[2.2] AMAZING Crit Reave Dagger - Life/Ev/Dodge - DPS/Survivability 2.2 - STRONGER THAN EVER
![]() *** 2.2 Update *** Quick Update -Tree stays the same, can use more frenzy charges early on and if not doing UBER runs. Take frenzy for basic mapping. Can grab one in Duelist and two in Ranger part of tree for 6 total if desired. -Update jewels for Crit-Multi change if desired (refer to 2.2 patch notes) - Ascendancy Class Raider - This is where it gets considerably better than pre-patch both offensive and defensively. - Take 5% IAS / 15% EV Node - Rapid Assault - 5% IAS / 15% EV - Avatar of the Chase - Evasion / Movespeed - Quartz Infusion Explanation of 2.2 Changes With the 2.2 patch we lost some damage with changes to how crit-multi scales, and the reduction of crit-chance passives on the tree. None of the active nodes that I have used for this build were removed or changed in any way that caused me to force re-spec. In fact I did not use the optional respec given on my Ranger. With my current gear setup, standing in hideout with just Ice Golem, Hatred, and HOA, I lost roughly 25k DPS. Down to around 140k from 165 using our primary skill, Reave. Initially I was bummed, but had to remind myself that first off the crit multi on my jewels would need to be re-rolled or increased in some way to get the similar effect as before the patch. Also, I had my initial plan of what Ascendancy class and nodes I would use to compensate and make this build better than ever prior to the patch. This is where it gets insanely fun, faster than ever clear speed, with not just more offense, but more defense! The offensive aspect (2.2) The Raider class offers us an insane perk. The ability to have constant onslaught. Consider this. Prior to the patch whenever we got hit we would have onslaught for one second per endurance charge with Daresso's defiance. If you are unfamiliar with onslaught, it is a buff that grants 20% increased attack speed, cast speed, and movement speed. So, pre patch we could experience this here and there for some extent. You may have noticed an increase in atk spd or movement just using daressos depending on how often you got hit. The 1st aspect to this ascendancy class is: Rapid Assault 20% increased Attack Damage 20% chance to gain Onslaught for 3 seconds on Kill How OP is this? It makes up for most of our base DPS loss from crit changes immediately with a flat dmg increase and gives us a 1/5 chance of getting onslaught for 3 seconds on kill. Think about how many packs explode when we run this build, now apply more DPS, attack speed, and movespeed. The 2nd aspect is: Avatar of Onslaught 50% increased Onslaught Effect 20% increased Attack Damage during Onslaught 25% MORE chance to Evade Melee Attacks during Onslaught 15% MORE chance to Evade Projectile Attacks during Onslaught What can I possibly say about this that you cannot look at and think OMG? We gain 50% increased onslaught effect which puts us at an increase of 30% attack and movespeed. Plus 20% increased damage during onslaught.. Oh. And just 25% more chance to evade melee attacks, and 15% more chance to evade projectiles. This is insane, and I am more than pumped about this. The 3rd aspect (defense): Quartz Infusion 6% chance to Dodge Attacks 20% chance to gain Phasing for 3 seconds on Kill Not only do we have what is essentially perma onslaught, we now have perma phasing lmao. Oh, and just 6% more flat dodge. 6% more flat dodge is huge, probably more defensively than you thik Connecting nodes last 3 nodes total stats: +10% increased attack speed +45% Increased Evasion +4% movespeed Summary - Perma Onslaught - Perma Phasing - Way more attack speed - Way more Damage - Way more Movespeed - Increased Defense with a higher chance to Evade both melee and projectile, and to dodge attacks. You will kill more, clear faster, and have much better survivabilty with this build than before the patch. These are my initial thoughts, I will refine this thread to be simple and effective as it was in 2.1 when I have the time. Will also update with recommended enchantments for our gear soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Update - Added a Blood Rage Degen Video https://youtu.be/jiKEaX7j4x4 *Update - 01/31/2016 - LARGE UPDATE -Updated Current Skill Tree (6x Jewel Sockets) -Updated Current Gear -Updated Offensive and Defensive Stats with Photos -Updated Utility Gem Section on Second Post -Added Leveling Trees for both the Ranger and Shadow Classes *Update - Easy Piety Shrine Kill T14/lvl 81 Zone https://youtu.be/J9sG2BFEmTs *Update - Lots of good conversation in the same thread posted in the shadow build section! Check it out.. