Q&A with the Developers!

Why the last minute change of heart regarding the reservation cost of Blasphemy? Are you satisfied with its seemingly underuse as of right now?
Will there be an MTX for Arc? Pretty popular build, but it seems all the popular ones get MTX right after they fall out of the FOTM position.
Are there any plans to tweak evasion to make it more competitive as a defense, specifically with respect to one-shot mechanics? Its inability to survive one-shot mechanics causes huge issues with both bosses and reflect.
IGN: Fiona_Falconstrike, Geldar_the_Barbarian, Natalie_Fellshadow
1: What are current plans to add Talisman features to the core game? (Personal opinion: You really really should add them)

2: When do you plan to release more ascendancy classes?
Aura Reservation Calculator: https://poe.mikelat.com/
Chromatic Calculator: http://siveran.github.io/calc.html
Tired of using GGG's crappy skill planner? Tell them here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1555283
I'm interested in the devs' opinions on Corrupting Blood. Considering it's largely remained unchanged since it's introduction while other similarly troublesome mechanics such as reflect have been largely scaled back.

Two areas in particular I'm interested in:

- Thoughts on the influence Corrupting Blood has on flask selection? It basically requires staunching flasks to be somewhere in your setup if you wish to not die regularly. You can't even reasonably make an effort to avoid them since they have no identifying markers, skills like Cyclone or Reave which very seldom click on individual mobs would have no idea which is CB and which is safe.

- Thoughts on the capability Corrupting Blood has to one-shot players under certain circumstances? Due to the mechanics of the mod, if a high-attack speed player runs into a high-damage mob with damage mods on it and/or the map, it's entirely possible for only 5 or so Corrutping Blood stacks to drain the player's entire lifepool quicker than it's physically possible to react. I know I've had this happen a couple of times and it's really frustrating.

Oh and a bonus question about regions and gateways:

Now that you have a system in place for multi-language clients and forums, is Garena out of the picture or will you be utilizing them to open up new servers going forward? As a native English speaker living in Tokyo I'd like to see a more local gateway open up closer than California (the Singapore gateway is way too unstable), but I'm afraid you guys'll leave that to Garena and preclude any possibility of a closer Global gateway.
IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo
Last edited by gilrad#6851 on Dec 28, 2015, 7:09:44 PM
When Will You Fix Dominating Blow?
caick1000 wrote:
Any tips for someone that is starting to study programming for games? and what type of code do you guys used to make the game? like c++ c# etc

IGN : @Morgoth
Talisman League is my favorite so far. That is because every time I enconter a monster with a talisman it is almost certain that the talisman will be good for something.

Question 1: In that line my question is if you intend to continue to add this sort of mechanics (with a bigger certain factor and less of a random factor) to the game, specially to the current end game?

Like for example what we see in the Unique Map Oba's Cursed Trove where there is a progression of the monsters level within the same map. That gives me a sense of progression and I enjoy that a lot more than the randomness of most regular maps.

Even if my english was good, not sure if i could be more clear but thanks anyways

Question 2: Is there any plans for new types of MTX? Like for instance aura MTX (not aura skills but aura like we see in the Masters or in the new Gore and Arctic Armour sets).

Edit: One more Question: Climatic changes in same zone (like suddeling starting to rain and things like that)is a possibility for the future?

Last edited by Diemx0#6147 on Dec 28, 2015, 7:31:57 PM
I've graduated from UoA like 6 months ago in software engineering, hire me? Thanks bruthaaaaa
What other languages will be released next year?

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