3.0 Dual Striker Leechtank The Wolf Bleeds Yet Dies Not 2xCORE SHAPER UBER ATZ [Umbra-Soup-Rogue]
Nvm guys ;P my bad... stupid thing.. its all good :) Thx a lot for that crazy build
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" i see you're using double strike, not dual strike. here you lost all damage from off hand. aslo i noticed your cwdt setup does not work properly, note requiring level in cwdt description. i recommend to keep cwdt under 1k damage taken, around lvl 7. i use cwdt lvl 1- immortal call lvl 3- vulnerability or enfeeble lvl 3. last thing warchief totem is better than protector, because it deals aoe damage, and you get additional socket. i like to use warchief-vengeance-culling. |
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" Thank you for compliment! |
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" Thank you for interest! |
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I played this week around this guide reaching 85, but I dont know if i can go until T16 (now doing 11-12) with my gear, character tab open, 'FaceTankingTheGame'. My damage is 71.5k with bloodlust in my ho and 6.2k hp. Missing dps I think respect this guide.
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" God, i was so blind, sorry. I dont use Bringer and cant get Endurance Charge without Warlord in CWDT. Do u know other way to get Endurance Charges? I removed Fire golem and add Endurance cry + Blood Magic, coz i have no way. And very important last question i think. I can craft Bleeding on hit on rare siege axe. If ill get siege axe with crafted bleeding and good pDPS, have i any reasons to continue use Voidheart? Thank you in advance, u are awesome! Last edited by An4LPunishment#2939 on Jan 11, 2017, 2:11:01 AM
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Love your Dual Striker. I have been using it for the past few leagues and i have been stomping breach league with it. All breachlords have been a face tank so far. Swapped out Voidheart for Dream fragments in tul. Just need to down chayula.
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" Thank you for feedback. you can run hydra and phoenix, they will not be easy, but doable without dangerous mods, with right flask management, 2 rubi flasks for phoenix, 2-3 antifreeze flasks for hydra and enfeeble curse instead vulnerability. just avoid charge in phoenix fight. for minotaur and chimera you need at least 7k life, i think you can reach this number around lvl90, try to upgrade your jewels, look for 6-7% life on each. also minotaur and chimera are bleed immune, do not forget to change bloodlust to added fire. i see you took splitting strikes in skill tree, you get 46% damage, 6% attack speed, 0.2% leech for 5 points. it is not best choice while you can get 80% damage, 18% attack speed from cleaving and berserking for 7 points. even for 5 points you get 30% damage and 18% attack speed. you can compensate leech from blood drinker on higher level, or upgrading your gloves for free prefix. amulet can have leech prefix too, but this mod can not be crafted. last thing i have not tried to drop inc duration in immortal call setup, i guess it is not a big problem, if you want to use totem here, make 4link setup like leap slam- faster attacks - fortify - totem. also i prefer warchief because aoe damage. it is important in case boss is surrounded by trash monsters, warchief has more chances to cause bleed on boss. |
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" enduring cry provides life regeneration, this effect is neglected by vaal pact. endurance charges are not important at all. while you run through map all die fast, you can leech all damage back very fast, using warcry here is wasting time. while you fight with boss 1 on 1, 1 enemy grants you 1 charge, don't use warcry, kill him, throw axe to his face haha, keep cries for babies. 1-2 charges has very small effect and they are consumed every time with immortal call. we need phys immunity for half second just for scenarios when we need to jump into next pack or killing porcupines or who knows what. warlords mark is good for additional leech, but not optimal. when only one monster stays in map you can not utilize on kill effects, you will be on 0 charges. in most scenarios this monster is boss. not big sense to use gem that does not help you to kill main enemy. that's why i prefer vulnerability or enfeeble. vulnerability provides more physical damage taken on cursed monster and i kill him faster. enfeeble provides less damage and less crit chance on cursed monster and he has less chance to one shot me. if you want to generate charges, it is useful mostly in uber labyrinth, best way is using leap slam - endurance charge on melee stun. " it is option. but voidheart provides poison damage. it is 4-12% more dps, legacy version provides 22%. aslo if you will get better axe again but without free prefix, you need to adjust all other items again. best axe always has 3 physical damage prefixes. Last edited by triwesterki#6166 on Jan 11, 2017, 4:47:20 AM
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" thank you for feedback and compliment! it is good information. i'm glad to hear dual striker hacks new bosses. wish you luck with last one. |
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