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1519752 *Update - Added Video with Bino's Kitchen Knife! T10 Map Steamrolled! *Update - Optimized Passive Tree, best one yet! Added a jewel socket, increased life, evasion, and DPS! 250k Reave with increased area of effect, no flasks, all with 5583 life. *Update - Added Video of T12 Village Ruin with Bosses *Update - Added Video of T13 Wasteland Map Build Basics First Off, the concept credit of this build gos to a guy called Hitma47. I found his build in 2.0, and this guide is my take and an updated 2.1 version of that build. * Can Be built with Ranger/Shadow/Duelist * 1-Handed (Dagger with Shield) * Reave as Main Skill * Spectral Throw Provides Constant Reliable Power Charges while doing descent Mob Damage * Option for Viper Strike (Boss kills/Atziri) * Life Based * Evasion / Dodge / Spell Dodge / Block - Provide Amazing Defense * 4-6x Jewel Slots (I am currently running 6x Jewels) * Two Aura's - Hatred & Herald of Ash * Ice Golem or Flame Golem Depending on how much +Accuracy you have on gear * 5x Power Charges * 3-6x Frenzy Charges Depending on Level, Gear, or Personal Preference Pros -Insane Clear Speed -Survivability -Simple and Easy -Map Mod Friendly Cons -Tough to Cap Resists without effort Required Gear
Chest - Daresso's Defiance 5L/6L
-Armour/Evasion and Life -Dodge -Constant Endurance Charges -Life leech *Best in Slot for this build* Helm - Rats Nest
-Evasion/Movement Speed -Crit Chance -Attack Speed - Gloves- Atziri's Acuity/Maligaro's Virtuosity /w Vaal Pact
-Crit Chance -Instant Life Leech -Life *Maligaro's for Budget Build* - NO VAAL PACT FOR REGEN if you want to try Vaal Pact its your call Boots - Atziri's Step
-Corrupted with +2-4 Dodge (Optional) -EV/Life -Movement Speed -Spell Dodge *Best in slot in my opinion* Weapon/Shield - Rare Dagger / Bino's - EV Shield w/ Tri-Res & Life Preferred
-Best in Slot Period Solid, Affordable, and Gets the Job Done Jewelry & Belt
Amulet - Any Type unless you have issues with stats -Phys Dmg, Crit Chance, Crit Multi, Weapon Elemental Damage, Life, Accuracy, and Life/Mana Leech are Mods we desire. Rings - Diamond Ring Preferred or Prismatic with Crit Chance Master Modded -Phys Dmg, Weapon Ele Dmg, Atk spd, Life, All Res, and Accuracy are mods we desire. Belt - Tri Res Rustic Sash with Life Preferred, any tri-res with life will do *We Need ALL-RES on eiher both rings and Amulet or two of the three to cap with our 4 Unique Item setup! Jewel's
-Increased Maximum Life -+% to All Elemental Resists -Physical Damage, 1h Melee DMG, Dmg While holding shield, etc -Crit Chance or Crit Multi -Possibly % Mana Leech if you have none elsewhere Skill Gems
Reave -> Spectral Throw -> Whirling Blades -> Cast When Damage Taken -> Aura's - Curses - Vulnerability / Assassin's Mark / Warlord's Mark Golem - Ice / Flame Utility Gems -> Vaal Reave, Vaal Haste, Crit Strikes, Crit Dmg, Vaal Lightning trap, and Viper Strike Flasks
Utility Gear
-Max Life
-Attack Speed or Phys Dmg -Power Charge Skill Tree
-Balanced Around Survivability & Damage -Can take 3x Fatal Toxin Nodes for Improved Damage Over Time with Viper Strike -Can Also utilize the Entropy Regen/Damage Over Time nodes for further Increased Viper Strike Capability. -My current spec is focused around Life and Reave -5.7 - 5.8k Life 170k Reave DPS /w Hatred/Herald of Ash/Ice Golem Standing in Hideout(No Charges/ No Flasks) Current LVL 96 Tree - Depending on your gear its not bad to take the easily accessible Frenzy charge nodes! 4 Passive POints can get +2 Charges. Ranger Leveling Trees *(Rough Guideline Add or Subtract what you need based on your gear!) 31 Points 63 Points 101 Points Shadow Leveling Trees *(Rough Guideline Add or Subtract what you need based on your gear!) 30 Points 77 Points 103 Points My Stats
