Recent Community Questions Answered!

unlucky_child wrote:
I would like to ask

If i receive 1000 fire dmg, have 75 all res have items:

50% of fire dmg converted to light dmg
50% of light dmg converted to fire dmg

How much dmg will i get here?

Trick question, because fire can't be converted into the other elemental types. Most people wouldn't know that though, since it's one of the many hidden rules in this game. So the answer is, you will simply take 250 Fire damage, since the fire -> lightning mod won't exist.
Okay for final clarity, as this answer may not have been explicitly stated.

The poison damage dealt is based upon the physical + chaos damage of a specific hit after all modifiers to the physical and chaos damage from the source of the damage.

base 100 physical damage area spell
modified with
+ % physical damage
+ % area damage
+ % spell damage

The poison damage dealt is 10% of the physical damage after the 100 damage is modified with the 3 % modifications. (on individual hits of the spell)
Global 1 is cancer.
By agreeing to these terms of use, you acknowledge that bugs are like cool and stuff
and that you will bow to the Mealworm king when he ascends the throne.
MeBugULongTime wrote:
Okay for final clarity, as this answer may not have been explicitly stated.

The poison damage dealt is based upon the physical + chaos damage of a specific hit after all modifiers to the physical and chaos damage from the source of the damage.

base 100 physical damage area spell
modified with
+ % physical damage
+ % area damage
+ % spell damage

The poison damage dealt is 10% of the physical damage after the 100 damage is modified with the 3 % modifications. (on individual hits of the spell)

It'd be those (3% modifiers + 1) * 10% of the phys/chaos portion * any multipliers from relevant supports
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
"Contagion and Essence Drain have a stat that makes "spell damage" modifiers behave as "spell damage or damage over time" modifiers. This means for those specific skills, poison applied by their hits will benefit from those modifiers, because the skill has that stat."

So poison from essence drain supported by poison is scaled by all modifier from spell power ? Increased spell power and more spell power ? Iron Will, Righteous Fire, Pain Attunement?
Last edited by Zybeline2#7822 on Dec 23, 2015, 8:57:28 PM
thanks a lot for answering my question GGG!
Does base damage double dip for poison?
If a lvl 20 tornado shot poison, does the poison tick for 10% or 10.9% of the damage?
YagyuuKyuubei wrote:
Does base damage double dip for poison?
If a lvl 20 tornado shot poison, does the poison tick for 10% or 10.9% of the damage?

It's always 10% of whatever you hit for.
ive been in this forum for only a while but i noticed something thats always mentioned when evasion is in topic

so I would like to ask

why is it when it comes to evasion related things they always talk as if Lightning Coil is the only armor in this game? should i be locked into that armor and not have any other choice?
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy. thinking: "This time is gonna be different. No, no, no please... This time is gonna be different."

-Path of Exile
Last edited by xrook#3956 on Dec 25, 2015, 11:51:21 AM
Ok here is my first post !

Why any casual hype everithing and ggg nerf all builds to hell
Did you not realize if you dont want RMT that with those senseless nerfs you just provocate it ? Did you not realize it makes not fun to make plan by plan step by step a build and spend alot of Time to make a good build ? For example :

I played an dual totem build (Flametotems) spended so much time for finaly malachai Kill.
And what you do ? nerf it .. but why ?
Do any monster report ohhh op here op there ?
No they aint !
Its the pvp nerding what destroy any build.

If you want make realy changes so remove any op item on Legacy state !
New Players i saw are frustrated and without carry they never reach act 4 merciless.

So tell me Bex chris and co ? whats the point of this nerfing ?
the point is a beautifull game to make it better to hell !

It makes no sence to keep this straighting, cause it ruines the lust of your players.
So whats the point ? I spended money for the stash tabs and make this game beautifull before to my hobby. and i spended my money with pleasure cause you deserved it !
then you start nerfing everything what we play.

so tell me the true what is the point ?
i dont belive it to make the game better. it was good.
realy good. then pvp start ant with them this casual flamming of non legacy players.

May not every guy say that he is pissed about this. so i start it now.
if you love your customers and deserve the donates for your work.

nerf here nerf there and we keep try and try. till we end to do this.

So here is the realy needed changes !

Exalt ! if you realize and look for poe trade there are prices who no one can buy it !
300 ex for an item (this is insane). but i realize with high irr and iiq (legacy) that an exalt is droping may 2 times in a week ! so push up the exalt to destroy this mafia prices !

Legacy Items !
Just remove it ! why ? go in an pvp standart league and you get owned by legacy items.
so you think the gems must be nerfed. no its the god damn legacy items who need being rided off ! and if you not belive me. go to youtube and watch streamers. not like ziggy no he is an good one and dont use any mirrored shit so he play as me serious ! so the streamers use legaacy shavronnes. es = 9k +. legacy items provocate many players who i talked to them to start RTM ! on 3rd party websites. FINE right ? that what you dont want chris and co, thats exactly provocate the players to do it.
so remove it to make a real ballance ! or it comes to rich against poor ! and this is not fair !

Example ! 300 Ex mirrored Legacy rolled dagger or vall ragila with 800 es !
is this normal ? not it aint !!

Uniques !
with an list of droped uniques on high mf i realized that some uniques are non needed ! but they are still in game. so the real needed you pushed up and make t1 uniques more nonrarer.
but on high mf i dont realize the changes ! not in group not in solo farm.

why not every player gets the right to play with pleasure.
i dont talk about me. i just talk about this ones who hold his mouth and try try try without good results.

I can spend money for your work but in this moment i start regret my donations.
mo matter payed is payed but i can say if this horror continues, i will be not the only one who say ok here is stop !

thanks for listening and think about your customers who cares about you !

I'm quite pissed off too because of your no sense flame totem ninja nerf

You could at least motivate your actions in the patch notes but instead you prefer ninja nerfing stuff

Keep up with the "good" work GGG -.-

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