Q&A with the Developers!

Can we expect any improvements to the current chat system?
Moderated channels and private channels would be nice
Channel tabs
Seems like low hanging fruit to me...
It's troublesome to calculate DoT damage in spreadsheets. Could we have final DoT damage (of poison, bleed, burn) with all modifiers appear in character menu for skills?

15 % chance to cause Burn for 45% of initital hit per second
100% chance to Poison for 52% damage of initial hit per second

Not a signature.
Why does your balancing strategy revolve around nerfing powerful and build enabling uniques?

What makes ARPGs fun are strong items. Nerfing uniques removes most of the fun. Farming currency isnt even remotely as interesting if the goal is another 6 link. Thats something we already bought multiple dozen times.

6 Linked Shavronnes currently sells for less than 14EX in THC, Mjolner for around 2EX, Lightning Coil for 3-4EX, Void Battery for 4EX. The only expensive unique items are the ones that are inaccessible due to being gated by Zanas map device (Headhunter for example). The game loses its touch when there is nothing to farm for. And currently there simply isnt. Accumulating a handful of EX is something that is done quickly. Its the big and expensive items that kept a lot of people playing. But with 2.0 and 2.1 you almost exclusive patched filler uniques that are nothing but better rares.

Why do you think that this is a proper strategy? Has research indicated that higher levels of instant gratification net your more effective profits?

Also: Why arent you releasing more Atziri style encounters? Another unforgiving encounter with ridiculous drops would keep people busy for ages.
Last edited by nynyny#3398 on Dec 29, 2015, 11:44:40 AM
Do you guys plan hire data analysts or have an analyst team already ?
IMPORTANT! Does IIR gem have effect on projectiles from lightning strike?

and worthless question
1.Why u killed inci? do u planned buffed thats spell atleast to 75 more dmg for stage, instead 50... or gives +1 stage, last variant more interesting imo

sry about eng, not my lang.
Last edited by availablex#4701 on Dec 29, 2015, 11:54:13 AM
Hello!!!! I wonder if you guys could implent a "collect all microtransaction" button. It is extreeeeeeeeemly annoying to find gems and such with a microtransaction on a different character. Please sort it out till next patch, IT's TIME! Thanks for the lovely game! Happy new year.
Is there any chance of reworking the current Master grind? It's so tedious. It's not fun to go trough it every time a new league starts.

How about reworking the less powerful unique items to make seeing them drop and looting them feel at least somewhat exciting? I don't think that the game needs more unique items since the ones existing now are mostly so terrible. I am especially looking at unique jewels which are pretty meh.
Hey, didn't read all the questions, but here are mines, sorry if there were already ask :

- When can we expect to see improvement, or QoL changes, to : Guilds, Guild's stash, MTX stash and stash management ?

- What about masters ? I've seen complaints all around reddit about the master's leveling experience, crafting services or reputation. Have you considered changes like : making every crafts available at the start but requiering reputation, or droping the XP needed but disallowing wild master or daily sharing ?

- Any word about the curses changes that were "leaked" when the now-reverted change to Temporal Chains and Enfeeble ?

Thanks for your attention, and don't spoil Ascendancy too soon :D.
Can you comment on your policy regarding player to player service reviews on the forums? It seems like the only people it benefits are dishonest players. Not being able to leave negative feedback seems to have no logic, as preventing troll reviews is a really weak argument against it.

It seems bizarre that if a player offering a service does something dishonestly and there's evidence showing that, you should be able to post that in the review thread about it.

Example: a player says they'll master craft an item and then they mess it up using your currency and refuses to fix it, why shouldn't you be allowed to post a review of that interaction?
Last edited by johnssec#4068 on Dec 29, 2015, 12:25:02 PM
I feel that level progression has been rather slow since The Awakening. Growing levels just as you play through the main story seems to require farming and white mobs are worthless exp, it simply seems more efficient to remake zone and hunt down magic packs. Furthermore, the entire 3x an extra act across the difficulties only exacerbates things: multiple zone levels up to even 3 now (maybe more don't remember, I level on auto-pilot now anyway) remain the same and then suddenly jump like 2 ...66-66-66-68. Are there any plans for improving level progression before Ascendancy? I like that we get more end-game content, but honestly I find it hard to enjoy regular game content at times. The pace is just too slow. I genuinly enjoy the game, I just find since awakening it's a lot slower a pace to end-game content.

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