Reave -(Inc AOE) In Hideout with ONLY Hatred, Herald of Ash, and Ice Golem
![]() Reave - (Inc AOE) In Dried Lake with Blood Rage, Hatred, Herald of Ash, Ice Golem, 3 Frenzy and 5 Power Charges
![]() Reave - (Inc AOE) In Dried Lake with Blood Rage, Hatred, Herald of Ash, Ice Golem, 3 Frenzy and 5 Power Charges + Atziri's Promise, Lions Roar, and Taste of Hate Flasks
![]() Reave - (Concentrated Effect) In Dried Lake with Blood Rage, Hatred, Herald of Ash, Ice Golem, 3 Frenzy and 5 Power Charges + Atziri's Promise, Lions Roar, and Taste of Hate Flasks
![]() Defensive
![]() My Current Gear
Basic Mapping
The only Mana Leech I get comes from that Jewel ^^ For Ele Weakness Maps
For More DPS/Less Life
Atziri/Uber (Viper Strike Damage over Time Oriented) - * I also Subtract 3 life nodes and add the three Fatal Toxins Nodes for more Poison when I know Ill be chaining some runs*
Possible Other Situations
-Move Freely and Utilize Whirling Blade's / Fortify for added defense -Use Spec Throw to gain power charges at will and severely weaken packs -Learn your AOE range for clearing packs - Use Vaal Reave often and be sure to POP it on a pack of monsters, use with Vaal Haste when possible for more effect and clear speed. A few packs later and both will be up and ready to pop again. If you move pack to pack quickly you can keep Vaal Reave up almost indefinitely. - Watch out for Magic Monsters that drop the exploding elemental orbs on death " Bearer Suffix" and all of the Rare Monsters with Volatile Prefix that explode on death. Those are the only things that will RIP me. Videos
Plateau Map T10 - Fast Clear with Binos :D - https://youtu.be/fbGfCgFNL4c T12 Village Ruin /w Bosses (Standard Gear)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfA8W55PDLM T13 Wasteland (Standard Gear) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97bU4zy8xYk&feature=youtu.be Easy Piety Shrine Kill T14/lvl 81 Zone https://youtu.be/J9sG2BFEmTs Will Update soon :) *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684 -5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. Last edited by FortyFive#0913 on Mar 6, 2016, 3:53:20 AM Last bumped on Oct 18, 2017, 10:53:05 AM
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Build/Playstyle/General Frenquently Asked Questions
Why Bino's? - Affordable, around 1 ex on standard - Solid Pdps/Crit - Bonus Life Regen - You would need 300+ Pdps on a Rare dagger with crit to compare - Most likely cannot find a better dagger for the price Utility Gems and their Uses Why use Utility Gems? - They give us an edge where dying may cost you hours of gameplay, make the game more fun, and give us the edge to easily take down tough bosses and overcome challenges. The idea is to use strategy and tools to give us a better chance of winning. With some of these you may feel the desire to challenge some tougher bosses you might otherwise skip. For me, this makes the game more fun, while allowing me to take some risk. The Utility Gems I keep on Hand
* Vaal Reave- You definitely want this one. As soon as you see it filled up and approach a rather large pack, pop it! Your Aoe will be off screen, keep your charges up with a little spec throw here and there and keep popping dmg flasks. Sustain as long as possible and greatly increase your clear speed and safety. * Viper Strike- Nice boss killer, including Atziri, the trio, and Vaals. Works even better if you spec into some dmg over time nodes, and/or the Fatal Toxins cluster. Even better its very fun to use. Swap out inc Aoe for crit multi, and viper for reave! You will see me do this for boss fights in some of my videos. More updates when I have time! *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684 -5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. Last edited by FortyFive#0913 on Dec 20, 2015, 9:18:43 PM
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Nice thread Mate! im jealous of your 5.5k life good job! this is the real deal for reaver build guys im mapped with fortyfive and he kicks ass, make sure to check out His bino's video, proves that you dont need loathbane or super high pdps dagger to play this build and still kick ass!
