Q&A with the Developers!
Will the passive previews for ascendant classes be the same on release date or subject to dramatic change?
If they will be the same, will there be nerfs to the passive tree to compensate for the dramatic spike in player power? " Seconded. There is nothing more important to me than being able to play my kinetic blast/LA build with herald of ice and not having my computer melt to 5 fps every 4 seconds. Group play is painfully enjoyable due to fps hits from multiple spell and attack effects. I'm not asking for 60 fps in a 6 man summoner party. I'm asking for my fps to remain above 40 at all times solo with a gtx 970 and i2500k. IGN: Arlianth Check out my LA build: 1782214 Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Dec 29, 2015, 1:44:33 AM
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I know you're "incrementally" improving the graphics and sound of the game but I don't think this means much to be honest, not to be rude.
Do you guys have any plans to truly tackle the elephant in the room that is poor optimization? What good is new content, new skills, etc, if it seems you guys only test the skills in solo-play? It is evident that group play is not accounted for when making new skills. The game is near unplayable in 6-man groups on modern hardware. Not to mention micro-stuttering that occurs on both NVIDIA and AMD cards. The shadows absolutely murder the performance in party play. Just the notion alone of not allowing certain builds into the party because of lag is comical. We're 3 days from 2016, we have the hardware to play high fidelity games on a servers with 64+ players and maintain an fps above 60. Yet, PoE refuses to take advantage of new technology and clings on to DX9. ▒█▀▀█ █▀▀█ █▀▀ █▀▀ █▀▀ ▒█▀▄▀█ G O O D MTX Seal of Quality
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Any plans on adding more offerings? There are only two at the moment?
Also Are there plans for more types of golems? Or Are there plans of adding nodes similar two ancestral bonds where two golems are allowed but w/ penalties? Just want to see some dedicated golem builds xD |
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Why did you double nerf Sweep AoE? (on tree + on gem)
Why can't we use Leap Slam with Facebreakers yet? |
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In the previous Q&A, I read that when using the rarity gem with DOT's, that it needed be connected with the DOT that was first/on the longest until the death of the creature. If this is correct and you're using Essence Drain with Contagion, when a creature dies and from that both Essence Drain and Contagion spread to other creatures... which one hits these creatures first, for the rarity effect?
If I start with Contagion, then cast Essence Drain- they drop like dominoes and then spread both Contagion and Essence Drain. Based on the first kill I want my rarity gem on Contagion, does that stay true for the other creatures hit by the spread-ed Contagion and Essence Drain? |
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1. You (GGG) do tend to double nerf a fair amount. What is the general idea behind this practice? Do you feel that those cases required it because of balance or are you guys just doing it to "force" the community to look in different directions in order to change up the meta and keep things varied?
2. There is a big lack of skill effect MTX. Especially on new/popular skills. Is that limitation (artists too busy elsewhere) or do you feel like it would be considered "milking" and not taken well? Seems like when introducing such skills like Bladefall / Blade Vortex / Blast Rain - all very fun, satisfying and strong and not adding 1-2 alternative effects you just fail to capitalize on a decent amount of $ from the community. 3. Since the game is f2p and seems to be quite popular in poor regions (Eastern Europe/Russia/Brazil now), aren't you going to make more sales if you lower the prices on things like armour sets? It's much easier to justify spending 5-10$ here and there as opposed to dumping 50$ at once. I know I certainly would have spent a lot more over time on skins and not just stash tabs. IGN: MyOtherRangerDied // DontBeStupidAndDieAgain // GenericSporkerWitch https://google.com Last edited by liquidSG#6632 on Dec 29, 2015, 1:45:38 AM
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Can you put sort button in invetory tabs??
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Why do you lie and omit important things to report on the patch notes?
eg: SRS improved AI: LIE. Terrace boss fight easier than before: LIE. Strongboxes: change in "+3 pack of magic monsters" OMMITED and it seems intentional because we know that this is a slap in the face (talking about maps). Why? Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
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You add a new currency? "New regret" for tree
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" They will nerf a build not solely because it's strong or overpowered but if it has reached fotm status and is being widely used by too many people. Had incinerate and PA been relatively unnoticed, unpopular or underused but were in fact OP then GGG would never have nerfed them. There is no reason to nerf an overpowered build being used by a small amount of players. Players demanding nerfs because they cant stand others using OP skills is another factor. Streamers and players copying said streamers play a huge part in this nerf cycle. Havoc got to level 100 on vaal spark? nerf. Again? nerf. Again? nerf. Yet they just can not keep that skill down. What dos this mean for you? Don't expect to use top ladder streamers' builds for more than 6 months. IGN: Arlianth Check out my LA build: 1782214 Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Dec 29, 2015, 1:53:38 AM
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