english, i wish you all a good day :)

Last edited by sirfabio#3422 on Jan 27, 2016, 10:38:16 PM
Hi, your screenshot shows the damage / dps of your normal attack.

So with flicker multistrike it should be 6700 without buff/ frenzy charge ( if the screen is taken without).

The final tree looks good however i dont know why you dont take executioner : it may look a bit far but the jewel works on it without problem, it's at the very border.

^ This is BULLSHIT i'm wrong and i'm sorry, my error, dunno why i was convinced about it... /Facepalm

You take blood magic nodes to increase your life by a huge amount, 25% is helpfull.
You lose arctic armour and anger aura and gain infinite "mana".

On the opposite, Anger gives you an insane dps boost, arctic armour will chill and reduce physical and fire damage taken, countering the oro's debuff. To continously flicker without mana problem, you need mana/life leech nodes on the duelist wheel, i'm sure that the mana leeched is enough to sustainat lvl 90, not sure about lower levels.

It would cost some nodes, 7 nodes are needed but in the end you will not need life leech in the 6L setup and it's replaceable for something else. Faster attack or burning damage, chance to ignite?

It's only a suggestion, dps will be increased, arctic armour is a very good defensive mechanic (chill is underrated).

I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jan 25, 2016, 4:57:15 PM
Geisalt wrote:
Hi, your screenshot shows the damage / dps of your normal attack.

So with flicker multistrike it should be 6700 without buff/ frenzy charge ( if the screen is taken without).

The final tree looks good however i dont know why you dont take executioner : it may look a bit far but the jewel works on it without problem, it's at the very border.

You take blood magic nodes to increase your life by a huge amount, 25% is helpfull.
You lose arctic armour and anger aura and gain infinite "mana".

On the opposite, Anger gives you an insane dps boost, arctic armour will chill and reduce physical and fire damage taken, countering the oro's debuff. To continously flicker without mana problem, you need mana/life leech nodes on the duelist wheel, i'm sure that the mana leeched is enough to sustainat lvl 90, not sure about lower levels.

It would cost some nodes, 7 nodes are needed but in the end you will not need life leech in the 6L setup and it's replaceable for something else. Faster attack or burning damage, chance to ignite?

It's only a suggestion, dps will be increased, arctic armour is a very good defensive mechanic (chill is underrated).

Yes the screen was taken whitout any frenzy, thanks man i will really get more in depth of what you said,actually, do the jewel get executioner? cause that would really get me a lot of more damage and i could just take off endurance charges since i almost don't use it, well i tryied it, but the jewel doesn't shine one executioner so don't works but thanks that would be a really great ideia.
Last edited by sirfabio#3422 on Jan 25, 2016, 4:51:01 PM
Well sorry, executioner doesnt work, dunno why it was in my mind... Such error is a shame but hey i'm not perfect :p
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Geisalt wrote:
Well sorry, executioner doesnt work, dunno why it was in my mind... Such error is a shame but hey i'm not perfect :p

No one is xD, don't hurt yourself, everyone makes mistakes.
Now with stats pictures that i forgot sadly
Well your damage screenshots display your basic attack damage and not that of your flicker strike.. you might want to click on the flicker strike icon and retake those screenshot and of course the now missing screenshot of your defenses is always good to be present in a guide ;)
"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jan 26, 2016, 12:58:34 PM
KorgothBG wrote:
Well your damage screenshots display your basic attack damage and not that of your flicker strike.. you might want to click on the flicker strike icon and retake those screenshot and of course the now missing screenshot of your defenses is always good to be present in a guide ;)

I will, later thanks ";)"
sirfabio wrote:
KorgothBG wrote:
Well your damage screenshots display your basic attack damage and not that of your flicker strike.. you might want to click on the flicker strike icon and retake those screenshot and of course the now missing screenshot of your defenses is always good to be present in a guide ;)

I will, later thanks ";)"

Ok now the thread is finally complete, thanks for the help.
Well that works but ....

Click on the highlighted in the following picture flicker strike box to see the stats for the said flicker strike, take a screen, post the screen and you are good to go

"I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
Last edited by KorgothBG#4084 on Jan 26, 2016, 1:46:37 PM

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