[2.1][Video] 150 Fire Res Reduction Oro's Sacrifice Flicker
English is not my first language. Hope all of you can understand.
This build is completely based on buffs from 2.1! Not upgrade from 1.3/2.0 Overview 90 Level -4.8k Life -9.5k Armour -Maximum 150 Fire resistance reduction on enemy! -63k Dps with 6 Frenzy Charge and Flame golem (5L) -Immune to stun -Instant life leech -Super fast clearing speed -Super easy to play -Elemental Reflect is not a problem compared with other Oro's Sacrifice build
Build Concept
Oro's Sacrifice Flicker + Dual Curses + Vaal Pact
1. Oro's Sacrifice Generate frenzy charges to keep using Flicker Strike 2. Flammability and Elemental Weakness 30% increased curse effect from passive tree and Blasphemy plus Fire Penetration = huge damage amplification Fire resistance reduction Calculation Elemental Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration Normal mobs: (44 + 44)*1.3 + 37 = 151 Unique boss: (44 + 44)*0.7 + 37 = 99
Anger vs Elemental Weakness
Consider a player using a skill with Penetrates 37% Fire Resistance dealing 100 fire damage to an enemy: Assume 500 Fire damage from Oro's Sacrifice (Max 535,Min 487.5) Other items don't have any + flat fire damage 20 Level Anger = (83+138)/2 = 110 Flat Fire Damage Anger Damage = (110)/500 = 22% **Bosses have 60% reduced curse effect
Detail Calculation with 10% increased effect from Blasphemy
If the enemy has +0% Fire resistance Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122*(100% + 44% * 110% +37%) = 226 Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*110% + 37%) = 233 If the enemy has +25% Fire resistance Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122*(100% + 44% * 110% +37% -25%) = 196 Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*110% + 37% - 25%) = 208 If the enemy has +75% Fire resistance Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122*(100% + 44% * 110% + 37% -75%) = 135 Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*110% + 37% - 75%) = 159 If the enemy has +150% Fire resistance Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122*(100% + 37% - 75%) = 75.6 (As 150%-44%*110% > 75 ,so only Penetration is considered) Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*110% + 37% - 150%) = 83.8 In fact it is not a huge difference. Boss Calculation As Boss has 60% reduced effect on curse. Assume we got 10% increased effect of curse from 20 quality Blasphemy Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122* (100% + 44%*0.5 + 37% -75%) = 102 Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*0.5 + 37% - 75%) = 106
Detail Calculation with 30% increased effect from passive and Blasphemy
If the enemy has +0% Fire resistance Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122*(100% + 44% * 130% +37%) = 237 Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*130% + 37%) = 251 If the enemy has +25% Fire resistance Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122*(100% + 44% * 130% +37% -25%) = 206 Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*130% + 37% - 25%) = 226 If the enemy has +75% Fire resistance Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122*(100% + 44% * 130% + 37% -75%) = 145 Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*130% + 37% - 75%) = 176 If the enemy has +150% Fire resistance Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122*(100% + 37% - 75%) = 76 (As 150%-44%*130% > 75 ,so only Penetration is considered) Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*130% + 37% - 150%) = 101 Boss Calculation If boss has 75% resist Anger + Flammability + Penetration: 122 * (100% + 44%*0.7 + 37% -75%) = 113 Ele Weakness + Flammability + Fire Penetration : 100*(100% + (44% + 44%)*0.7 + 37% - 75%) = 124 Summary on Excel ![]() Anger + Flam. is better with 10% increased effect from Blasphemy especially in boss fight. Normally Dual curse with 30% increased effect do 1X% more damage than anger but you need to spend 4 points in passive tree. Another advantage is that you have less mana reserved to run AA. 3. Vaal Pact Reason: 1.Play style You are not hit and run like cyclone. You can't control where your flicker strike hits 2.20% of Max life pool life leech can't save you Max 20/25% life pool per second is nothing against high damage boss and and large pack of mobs 3.Elemental reflection It is the main reason. Without Vaal Pact, you die very fast if you hit elemental reflect rare mobs. The higher damage you have, the faster you die!!. Vaal Pact gives you double time to react.
