[2.2] AMAZING Crit Reave Dagger - Life/Ev/Dodge - DPS/Survivability 2.2 - STRONGER THAN EVER

*** 2.2 Update *** Quick Update
-Tree stays the same, can use more frenzy charges early on and if not doing UBER runs. Take frenzy for basic mapping. Can grab one in Duelist and two in Ranger part of tree for 6 total if desired.

-Update jewels for Crit-Multi change if desired (refer to 2.2 patch notes)

- Ascendancy Class Raider - This is where it gets considerably better than pre-patch both offensive and defensively.

- Take 5% IAS / 15% EV Node - Rapid Assault - 5% IAS / 15% EV - Avatar of the Chase - Evasion / Movespeed - Quartz Infusion

Explanation of 2.2 Changes

With the 2.2 patch we lost some damage with changes to how crit-multi scales, and the reduction of crit-chance passives on the tree. None of the active nodes that I have used for this build were removed or changed in any way that caused me to force re-spec. In fact I did not use the optional respec given on my Ranger. With my current gear setup, standing in hideout with just Ice Golem, Hatred, and HOA, I lost roughly 25k DPS. Down to around 140k from 165 using our primary skill, Reave.

Initially I was bummed, but had to remind myself that first off the crit multi on my jewels would need to be re-rolled or increased in some way to get the similar effect as before the patch. Also, I had my initial plan of what Ascendancy class and nodes I would use to compensate and make this build better than ever prior to the patch. This is where it gets insanely fun, faster than ever clear speed, with not just more offense, but more defense!

The offensive aspect (2.2)

The Raider class offers us an insane perk. The ability to have constant onslaught. Consider this. Prior to the patch whenever we got hit we would have onslaught for one second per endurance charge with Daresso's defiance. If you are unfamiliar with onslaught, it is a buff that grants 20% increased attack speed, cast speed, and movement speed. So, pre patch we could experience this here and there for some extent. You may have noticed an increase in atk spd or movement just using daressos depending on how often you got hit.

The 1st aspect to this ascendancy class is:

Rapid Assault
20% increased Attack Damage
20% chance to gain Onslaught for 3 seconds on Kill

How OP is this? It makes up for most of our base DPS loss from crit changes immediately with a flat dmg increase and gives us a 1/5 chance of getting onslaught for 3 seconds on kill. Think about how many packs explode when we run this build, now apply more DPS, attack speed, and movespeed.

The 2nd aspect is:

Avatar of Onslaught
50% increased Onslaught Effect
20% increased Attack Damage during Onslaught
25% more chance to Evade Melee Attacks during Onslaught
15% more chance to Evade Projectile Attacks during Onslaught

What can I possibly say about this that you cannot look at and think OMG? We gain 50% increased onslaught effect which puts us at an increase of 30% attack and movespeed. Plus 20% increased damage during onslaught.. Oh. And just 25% more chance to evade melee attacks, and 15% more chance to evade projectiles. This is insane, and I am more than pumped about this.

The 3rd aspect (defense):

Quartz Infusion
6% chance to Dodge Attacks
20% chance to gain Phasing for 3 seconds on Kill

Not only do we have what is essentially perma onslaught, we now have perma phasing lmao. Oh, and just 6% more flat dodge. 6% more flat dodge is huge, probably more defensively than you thik

Connecting nodes last 3 nodes total stats:

+10% increased attack speed
+45% Increased Evasion
+4% movespeed

- Perma Onslaught
- Perma Phasing
- Way more attack speed
- Way more Damage
- Way more Movespeed
- Increased Defense with a higher chance to Evade both melee and projectile, and to dodge attacks.

You will kill more, clear faster, and have much better survivabilty with this build than before the patch. These are my initial thoughts, I will refine this thread to be simple and effective as it was in 2.1 when I have the time. Will also update with recommended enchantments for our gear soon.
*Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability.
Last edited by FortyFive#0913 on Mar 6, 2016, 1:30:07 AM
pls, can you upload skill tree ? skill tree from your 1st post doesnt work :(
*Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability.
Last edited by FortyFive#0913 on Mar 6, 2016, 2:54:02 AM
Is Avatar of Chase really worth it over Avatar of Slaughter? It's a bit more defensive than Slaughter, but with just 4-5 frenzy charges, which is a joke to get, Slaughter completely outdoes it in terms of DPS. Not to mention fights where you wont be able to keep Onslaught up due to the super short duration and low chance to proc, unless you use silver flasks.
Last edited by Erionn#6306 on Mar 6, 2016, 4:04:05 AM
Erionn wrote:
Is Avatar of Chase really worth it over Avatar of Slaughter? It's a bit more defensive than Slaughter, but with just 4-5 frenzy charges, which is a joke to get, Slaughter completely outdoes it in terms of DPS. Not to mention fights where you wont be able to keep Onslaught up due to the super short duration and low chance to proc, unless you use silver flasks.

Hey Erionn... I understand your sentiment.. but I disagree. As a person who played this build in Talisman pretty much fully geared and almost maxed level quality gems and from the Shadow tree. I have to agree with Forty's assessment.

If you actually compare the two.. side by side and weigh out the numbers and possibilities.. you come out better with Avatar of the Chase. Much better IMO. DPS wise as well as Survivability.

