Happy New Year! A 2015 Retrospective

Happy new year GGG, all you need is love ! <3
Happy new year GGG, all you need is love ! <3

Edit : post x2 srry i'm skiing ans my phone isnt good XD
Last edited by Maedhlyn#7623 on Jan 1, 2016, 10:47:03 AM
Zero shields were turned into Kiwis.

le wut? O.o
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
Happy new year GGG and thanks for the great year 2015! Waiting for another awesome year for PoE.
Asus TUF B450-PLUS GAMING - AMD Ryzen 5 5600 - ASUS GTX 1080 Ti Strix 11GB - Windows 10 Pro - 32GB DDR4 - Samsung 250GB 970 EVO SSD
GGG sold over a million stash tabs in 2015 and 723,610 were to me - yikes !!!
seriously, it was a great year for GGG & all fans of POE.
Speaking for myself and all of the poor unsuspecting people that I personally invited, cajoled, and coerced into becoming POE addicts along with me, I'd like to thank Chris & all the devs for a great year.
Best wishes for 2016 to everyone !!!!
lool love the photo...

"Brootosh ish shmiling...
...Brootosh ish happeh"
"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
Bonne année bande de frapadingues !

Et longue vie au Game of the Year 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and obviously 2016 !!!
you forgot
nerfing block, life leech, maps and exp
Do not, my friends, become addicted to maps. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!
Heres to an even greater 2016 for PoE mates!
Thanks for a great year! This game just gets better and better... Look forward to many more to come. Keep up the great work!
The 352nd character to hit Level 100 in Standard
The 82nd character to hit Delve 1000 in Standard

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