unusal Packet lost (FR/EU) - ISP Orange - WinMTR inside
I would like to know why, since some time now, our Gateway change by itself.
I already play exclusively in Predictive mode, because of how bad Lockstep reacts to hiccups. Now, if I could at least let's say, choose Milan and play on Milan that'd be great. Tho, I always get forcibly routed on Frankfurt. ONLY Frankfurt. And you still gives no information (not like this just started happening nor was I the only one reporting it). Why is it only Frankfurt? Is it better for you if everybody uses the same gateway? Is it a different provider than for other gateway? Why do I get lab runs, maps ect.. ruined by your game changing behavior ? |
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bump for the april fool
Pas ici pour rendre service ;).
Un jeu avec autant de qualités que de défauts, malheureusement ignorés et soutenus par une marée de supporters nolifes sans aucune objectivité. |
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" Non. A priori, tu ne sais pas lire un traceroute, la perte de paquets, ce n'est pas fonction de la latence. Je n'ai aucun problème avec aucune autre connexion, hormis PoE, et encore uniquement les serveurs européens. Explique moi comment Orange peut avoir une excellente connexion sur les gateways US, meme de 18 à 22h sans aucun paquet perdu? De plus, si tu avais lu les WinMTR, tu aurais vu que les paquets sont perdus sur les derniers sauts, bien loin des serveurs d'Orange. Bref, je ne veux pas faire de la pub pour Orange, quand ils sont responsables, je suis le premier à les appeler. Mais sur ce coup là, je n'ai aucune preuve pour les incriminer, au contraire, le routage montre plutot la responsabilité du FAI de GGG. |
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First of all, Im really sad to hear all of you having these problems. So many other people, including myself, are suffering the same shit for a long time and there is not even a hint of a fix on the horizon.
I have been experiencing lagspikes ever since ascendancy hit live, been playing the game for years before that and NEVER have I had these issues. The isp provider remained the same througout the years. Now, what I can conclude from countless threads posted in this section about latency problems, connectivity, stuttering, dc or pretty much anything related, is that they simply dont care about this problem enough to fix it ( maybe we are an acceptable loss for them ) or perhaps they are truly oblivious to it and have no freaking clue how to counter it. Either way, we are screwed. People will post WinMTR screens, with 100mb connections and 1.7k lagspikes and what they will get are a couple of wannabe admins (valued posters) , jumping at every opportunity to "analyze" the situation and point the finger at you. There are exceptions, and to you I appologize. Seriously, just take a look at countless pages filled with complaints on this subject. Find one post that has someone from GGG with an actual fix. Let me know if you do. You guys have created a beautiful game, a masterpiece, something that cannot be found anywhere else today. And you have made it online only. Now, if the online part is faulty, the game itself becomes faulty. ign: Whirlaboonm Trapstaboon
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" it's not countless it's 4 or 5 people complaining here per day with 50k or more playing and maybe 20% of the overal player base being affected by the disconnects. ggg can't fix the internet, they can complain at their provder if the issue is with them. " that's the obvious conclusion if lead devs communicate their problems in external forums. have a nice read https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4csz1t /forum_announcements_new_paris_gateway_added/d1l75i1 https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4cxumy/what_just_happened_it_seems_i_spammed_global_820/d1mi06f https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4d9kgp/rip_servers/d1ozr17 https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4d9kgp/rip_servers/d1p4zrj https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4dcogi/rip_servers/d1pr24d https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4dpuz2/to_ggg_about_the_servers_crashing_often/d1t8jni https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4dq4hh/rip_servers/d1tb716 https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4dtfxu/rip_servers/d1u5vcd https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/4dq4hh/rip_servers/d1vtrkv age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill! Last edited by vio#1992 on Apr 9, 2016, 11:37:55 AM