For example if a mobs have 16% elemental reflect and you have 75% resistance
Damage Reflect: 16% X (100-75%) = 4% Life Leech: Vaal Pact:2% (instantly) Without Vaal Pact: ~0% Total Reflect Damage: Vaal Pact:2% Without Vaal Pact:4% You got 50% reflect damage only! Damage reflection
Pros & Cons
-Fun to play -Easy to Play -Super Fast clearing speed -Can run elemental reflect map but not suggest :P -Relatively cheap since 5L enough -Easy to cap res (cheap) Cons -You have to man fight with boss because no life regen -HC not available -Can't run Atziri using flicker strike
You can use it to replace +1 curse amulet.
Skill Setup
Main Skill Flicker strike + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Weapon Elemental Damage + Weapon Elemental Damage Fortify + End. Gharge Generator Flicker strike + Multistrike + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Fortify Dual Curses Elemental Weakness + Flammability + Blasphemy Protection Skills CWDT + Immortal Call + Molten Shell + Increased Duration Movement Skill Flame Dash Golem Flame Golem/Chaos Golem Optional Low Level Blood Rage for avoid elemental status map or just boost clearing speed
Offence and Defence
Normal Offence without any buff golem
![]() 6 Frenzy + Flame golem ![]() Defence ![]()
Pass Tree
Duelist/Shadow/Templar can use this build
I use Shadow but i think Duelist has better performance This unique gem is required ![]() 110 points Passive Tree
Normal:40 Life
Creul:8% Attack Speed Merciless:Frenzy Charge
Old Gear Video
T6 Poorjoy's Asylum Just Low Tier Unique Map with 150%+ life and 150%+ damage. T7 Jungle Valley Elemental reflect +60 Fire Resist I change fire penetration to Life Leech and elemental weakness to Warlord's mark. This maps +60 fire resist....very slow clearing speed...just to show the capability to run elemental reflect map T10 Volcano 2 Boss which immune to curse and 60% avoid elemental stats I didn't change my dual curses to anger and AA because i realise boss are immune when killing it....
Old Gear and Stats
It is my old gear with 4.2k life only
Old Stats
Normal Offence without any buff golem
![]() 6 Frenzy + Flame golem ![]() Defence ![]() New Gear Video T9 Gorge About 3 mins to clear Gorge. It is not speed run. T9 Residence Nothing special T9 Malformation with EE Man Fight!! I won't do it again while leveling :P. It will be easier if no EE mod T10 Necropolis Nothing special I hope i can get a single T12+ map :( I start playing POE since last months, i am still very new here. Please feel free to comment and help me improve my build. Last edited by underworldx114#1198 on Jan 8, 2016, 6:18:18 AM Last bumped on Mar 14, 2016, 5:01:38 PM
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" Haha, thanks for your comments. I read your build and saw many arguments in your post about effectiveness of your passive tree and build. I just want to share my build which make use of 2 buffs in 2.1 1.Curses aura 2.New Life and Mana Leech nodes My build concentrate on fire resistance reduction and use vaal pact to deal with elemental reflect. I don't think my 5L build is really bad compared with your 6L build. It don't rely on 20% chance to get 50% more damage with shock.According to your post your default damage have 4917 X 5.03 = 24732 (it maybe old stats). My flicker @91 level have 5323 X 6.54 = 34812 Dps without any aura/golem. 34812/24732 = 140% It is 40% more damage all the time.In addition my build have 6 frenzy charge while you have 4 only.I have one more curse. The calculation may be wrong as you didnt show your level in your post and you keep changing your passive tree all the time. I post some question in your build too. For example,I really don't understand why you kill all bandits in Cruel to get extra point and get two +4% attack speed near the start of duelist. Please take a look. If you are unhappy about a "Similar" build. I apologize for that. I am still very new to POE and this forum too. Is it not welcome to post a so called "COPY" build using same unique sword only? Sorry for my bad english if you can't understand. Please forgive me as english is not my first language. Last edited by underworldx114#1198 on Jan 6, 2016, 9:48:08 AM
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" I use vaal pact mainly because elemental reflect and never care large pack of mobs. I tried normal regen build before. A single rare mobs with elemental reflect can kill you easily. Vaal Pact give you more time to react. If i die due to rare ele reflect mobs with ~5 k hp, normal regen build need more than 10k hp.I know blood rage leech physical only. It is why i suggest low level for short duration and get max frenzy charge faster and speed up in low tier map. |
