Greengroove's Loot Filter Scripts v3.18.0 - OUTDATED
" Yup, need the code to show 1x3 maces. |
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" Here you go: Insert this code right below the section "RARE CORRUPTED ITEMS". Find it by searching for the term inside the quotation marks. This filter applies to all 1x3 weapons currently in the game (other than wands and daggers). The weapons will display with normal style but transparent background. Feel free to alter the code. For the record I am 110% sure this is overkill. I am currently going almost the opposite route. My personal filter is very, very, very strict (stricter than ever before). I see very few items and still I find my inventory full all the time. Map drops are good lately and I can chain maps fast and fill 12 tabs full in a matter of hours. My buddy is using even a stricter filter than I do. He literally even hides some low currency (alts, chromes, Perandus coins,...) and almost all rares and gems. Even T10 maps... It's quite crazy but it works. His clear spreed is good old Vaal spark speed. He just reached 10k map tiers. Even with a slightly slower build you can get a lot of items in no time. Then again drops depend on many things. That's exactly why the filter is adaptive and customizable. " |
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Yeah, both my builds are a good deal slower than vspark. Im slightly MFing with my SRS necro for t11+ and barely farming at the moment (more for xp when Im just bored of mfing for map pool at this point) on t8+. It may be overkill, but I just want a better ability to make the judgement call for the moment, so thanks for the code!
Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Feb 13, 2017, 8:56:11 PM
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I just want to add another thanks to the pile.. It is *IMMENSELY* satisfying to have your filter set up so that I only see items that I personally want to pick up if I have room for them. IDK that NS will ever be there until he releases his web based tool, but Ive been interacting a bit with some of the authors who have a customization interface on FB. Itll really be a good when all of them catch up to your level of customization, and there are a good range to choose from.
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I am having issues with some outliers: random blue stuff (ilvl 78) and some whites but Ill have to ss those and maybe edit them in later.. Im also seeing non quality health and mana pots, but Im pretty sure they are turned off. Here's my filter link. Would like to know where the stuff Im missing is so I won't miss it when new revs of the filter come out, please. Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Feb 16, 2017, 9:41:21 PM
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First of all thanks for your previous post. <3 Your support is really appreciated!
" Filterblast is currently 1.4 Beta. It is generally fine but it may still have bugs. After reviewing your filter I can tell you that: - You have decided to hide gems with no quality. That means that you will only see some gems like vaal gems and quality gems. Please note that you may not see some leveled gems! For this reason I don't really recommend disabling that. But it's not the end of the world, especially this late in the league. More filtering options for gems coming for 2.6. - In the leveling block you are showing some rare stuff and flasks. This is where you can choose what type of flasks you want to see (if any). All flasks types are in the leveling branch since you generally don't need those in the endgame. When you are in end game I generally recommend to disable the full leveling block. - Even the Warband filter is better to be hidden in endgame maps. Cause of the Sextant mod that drops all items identified. Those items can be enabled when leveling outside of maps safely. - And lastly you have 1 block enabled in the racing filter for endgame. Note that the racing filter is really meant for racing. There are currently no races in endgame and thus that entire block should be disabled. I just did that part to complete the filter with all bases even tho there is no need for that part at all. Maybe someday... Now I think that you have found a bug here. Can you confirm that only the Saintly Chainmail and Saint's Hauberk armour bases drop? You see it's the damned Sai dagger that is messing with code. I have already drafted an email about this problem to GGG. Not a biggie. Just disable the entire racing block and generally only use the "normal" racing part (when you level your first character in a new league). In general the 3 presets should work fine as a starting point for customization. And in general the more boxes are enabled the more things you'll see. " |
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Actually don't know if those are the only ones, just some I stumbled upon. Im going to go and disable those sections you mentioned and Ill keep an eye out for anything else from there on.. Stoked to hear about the map tiers, that'll be really great.
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Yeah, some of those blues went hidden when I disabled that racing and levelling stuff.. That may have been the cause of what showed up in those images (not sure though, since it was ilvl 78 stuff)..
Ill keep ya posted if anything else weird shows up when Im back to mapping tomorrow.. Thanks again! Edit: Blissful lack of anything out of place over a short days worth of mapping, thanks! Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Feb 18, 2017, 3:45:26 AM
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Here's a teaser of how the brand new part of the filter will look like!
![]() And with this implementation the filter is completely customizable! Hopefully in the future these options will get simplified, but for now there's many limitations due to Filtration's incompatibility. These options will only be available on Filterblast. The smart blocks will still be there but improved as well. |
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I must say that I *strongly* prefer checkboxes for those options if possible. Not sure if both are included, but that is my feedback.
Last edited by taosk8r#2478 on Feb 19, 2017, 5:43:54 PM
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