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" Are you serious? 4 or 5 people? Hold on, FOUR or FIVE people? Wow. Putting that aside, if only ONE person complained about a serious problem regarding the game performance I belive they deserved a proper response, or even better, a fix to the problem. So if it is only FOUR or FIVE people, screw them, right? They are nothing. Oh, about the reddit chat. Well, why have a tech support section for your game at all, huh? Lets all go and chat over facebook, twitter, or maybe one should ask for a home number and call to report a problem? In that case, shut down the whole tech support forum cause clearly that is not the place to report a problem of any kind. Sorry, unless its prem stash tab related or anything of that sort. Clearly, those are very important and will be addressed asap. Besides, even if they are communicating the problems in external forums- THEY ARE NOT FIXING THEM. I put it in caps so you would have an easier time to understand the core of the problem. The lagspikes are preventing me from playing and enjoying the game for over a month now. That is a very long time, in which nothing has been changed. They can communicate for a year if they want, but if in that year they dont fix the prob then what is the point? And also, you said " ggg can't fix the internet, they can complain at their provder if the issue is with them. ". You just proved my point. I cant change their game or the lagspikes, stutters, fps issues, gateway issues or anything else related to it but I can COMPLAIN about it and hope that they will fix it. So once again, thank you for that sentence. And have a great read. ign: Whirlaboonm Trapstaboon
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" Je suis plutôt de son avis, j'ai l'impression que GGG nous ballade depuis le début, parce que moi aussi sur Wash même entre 18/22h c'est stable, donc je suis quasiment sur que les problèmes viennent de GGG depuis de longs mois et qu'ils ont juste pas l'honnêteté de le reconnaître, et c'est vraiment lamentable. " Giving numbers u have absolutely no clue about and making a argument with it. What a troll ... " U aware that Paris gateway was disabled and that playing on this gateway = playing on Frankfurt gateway ? Or u are just throwing links because u are crusading again like a wannabe alpha again ? " Oh and now listing all the RIP servers threads from reddit while u know no one of this problem is fixed yet, are you really trying to make it even worse man ? I don't see any logic goal with this. Do you know crusading like that, refusing to listen people and giving flawless answer like you are doing is getting the thing even worse ? Are you aware that you are not helping at all since a while in all complain threads u tried to crusade ? Could you stop be a troll and stop put the finger on people who get real issues for a while instead of trolling them with all your arrongance each time ? Oh cute Chris said sorry each thread u quoted so it should be enough for 12 months of freezing in realm, with MTR showing this trash Networlayer ISP packets loss, what a bad. And thats also a proof that they only bother on active social networks, because they know if reddit trash them too much about the shitty performance since 2.0 the game is dead and money is leaving, thats all. " Lol this guy is not even reading, or really trolling with conviction, that's sad. " Exactly, acknowledging issues after 6 months of dodging, that they finally have problems, and just apologise each RIP server thread , doesn't fix any technical problem. But since these cute WKs has no problems and aren't suffering from them in any form luckily they tell you that it should be lol. Game is still unaplayable for 6 months, performances are getting worse and worse with know graphic problems for 2 years (beta players complains talking about that in forums too and getting ignored too) , but hey Chris apologized each popular reddit thread should be enough for us right ? lol I didn't know apologizes were the magic wand for fixing technicals issues in a game. Maybe vio wanna explain us the secret about that :D. They do not even understand that time for apologises after Months of evading and crusading from alpha trolls is over, we are waiting for fixes for almost a year, so all the arrogance from alpha's like him is really sad to see. And they do not understand too that even if people like us insist a lot with these ignored problems, that doesn't means we think that all the game and the work from GGG is shit, absolutely not, but alpha's like vio like to show us like that because it's way easier to take someone complaining for a troll, ignore the real problem and then ignore him. I don't know the point of such sad attitude, but i will keep pointing it each thread i see such arrogance and false informations from him for no reasons. Pas ici pour rendre service ;).
