[2.1 Video Guide] Tanky End-Game Kinetic Blast Wander Build [HC/SC Viable]

Designed for patch 2.1!

2.1 Video Guide: Path of Exile 2.1: Kinetic Blast Wander Build Guide [HC/SC Viable]

This video will explain the details and help you get a better understanding of how this character works as well as showing in-game footage of how the build performs.

If you have any questions about the build, come to my twitch stream and I will do my best to answer them:

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What's up my exiles!?
This is the official thread for my tanky Kinetic Blast Elemental Wander build. In this thread, I will cover the most basic requirements of the build. To get a more detailed explanation on how the build works and needs to be set up, check out the link to my video-guide above.

First of all, what is this build and who is it suited for?

1. This build is designed for people who seek an alternative to the glass cannon wand builds that are currently available. That said the build has with the right gear insane clear speed even in the highest level of maps.

2. A fairly budget friendly wand build.

3. Fans of insane amounts of shatter effects!

4. A build that is both viable for hardcore as well as softcore.

5. People who prefer a build that has a video-guide linked to it.


Build mechanic introduction:

For offense, this build relies on the use of a high elemental damage wand together with Kinetic Blast, Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ice. If you are playing in softcore I also recommend using Wrath.

The defense of the build lies in having lots of life, tons of evasion and utilizing the Acrobatics keystone for that extra layer of defence.

Reflect damage

Reflect damage has so far not been an issue with the build however, I do not recommend doing Elemental Reflect maps. Also be careful with group play - elemental damage auras can scale your damage high and prove fatal against reflect.

Also, keep in mind that wand builds have the potential for some seriously high damage numbers however, it is all about finding the balance between having enough damage without killing yourself to reflect. I was personally able to clear tier 11+ maps very effectively with just 18.000 dps without having to fear 1-shotting myself to elemental reflect rares. You can however easily get 50.000 DPS with this type of build, but what good is that if you risk killing yourself to reflect? It is all about that balance between clear speed and the fear of 1-shotting yourself to reflect.

Bottom line, keep your DPS sensible and you will be fine!


Skill-gems and setups:

- For your main attack, you will be using Kinetic Blast, Blood Magic, Greater Multiple Projectiles, Faster Attack, Weapon Elemental Damage & Slower Projectiles (6-link).

- To help with high HP single targets: Barrage, Cast on Critical, Frost Wall & Blood Magic.

- For extra damage & Power Charges: Curse on Hit, Herald of Thunder, Herald of Ice & Assassin's Mark

- For Defence & Utility: Cast When Damage Taken (lvl 9), Molten Shell (lvl 14), Summon Ice Golem (lvl 11) & Grace/Wrath (does not need to be linked to the other 3 gems)

Note: Wrath adds a ton of damage and if you feel tanky enough go with that, otherwise go with Grace.

- For extra mobility you should use: Lightning Warp, Faster Casting & Blood Magic.

- For extra damage: Vaal Haste, Vaal Haste & Increased Duration.


Passive Skill-tree:

Leveling skill-tree, 30 points:

Leveling skill-tree, 55 points:

Leveling skill-tree, 75 points:

Leveling skill-tree, 94 points:


Leveling Tips:

- Level 1-30 Use flame totem + night’s hold
- 30-66 Equip Twyzel & start using Kinetic Blast (I recommend KB, FA & GMP, leave out BM until later, and use a mana potion until then)
- Level up your skill-gems from the beginning of the game.

Note: Wand builds are notorious for their terrible leveling. It is perfectly normal to want to destroy your monitor and howl in rage when cruel Kraityn kicks your ass. The good thing is that the build becomes very powerful later on.

Bandit Quest Rewards:

- Normal : Help Oak for 40+ life.
- Cruel : Kill them all for 1 extra skill point.
- Merciless: Help Alira/Kraityn for +1 to maximum Power/Frenzy Charges.

Gearing and stat priorities:

Defensive affixes, in priority:

1. Life
2. Elemental Resistances (75% on Merciless)
3. Evasion
4. Chaos Resistance

Offensive affixes, in priority:

1. Critical Strike Multiplier
2. Critical Strike Chance
3. Increased Attack Speed%
4. Added Fire/Cold/Lightning Damage to attacks.
5. Weapon Elemental Damage%


- Refer to the video for an example!


1. Inc. global critical strike multiplier
2. Inc. global critical strike chance
3. Inc. attack speed with wands
4. Inc. attack speed while holding a shield
5. Inc. attack speed
6. Inc. projectile Damage
7. Inc. maximum life
8. Inc. elemental resistances


Required Unique items::

Boots: The Blood Dance Boots


Optional but recommended unique items:

Helmet: Rat's Nest

Gloves: Maligaro's Virtuosity


The above information serves as a rough guideline to get you started with the build. I recommend watching my video guide, especially if you are new to the game. In the video I will explain some of the skills and how they work and how you should spend your skill points while leveling.

2.1 Video Guide: Path of Exile 2.1: Kinetic Blast Wander Build Guide [HC/SC Viable]

Feel free to ask me any questions regarding the build, but please do me the favor of watching the video first. It should explain a lot of the common questions you might have :)

Anyway, thank you for reading guys. I'll see you for my next beginners guide!

Stay safe!

Kind Regards
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Last edited by LiftingNerdBro#1842 on Jan 21, 2016, 8:27:47 AM
Last bumped on Apr 27, 2016, 8:11:52 AM
Reserved =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Maligaro's Virtuosity isn't really a helmet. Or is it?
Last edited by Jeaciaz#2598 on Jan 7, 2016, 6:57:52 AM
Maligaro's Virtuosity isn't really a helmet. Or is it?

And Blood Dance isn't really a weapon :)
Jeaciaz wrote:
Maligaro's Virtuosity isn't really a helmet. Or is it?

Haha nah it was a typo. My bad!
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
If you notice anything else, please let me know :)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Solid guide. Though I disagree with The Blood Dance being required to make the build work. You can just as easily run frenzy or blood rage and be fine.

I'd also like to know your thoughts on going mana based with duelist leech nodes instead of using the blood magic gem and either dropping a herald or taking a few aura nodes.
Last edited by Zhurdon#2015 on Jan 7, 2016, 3:38:27 PM
Zhurdon wrote:
Solid guide. Though I disagree with The Blood Dance being required to make the build work. You can just as easily run frenzy or blood rage and be fine.

I'd also like to know your thoughts on going mana based with duelist leech nodes instead of using the blood magic gem and either dropping a herald or taking a few aura nodes.

The problem with running Blood Rage is that this build simply doesn't have enough life regeneration to out-regen the degen effect from Blood Rage otherwise, that would have been my preferred method as well.

The frenzy attack is a viable alternative, but I personally just don't enjoy using that method =)

I found that mana leech, energy shield on hit and regular mana gain on hit was great for clearing regular packs, but all lacked for single target bosses. Blood magic was simply more reliable.
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting
Never Played with an evasion Character, but do you feel in HC it's better to run equipments with armor and evasion or full evasion works better?
Anyway, nice guide. Trying it in my new character.
dere123 wrote:
Never Played with an evasion Character, but do you feel in HC it's better to run equipments with armor and evasion or full evasion works better?
Anyway, nice guide. Trying it in my new character.

Both methods are very viable, however if it was a simple as armor vs evasion, then armor in its current form is a better way of mitigating damage. That doesn't mean evasion is bad though =)
Weekly build guides: Youtube.com/LiftingNerdBro
Daily live streams: Twitch.tv/LiftingNerdBro
Friendly PoE community: Discord.gg/Lifting

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