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" Ignite chance 13% + 27% (2% from jewel). Just check boss fight in my Necropolis video. I think my ignite chance is high enough to keep using flicker strike.Using oro like Frenzy skill, we never get more than one frenzy charge in 1 attack (3 attacks with multi). 40% is pretty high i got 1-0.4^3=78% to get a frenzy charge per frenzy usage on a single target. It is pointless to get very high ignite chance Unlike other build using bloodrage/ blood dance to generate frenzy charge, we don't need to kill within 3 attacks to generate frenzy charge. Using oro don't care to spend charge. Why don't we invest some points on attack speed? The effectiveness of stacking damage is very low if you got 250%+ increased damage. Every 10% increased damage = 4%. The second flicker strike for fortify and end charge. You can get 2/3 end charge easily with one single hit. Fortify gives 20% reduced Damage Taken from Hits and 4% Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge. I think it is worth! It won't slow down cycle. Raw hp is good for life regen build. Not my build. High hp = higher regen = higher life leech. It seems Geisalt change your mind finally! :D Just don't get one shot and everything is fine. Last edited by underworldx114#1198 on Jan 6, 2016, 11:30:58 AM
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" 1 Fuby Flask run reflect map? For example if a mobs have 16% elemental reflect and you have 76% resistance 86% With Fuby Flask Damage Reflect: Life regen build with Fuby Flask: 16% X (100-86%) = 2.24% Vaal Pact without Fuby Flask: 16% X (100-75%) = 4% Life Leech: Without Vaal Pact: ~0% Vaal Pact:2% (instantly) Total Reflect Damage: Without Vaal Pact:2.24% Vaal Pact:2% How can you run elemental reflect map? It is ok if you just hit and wait life regen and hit again Assume you can get 30 charge easily. Even you add life leech gem and warlord's mark won't help much. You still need hit and wait life regen. How about boss fight? I think you are very weak in mathematics and game mechanism. In fact i am happy to discuss with you although we have different preferences. Good luck! Last edited by underworldx114#1198 on Jan 6, 2016, 12:04:38 PM
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Nice guide, you seem to know what ur doing and talking about!
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" Vaal pact is interresting in an HEAVY fire damage build, his idea is good, his build is interresting and i like the idea to push curses further. Actually, with my 240 000 dps flicker strike (10K avg dmg *8 aps tooltip, 30% shock chance and 130% ele penetration, 80K*2*1.5) I 6 shot my 6000 hp char on ele reflect monster WHILE USING RUBY FLASK, IT'S JUST HOW BIG MY HITS ARE. So my char is dead with 2 flickers activation, if i'm not carefull i'm dead. If you sustain your own reflect... it means only one thing, low damage! (not a bad thing in this case, it saves your life). Captainlord, you do not have 130-160 fire penetration in your build, so you cannot know what it means to reach such high reflect. Also, vaal pact life leech is always more powerfull than regen + slow life leech if you have a good dps/low hp pool, because normal life leech is restricted by a maximum leech rate. Thoo the downside of vaal pact is huge. For the big ignite chance, i disagree. 60% is the bar minimum for me, otherwise when uncharged we can go in a pack and fail the ignite proc, then we can't continuously flicker. It can kill you. 22% chance to fail when uncharged is problematic. Also oro's cares about charges, because of the frenzy buff, each charge gives 4% More damage and attack speed. Okey it's not that big, but it's still better to be full, is not it? I know i know, if you maximize the charge efficiency by increasing ignite chances... you have to sacrifice a lot of stuff in return. BUT! as i said, 22% chance to not get a first charge when uncharged, leading to fail the flicker spam... when you addition both, ignite chance has it's use. If you have one charge it's generally ok, if the used charge fails to generate a charge, the normal cooldown of flicker will trigger then you will get the charge back. ( well you can be unlucky two times, it happens, i have tried c_c, it's rarer). But this little 22% chance to fail can be tricky and i cant bet on luck only ;) I use blooddance instead of blood rage but i understand why you picked this gem, it seems counter productive but more AS+charges cant hurt. ah, captainwarlod, one thing: You are the 1311117+988+299124646 dude who makes a normal flicker strike oro's build (filled with some unoptimized stuff but things improve). He is the only one (i think) who tried to use vaal pact with oro's. how the fuck is it a copy? Or did you mean that you copied my build captain? Cuz my build has a flicker strike variant incorporated even if everything is doable with it. 240K flicker strike, sustained no trick no cheat, full charges aura golem, without blood rage, with 6K hp, life leech and huge regen. I posted it first. Dude. Anyway, to come back to the topic, imma look at the tree and all then see if i have an advice or two. I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jan 10, 2016, 2:21:46 AM
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For your 6L, faster attack could give you a 55% as on top of your total of 88%, so with the 1.44 oros AS it makes 4.9 BASE AS instead of 4.1.