Un jeu avec autant de qualités que de défauts, malheureusement ignorés et soutenus par une marée de supporters nolifes sans aucune objectivité. |
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" i was just counting the posts in the tech support and help forum. the numbers of official players is just guessing based of previous dev statements on reddit. " players who wanted to play on the paris gateway got forwarded to frankfurt, where is the problem and where is the context? " i posted the links because the player i quoted insisted that ggg don't care, probably because there is no daily dev response regarding the network issues. i just wanted to show him, the do care. regarding "alpha", i was kicked from alpha years ago, the tag is just legacy. is it the tag that provokes you? i can easily get it removed for you (one mail should do the trick), maybe then you sleep better :-) " i got positive responses from people that i helped. i find that feedback pretty nice. the way i see it, people should help each other by communicating if they got the time. even if a answer isn't always helping, trying to help is always better to ignore the problem. i have fun playing the game and want to help others to enjoy it too. having experience in the it business since i bought my commodore64 is helping that. " yes, i like to troll from time to time and have my issues with the game. makes reading the forum more fun. every forum needs trolls, forums are rather dead without players asking the "right questions". that doesn't apply to tech help though. i'm serious there. " i suggest you take the time to get familiar with how the internet works and start doing some programing yourself to get a better view on that issue. for starters, just program some internet service (maybe a tcp paket bouncer) and a client sending / receiving pakets to/from this service. then you start this server on a cheap australian rented host and start your testing from the last village in the outskirts of texas (for example). if you're successfully bombarded your server for hours without a single packet loss, you can get to the next step and distribute your client to several thousand people all over the world to get feedback how bad the internet in some parts of the world is. maybe this new experience even enables you helping ggg to fix their problems. i just see you pointing the finger on ggg that they should fix "their problems" without even specifying what you think the problem really is. and do you really think they don't do everything in their power to improve the game experience for their customers? call me "arrogant" but i'm convinced they never did anything else. age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill! Last edited by vio#1992 on Apr 12, 2016, 7:21:07 AM
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" Thank you, but connection issues are not coming from "the last village in the outskirts of Texas", except if you consider Paris like this. And then could you explain me why we don't lose any packets using US gateways (even west coast)? Paris->Frankfurt(or any other EU gateway) lose about 100 times more packets than Paris->Washington. Please explain me that with your uber-network-skills? (this is ironic, the issue is located by any traceroute) Also, i understand a few packets loss, but there, it's about 10%....I have never seen so bad connection, and i even don't understand why the server don't kick me (i guess timeout is very long) because of sometimes lots of packets lost in a row. I think i got a few skills about network, I would like to be able to help GGG fixing this issue, but i doubt their ISP will give me root rights on their server. Also, if you got so good skills, would you mind reading route reports before replying? You remind me a hotline, I called them because the DSLam was not switched, no DSL synchronizing, i was using a computer running Debian+iptables as router with direct ethernet connection, and the guy was replying me that my USB drivers were not installed.... I explained him for about 15mins that i was not using any USB modem or devices, he never understood, but spammed me with "this is my job" "I know computers" "Why don't you want to install USB drivers" Thank you if you were trying to help us sincerly, but none of your advices could help us today. The issue is in the hands of the GGG's ISP, and nor me, nor you can do anything about it. Our choices are EU gateways with low latency but high packets loss, or US gateways with high latency and no packets loss. Edit : I guess the issue is more about revenge than technical issues..... A few years ago, Cogent accused Opentransit(which is owned by Orange)to force them to pay to use their connections, and Orange won the trial, so Cogent had to pay Opentransit. I have seen some reports, IP adresses range coming from Orange were slowed down, I have also seen some emails from Cogent to some Orange users telling them to change ISP if they wanted a better connection (which is illegal in many countries). Also using a proxy or hiding your IP in different manners (I would advice some IP spoofing if this was not forbidden in my country^^) and your connection become clean! No more packets loss ! But using proxies also make your connection very slow by adding lots of hops and make the game unplayable. The same issue appeared in GW2, but ArenaNet/NCSoft threaten Cogent, and the issue disappeared almost instantly. So, i personally think this is not GGG's fault, but GGG's ISP. For us players, that does not matter, we can't do anything (except hiding our IPs or using VPN, but that's not really "clean"). I am also asking my ISP to resolve this issue with Cogent, but they won't be as efficient as GGG. Last edited by Zzabur#3633 on Apr 15, 2016, 2:29:07 PM
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" Nah thanks you, i got a job, and i am not incomptent with it, if you know what i mean. " Yeah u right its perfectly fine, why they just don't gave another name to this gateway then ? Like Frankfurt 2 ? Because we both know its the case right ? And if u have no clue about this, please at least don't say anything about that, thanks. If u got a gateway named paris with 0 instances possible on Paris but on Frankfurt u still don't see the problem ? Rofl this guy ... " Now WK's asks us to do GGG's job, how cute. xD. " And pathetic, taking pleasure in that makes me feel sad about you. " Hm kay, u are really trolling, sorry for trying to answer seriously. " You are singing this WK's song for almost 2 years bud, time to find something else now. " No need anymore, you just are. " Pretty much this, BUmping this because truth must be enlightened, we are waiting for too long now. Pas ici pour rendre service ;).
Un jeu avec autant de qualités que de défauts, malheureusement ignorés et soutenus par une marée de supporters nolifes sans aucune objectivité. |
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