[LLD] 3v3 Arena Video list

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7EcPRTowfQ (Facebreaker cyclone PoV)
With B3r, Runsucker, Lapiz, Yilos and Zepp

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOm-78oyGa4 (Elemental Blast rain PoV)
With Tanko, Azunah, Lapiz, DedeX and Firebrand

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIUiG5anX9k (Facebreaker shield charge PoV)
With Tanko, B3r, Lapiz, DedeX and Runsucker

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFlOlqxtddM&feature=youtu.be (B3r's Firestorm caster PoV)
With Tanko, Heelon, B3r, Lapiz and Firebrand

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvr1Dhn3t5k (Elemental Blast rain PoV)
With Caladhar, Lapiz, Runsucker, B3r and Tanko
Last edited by Monstacookie#3096 on Jan 27, 2016, 6:27:47 PM
Great Vid!
Great job! Thanks for recording it. It's a great way to showcase our fights, although next time I'll have my whirling blades SRS'er and do a little better. :)
IGN: _Firebitch
Great vid indeed (and great music choices ;) )
givf more vids

2.0 vid, rip FB cyclone :(

Uploading this as yesterday's recording crashed and can't seem to restore any of the footage..
awesome vid man
I Stream PvP Twitch.tv/GrindcoreTHRALL
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!)
PK massacre, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldz09uBZ-ug
i made a lld char some months ago... i never got a good duell because nobody was online... are u all US server?

-~Shop for the price awarded player~- view-thread/375747
As far as I know all organised 3v3 events happen on EU. We haven't done any lately due to the holidays but add me so I can let you know next time we're playing 3v3s.
would be nice well is there any chan nummer or something where u can find duellers on standard? Im willing to spend alot into lld if i find good and funny duells

are caster still not vaible and bowers are the top tier chars?

-~Shop for the price awarded player~- view-thread/375747
Last edited by trashs1#3679 on Dec 29, 2015, 3:07:47 PM

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