FASTER ATTACK WILL GIVE YOU 1.6 AS (with Multistrike), you already have 9.35... Yeah, it's 17.2% More, the gem can be replaced with something else. Chance to ignite? Nop? With a 6L you could use added cold damage gem instead of faster attack and equip Pyre ring http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Pyre It would increases the flat fire damage by 125-188. 156.5 base fire. Also pyre destroys ignited bodies, it's awesome against skele/necros. Plus it increases the burning damage by 30+% which is nice for your setup because you dont have a lot of pure % elem increase, 46% " Let's see: your base avg damage = oro's 677 + flat fire gear 35 = 712 I dont know if it's a good setup but it doesn't hurt to test, 156 BASE average damage is awesome and you have already a lot of attack speed on your gear/tree. It's an increase of 22% More. ...but you lose a ring, but you can find an amulet, one ring and gloves with fire damage AND cold damage because of pyre ring. It seems interresting. Also you can try the now "famous" already mentionned Three dragon + innervate gem, with 25% shock it's very cool, it worths it against bosses. Really. Well again you lose a bit by removing the hat. 25% of the time, at 9 attack speed..against vmonsters with a lot of hp/bosses, shock will be constantly applied. And against packs, it will destroy them sometimes, giving you ONSLAUGHT to run faster and kill the next pack faster. It's very cool to see bronn's lithe, an unloved armor. Oro's main attack as a 6L why not, +2 on flicker cant be bad. ... Well it lacks HP. +3.6%More damage, 50% increased + 10% attack speed, it worths it. In the end, i'm unsure about my first suggestion, the requirements are problematic ( loss of a ring, getting fire+cold items for full potential). In your case The Three dragon innervate combo is golden. I like your build and yours choices, it's straight forward and efficient, it has not the best DPS but the survability seems good for an oro's flicker strike build without kaom or lightning coil. bronn's lithe is a great choice !!! I dont notice "errors" or things to change, look like the way you did it is the right way to do it, for a vaal pact oro's :) ... Just the chance to ignite which is VERY dangerous and random for my tastes, 22% chance to fail against the first pack, your choice ;) " Dafuck, It's because full leech applies before reflect that vaal pact saves a life. First hit, full life no leech->reflect->lose hp second hit, leech a big amount->reflect->lose hp repeat. If you oneshot yourself it doesnt save you, but otherwise it does. Far better than normal life leech. I do not use vaalpact, i have a 500 hp/s regen char with 6K hp and 2% LL. And I DIE ULTRA FAST to reflect because of my insane DPS, no amount of LL/regen could save me. NADA. My only solution is to be carefull but VAAL PACT COULD SAVE ME IF I HAD IT. CUZ INSTA HEAL BASED ON FULL DPS. I have both, huge dps and huge regen/LL/HP, it's not enough. Your build deals 90K-100K dps with shock and firepene at best captain. Mine has 240K, more than 2.6x DPS so i take 2.6x reflect damage. Make sense right? if you take 1000 i take 2600! If you take 3 reflect, 3000... me i'm overkilled! underworldx114 gave you the maths, dont be blind. His way works, and it has more dps than your build with a better damage reduction against reflect but huge vulnerability against bleed or when he cant attack -chill?(fixed with a potion) also he can run chaos cloud maps with his chaos resistance and potions. It's also not my first flicker strike char, i have played more than 2K hours on my two handed flicker atziri disfavour, i have rebuilded it a lot of times, tried a lot of things and setups... We arent here to see who has the biggest but! we know ours facts. I will never be good but always I try to improve. Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jan 10, 2016, 4:14:01 AM
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Hop a new post for something important to test!
near vaal pact you havea jewel node, and near the jewel node you have the TRAP NODES, thoses trap nodes , if they work with fireborn jewel... could give: 48% fire damage for 4 points (jewel counted) it's not bad, not ultimate, valuable. Then it also allow the use of the chaos nodes for a total of 54% fire increased and 12 chaos res with 4 points. Of course i dont know what to remove for thoses nodes and you lose the jewel slot which could give 26% fire increased (melee damage + fire damage + random bonuses/ 7%life/attackspeed) Maybe for the level 100! è_é Ok... Dumb idea i'm tired, nothing to remove in the build for thoses nodes. I will never be good but always I try to improve.
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