Q&A with the Developers!
what is the progress of the translation of the game ?
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Hey, are you guys going to release any new movement skills with Asceendency?
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3 questions for you:
1) Can you make it so that we can have 2 stash tabs open at once? This would make stash organisation much easier. 2) Would it be possible to alter the minion AI so that they return to the player character if there are no more mobs for them to clobber instead of them just milling around at the scene of their last kill? 3) Om the character creation screen could we have buttons to select a preferred weapon type ( bow, 1h sword dagger etc. ) and armour group ( energy shield, evasion, armour and evasion etc. ), then give these preferences a higher drop rate when playing? Thank you for a great game. It has held my interest for much longer than any other I have played. |
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Do you intend to keep maps as a currency-sink and gate content behind drop-luck?
Do you intend to bring some balance to the force or are we keeping things as they are, like evasion characters getting absolutely destroyed by some encounters while a armour characters just shrug the hits off? Kuduku, you majestic, magnificent, pulsating, wooden shaft of a man. - ZiggyD
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Will the upcoming labyrinth thats required for the ascendancy class points be optional as a side area so that you can "back-track" for the points or will you have to go through it before continuening to the next act/difficulty?
Why did you change the rangers starting point with attack speed to projectile dmg? Please change it back for us melee rangers so we get our nieche bonus speed again.. ust put projectile dmg as second point instead and its still good for bow but melee dont get punished for choosing ranger(duelist and marauder are superior for almost any melee build and if not superior atleast equal or having more potentials). Even better, change so its attack speed > accuracy/accuracy+attack speed/pure attack speed again(my favourite, not a big fan of accuracy) and than forking to a choise between attack speed or projectile dmg. Whats your guess on how many hours per week the GGG employee playing the most of PoE put on his personal game account? Where do you think is the best fishing spot in-game? P.s. You should start fishing contests making it similar to races. May the RNG be with you.
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Do you have any intention on adding something to hideouts when ascendancy comes around? Would love some new masters or even some way to change the music. (Act 4 music is awesome, keep it up GGG!) :D
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Do you plan on making the game more accessible?
I dont think that difficulty makes most people not reach maps/endgame maps. Actually, what is the real problem - the accessibility of some knowledge and tactics, mostly moneymaking knowledge. As you see, there are a few dozens of pros who know the recipies, who know the powerleveling and who know the crafting - they dominate the game completely. While the rest of players think that you can grind your way to progress (which is a heap of bullshit). |
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I'm fairly sure I know the answer to this but I'd like a spelled out response.
In the last Questions thread, it was specifically stated that Poison would pick up Projectile Damage bonuses if it was applied by a Projectile. Is this true for Melee Attack Damage, Attack Daamge, or Spell Damage? And if not, why does the Projectile tag transfer to the Poison while the other do not. CharanJaydemyr:some people need to really rethink how they spend their money....I will trash this item if I ever find it on principle...I've seen much cleverer "troll" items get turned down, so I guess GGG gave up trying to enforce that one. Not GGG's finest hour.
poeurl.com/bD4E |
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Will there finally be a restriction on map drops? Getting a tier 1 from a tier 9 is frustrating. I rather get none than that punch to the face.
Kuduku, you majestic, magnificent, pulsating, wooden shaft of a man. - ZiggyD
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I love the ambient sound effects in the Dry Woods map. Is that a real bird call, and if so, what kind of bird is it?
Softcore, solo self-found.
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