Q&A with the Developers!

We saw some new base item types with 2.0 The Awakening. But we haven't seen any new Ring, Amulet, or belt base types. (With Exception to Talismans for amulets.) Any chance we'll see some new higher level base types for these? (Such as stat implicit rings, Armor/Evasion implicit belts, or life/es implicit amulets or etc.) Any chance with Ascendancy? Or would this be more of an "Act 5" kind of thing?
No matter how interesting the game is it'll become boring to play it in a while, I've made breaks while playing PoE but I always return. My question is:
Do you ever get a bit bored while designing this nice game?
Best wishes!
The Dragon Fireball and swordfish ice spear move so fast, it's hard to really make out what they are at times without slow motion. Could we get a Dragon SRS or some other type of MTX where we'll get a better look at the cool art?

Not a question, but I love the divine righteous fire mtx, even though i hardly ever use that skill as much as I could.
Controlled Destruction is a pretty cool way to scale spells when going non-crit. Any plans for something within that theme for attacks?

(Maybe with Crit Multi reduction, or Accuracy reduction instead. [Accuracy is normally important for most attack builds to actually land a crit.])
I've asked this before, but got a really vague and unsatisfying answer (Literally "Yes"). So I'll put it a different way.

I feel a pretty big disparity between the amount of money people put towards supporting the game, and what they get out of that support. To put a finer point on it: There are (I don't have the actual figure, but you do) a triple-digit amount of diamond/eternal uniques left unmade. Most of us don't even get so much as a "hey, we haven't forgot about you- here's a timeframe", in fact, we basically have to resort to harassment and going over people's heads (like this!!!) to get even a basic response.

I'm beginning to think that given the rate that you guys have pushed them out, the game may actually cease development entirely before the diaternal queue is cleared. So, my question is: what is your plan to deal with this issue?
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How much pizza does the whole office need within a year?

Do you supply the fish on your pizzas by yourself or do you let someone else fish for you?
1. Would you add function that allow turn on several auras by one button?

2. Would you makes the mtx movable?

3. Is there any changes about skills?

4. What is scion's ascendancy clsss? Please any hint even very small. I think she can take the other ascendancy calss's node. Is it right?

5. Any change about trade system? For example, auction system like a diablo 3.
1. When is the game going to become just a little noob friendly!?

No you don't need to dumb it down, or change the mechanics. Simply provide the newcommers with something to go on. === "Hey, we have a pretty advanced talent development system - in case you don't want explore it right away - here's what - you can use these 2 Recommended builds and dive in the action right away. Just don't forget you always have the opportunity to really really customize the character talents ;) Don't take our word for it, just go see the ridiculous amount of options we have in store for you."===

2. When are we getting a better presented story?

Get serious - audio diaries do not cut it. Even static sketch graphics that simply show wireframes and silhouettes of scenes are better than no visuals whatsoever. Yes better story elements isn't what the game is for. It merely does flesh out the world better and make it more akin to its inhabitants.

3. When are we getting a "fitting room"?

We badly need a mod or a preview room where we can equip all items and use everything in the hideout. Most people i talk to refrain from purchases simply because they can't find what things look like without going to google. Its simply tedious. Allow us a fake space where we can try out the decorations and costumes and gimmicks so we can know what we are after.

4. When are we getting more serious spam combating tools?

Its not that hard. If we report a bot its not so hard to select "www.bs.com" as its key prase so its auto banned. Its not really hard to make www.bs.com detectable even in "/===/=/=/=/www.===////bs.=====///com" and have an early prevention system that has players confirm messages are not spam to enable the user's global privileges. There simply are parts of the message that will always stay the same and can be filtered out.

5. When are we getting a setting for teleporting to our hideout, srsly its a waste to have to load the city every time we want to go there?...
Last edited by Polymorpher#7979 on Dec 29, 2015, 4:01:24 PM
I want to know a little more about ascendancy concerning the Scion.

All other classes get three classes to choose from but she gets only one. Why does the Scion get only one class in ascendancy? What are the devs thoughts about why she get's only one class? Will this change before the expansion goes live?
Do the Devs ever consider Low level dueling when making balance changes or since the flop of the PVP seasons do they plan to just remove it and hope no one notices?
IGN standard: Squirrely_Chaos

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