Q&A with the Developers!

Not a question , but theres a mtx bug takes me like 100 trys to get mtx's of items
I understand why 6L drops are a once in a blue moon event but why are 5L drops also an extreme rarity? The extremes of gear starvation is putting many players off and many have quit because of lack of endgame better gear drops.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
Have you ever thought about changing the bonus from playing unidentified maps from more items to more XP? What are your thoughts on this idea?

This would actually encourage more the dangerous practice of running unid maps. Some people (like myself) aren't really too keen of seeing hundreds of items dropping (even if that is way better now with item filters) and it could be really dangerous and fun to see if the top-runners in the ladder would play them to gain a little advantage at great risk.
Last edited by Kaemonarch#7216 on Dec 29, 2015, 9:22:18 PM
Is there ever gonna be a Weapon Effect with Exalted Weapon like particles? Doesnt have to be the same ofcourse but I still bite my lips if I think about not buying it.. Paid 220$ again this time for the Ascendancy pack and the Weapon Effect doesnt even come close to Exalted Weapon effect.
Will you ever plan a feature that allows a character whose tree has been wiped to see a snapshot of their previous tree? As it stands, it's extremely hard to keep old characters around as their trees get reset every time.
Dem metal chickens
Mechanics question:

avian twin amulet provides the following stats:

50% XX taken as YY

With the unique T4 talisman Eyes of the (Greatwolf) property:

Implicit Modifier magnitudes are doubled

Its possible to get 100% of XX taken as YY

So a few questions on that.

Does elemental resistance of XX effect how much of YY you take? For example if I have 0 cold res and take cold damage spell, but have 100% cold damage taken as fire, do I take more damage then if I had 75 cold res.

Basically do resistances play a factor in the initial damage type?

Do ground effects\degens have a different effect?


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Chris! Could you make us a tavern and then create an in game card game using the divination cards??

PoE Meets MTG ^_^
Looking for more guild members for races/4 month hc leagues, pm for info
omg 69 pages and couting :o
it's gonna hurt..
- Season 6 Rank: 666th
Oh damn! ._.
How will Scion's sub class become ?
I'm wondering why Leap Slam was changed so you can no longer just point at the edge of screen and jump that way. Now you have to carefully position your cursor inside the approximate Leap Slam area, which is insanely obnoxious. I know you can pick a distant location and your character will first MOVE then jump, but when we press Leap Slam the player should LEAP immediately. This is especially weird considering several other skills let you position your mouse simply in the direction you desire.

Also, is it a known issue that certain skills like Ice Crash while pressing Shift to attack in place sometimes won't use the skill like Ice Crash but just do a basic attack? It seems to happen when standing right next to various objects. I can't determine if it's a game logic error or design? Either way, it is very bad and unsafe for Hardcore players to occasionally do a basic (idiot) attack, wasting precious time. Seems it would be better to register no attack, or ideally always use the skill of course...

Also, any chance we'll get some sort of tracking system for "fastest clears" of maps and whatnot a la Diablo 3's Greater Rift tracking? End game maps get old fast when there's no goal like "new best time" or some such.

Also for Hardcore, Act 4 Cruel's boss section (Kaom-Daresso-Piety-Shav-Mal-Toad-Malachi) still seems way harder than the rest of the content. Any chance of making Act 4 Cruel possibly optional or simply easier since it's kind of bizarre design to force the player into certain OP/kiting builds just to get past Act 4 Cruel. Merciless is fine since it's optional and no sane player would ever try it until doing 40 hours of mapping (which perhaps is another issue).

Also, kind of weird design that beating Malachi gives you basically nothing. For being 10x harder than any other boss fight it just seems like a skill point or fun random currency cache would make sense. I suppose this isn't a question, is it? ;)

Sorry to pester, but you asked for it. ;) Thanks for the great game and great support!
Last edited by Brumbek#2878 on Dec 30, 2015, 12:12:31 AM

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