Onslaught "by it self" gives 20% to movement speed, cast speed, and attack speed. 20% chance to gain onslaught on kill with a 3 second duration that is then boosted to 1.5 seconds for a total of 4.5 seconds of Onslaught 1 out of every 5 kills.

Both trees Avatar of Chase and Avatar of Slaughter offer 10% to attack speed, BUT along the Avatar of Chase's tree you get a 20% attack damage node AND you get another 20% Attack Damage Buff with Onslaught in the Avatar of Chase node for a total of 40% Attack Damage. They both give some evasion BUT Avatar of Chase gives much more in survivability with the added melee evasion and projectile evasion.

And don't get me wrong... the Avatar of Slaughter is nice... but it doesn't compare to the Avatar of Chase.

You would need atleast 7 Frenzy charges... and would still have -2% less over an Onslaught Buff if a person already has 5 frenzy charges and you would still have less movement speed than Onslaught. Avatar of Slaughter only gives you 3% damage per charge... anything under 7 Frenzy Charges is weaker than the onslaught buff and any player who has the build with just a simple 5 frenzy charges.

Whereas I may get extra frenzy charge duration and one extra frenzy charge. I'll need to continue stacking charges... whereas one out of every 5 kills at a minimum is going to give me +20% to movement, attack speed, and cast speed. Which not only lets me stack frenzy charges even FASTER with Onslaught buffing spectral throw speed and damage the node comes with 20% attack damage with Onslaught... It still out damages Avatar of Slaughter. Really what is it lacking? And I get extra evasion from melee and projectile evasion while in onslaught... man that tree filled the weakest spot of the build hands down.

And that Phasing... pssh with this new build not only does the damage go up by a large amount the survivability went up by atleast 3x. The build alone already does enough DPS hands down without doubt, endgame dps at that. I died many times on high lvl maps due to body blocks try to whirling blade and dodge an attack and get body blocked by something then hit.. Phasing now makes that MUCH less of an issue.

Add in the fact I get a major dps spike every couple of kills for almost 5 seconds... I used to have to lose my endurance charges to get that damage and speed spike... now I don't. Looking at the whole situation DPS wise.. Avatar of Slaughter looks better especially when you add the extra duration and +1 Frenzy Charge and the Frenzy buff but when compared...

In terms of damage, practicality, and usefulness, the Avatar of Chase tree just works for this build much better and does much more for it.

I sincerely understand where your coming from... but as someone who has played the build to a high lvl and knows the weaknesses of it Avatar of Chase is undoubtedly better.

In the end though... it's up to you to decide after all... this is simply just my opinion.

If you really want to go the Avatar of the Slaughter route.. you would have to get all the close +frenzy charge nodes and +frenzy from bandit quest you can get without going to far out on your skill tree, Avatar of Slaughter just isn't worth it otherwise.

The Onslaught Buff with the Avatar of Chase +20% Damage is equal to 5 normal Frenzy Charges. Rapid Assault adds another 20% damage.

If you already have 5 Frenzy Charges and get the Avatar of Chase Tree.. that is equivalent to 10 Frenzy Charges and an extra 20% damage from Rapid Assault. 40% Attack Speed/40% Cast Speed/20% Movement Speed/60% Attack Damage

If you go Avatar of Slaughter and have 6 Frenzy Charges and get an extra +1 Frenzy Charge you would have 49% Attack Speed/ 49% Cast Speed/No Movement Speed/49% Attack Damage. If you add the deal breaker... the extra 9% attack speed can help catch up to the 60% Attack Damage from Avatar of the Chase Tree.. the deal breaker though... is how many skill points you'll have to deviate off the skill tree to accomplish it.

And not only the skill points... you'd also lose out on the 25% melee evade and 15% projectile evade.

When you really break it down... Avatar of the Chase is simply better. It's pretty much perma onslaught or a better way to say it.. it's almost a perma stat boost of 5 frenzy charges with better survivability in a nut shell. It offers you much more in terms of the cost of acquiring.

IMO with his build one should aim for 4-5 Frenzy Charges and Avatar of the Chase.. pretty much putting any players dps equaling 9-10 frenzy charges and giving them a nice evade bonus and an extra 20% damage from Rapid Assault.

Last edited by 2off4life#4918 on Mar 8, 2016, 3:43:04 AM
When looking at most Reave builds, a lot of them tend to use claws over daggers. Why is it that you opted to go the dagger route over claw? Is it for the crit and dagger specific nodes?

I haven't made a Reave build yet but am looking to do so because I think the Raider subclass sounds kickass. Really want to do a super-attack speed build.

Thanks for the guide!

Edit: One more question for you. Do you still use Daresso's Defiance chest even after the 2.2 update? With the addition of the Raider subclass, onslaught should be active all the time, provided you're killing quickly of course. Given this my thought was that Lightning Coil would be the optimal choice.. or is there something I'm missing here?
He who does not do x will never accomplish y.
Last edited by PHxLoki#0480 on Mar 12, 2016, 12:55:01 PM
Can you post the Updated Shadow Tree? it does not work anymore with the update
Would a build with s imilar set up work with Cyclone CoC instead? And if so, would it be better to go Raider or Trickster?
I don't understand your links. You use WED and Phys to Lightning but you don't use Lightning Pen? Don't you lose a lot of your DPS to ele resistances?

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