Q&A with the Developers!

ok my question is where is the area/place that "1998 items were hidden in a specific location that no one has publicly noticed yet as far as we know" that Bex_GGG mentioned in 'Darkshrine Event Winners!'? i know this is probably too direct. so i'll ask another question too, what is the effect involving the bone piles in kaom's area 'Kaom's Stronghold'.

I'll ad other questions later. but thank you for you connection with us the community
We are a legion for we are many. No one shall stand in the way of the exiles of wraeclast.
Last edited by Hinderrat#4731 on Dec 28, 2015, 6:35:24 PM
How fast can you make a Ghostflame MTX for Firestorm and Flame Surge? I wants it.
Will there be an Option again to create your own unique in the (near) Future?
Do you have any Solutions in Mind that improves Trading?
Chaos - Exalt Rates are much to high to spare up for bigger Items or even craft own Stuff on Bench -.-
What about 100 or even 150 Chaos instead of 2 Ex for an lvl 8 MasterMod?

Do you recordnize that there that some People around who buy specific Items to raise up its Price?
Like Skyforth Today on Talisman SC League, from 16-20 up to 24-30. Gating that "League only" Uniq behind that high RNG means they will not drop often naturally and there will not come to many of em.
That makes me sad -.-
Trading DpS with Monsters for Loot will ever best Ratio!-)
Sitting in Town, flipping Items until all Gear is biS,
and get fastly bored from running Maps instead of grinding Upgrades is no Resolution!
Any time saver patches coming out such as doors instantly opening after killing the act boss, option to talk to clarissa before she stands up? Think of all the accumulated days spent waiting.
Is it a Bug that Spirit Guards don't work with Null's Inclination?
What do the devs think the most overpowered thing in the game is, but isn't played much?
jeż wrote:
Will Bex marry me?

Will Bex marry this guy?

I really love the progression of difficulty from act 1 to act 4 on Normal. But once I killed Malachai, cruel act 1-2-3 feel too easy, and I get no challenge until I get back to act 4, same thing on Merciless.
Do you like the current difficulty of act 1-2-3 on Cruel and merciless or will there be something added to make it harder someday to feel like a normal progression after doing act-4?

Second question:

With ascendancy coming up and the new class system, the characters we will be playing will be strongers for sure. Will the expansion come with a challenge buff to compensate so that the game won't become too easy?

P.S. Merry Christmas and happy new years, thx for the hard work the game is amazing, and Talismans league is the best league so far I hope it will be added to the core game :3
Last edited by diablofdb#3816 on Dec 28, 2015, 6:43:02 PM
Please share any information about the limitations and reasons that Summon Spectre spectres are unable to persist upon logging out. The mechanic is there in some form with Animate Guardian, surely something can be done for Spectres?

This is my main gripe and issue with the game, and stops me from playing one of my favourite build types to high levels.

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