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How are u leeching mana?
IGN: Biutifoul
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" I should have linked them, and Ill def update in the OP but I have a total of .55% leeched from phys dmg spread over 2x jewels. It is more than enough with this DPS, can also easily be found on amulets. *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684 -5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. Last edited by FortyFive#0913 on Dec 20, 2015, 1:47:49 AM
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Updated with optimized passive tree, best one yet! Added a jewel socket, increased life, evasion, and DPS :)
*Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684
-5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. |
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Very nice gear, nice to see that 5.5k life.
I've been planning pretty much the same build in terms of gear for a lil while now except i plan to use a legacy lightning coil instead and I'm going with scion. Here's the tree if you're interested in how i decided to path. poeurl.com/uxu Ugh effort
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" Heyy, Thanks for linking the tree, and the kind words. If you dont mind id like to shoot that over to a friend with an unspecced scion who was interested in reave. Also, if you would like to chat in game and have an idea of what your main gear items will be id love to see. I know he dosn't have the curr for acuity's or loath bane atm. Im curious about using binos and regen over instant leech. We can easily run BR now that we have such nice regen nodes close by. I dont have mali's or a bino's atm or id test it. Also, people like to avoid arrow dancing, but I swear it works very well. Especially with reave and the fact that we shouldnt be taking close melee dmg all the time depending on play style. The projectiles are what really hurts if they do make it through the defenses. ign Ohhhh_crit *Check out my Impressive Life based Reave Ranger Build-Guide - Thread # 1519684 -5800 Life / High DPS - Balanced Damage and Survivability. Last edited by FortyFive#0913 on Dec 20, 2015, 3:20:55 AM
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" No problem, I've shared the tree with some people already so I'm happy if more people can use reave on a scion without going through the headache of making a tree from scratch. For my planned gear (not happening any time soon as im not playing that much currently):
Dagger (of course)
Evasion shield with at least 1k evasion, 80+ life and as much res as possible Rats nest Lightning coil (legacy preferred if on std) Atziri's acuity if affordable, otherwise maligaro's (rares with high life if on & hc need extra life) Atziri steps (4% dodge corruption) 2x diamond rings with acc/life/res/phys/wed in order of importance (my tree forces acc on gear) amulet with the same mods as rings if possible, but 300+ acc on 2 pieces of gear is enough Rustic sash with life/res/wed/armor The gem setup isn't finalized yet, but this is what i currently have noted:
Reave - multistrike - mpd - added fire/phys 2 light - wed - inc aoe/conc effect st - faster proj - gmp - pcoc ice golem - hatred - herald of ash - not decided yet cwdt - warlords mark - immortal call - inc duration whirling blades - vaal reave - fortify blood rage - vaal grace/haste - inc duration Stats im expecting with the above:
At LEAST 5k life (thanks to this thread, I'm not worried about that)
250k+ reave inc aoe with charges. With how its going in-game atm, 300k seems easy to achieve 40% evasion chance (just guessing) 50% spell dodge/40% attack dodge capped resists of course As for bino's, i think its fine, but i personally prefer instant leech because i feel it's much more useful when it comes to killing bosses. I've used it before and the regen is very strong and the dps will still be fine. A bino should save some points in the tree thanks to its higher base crit chance compared to an ambusher which is what i am using, therefore i needed about 930% increased crit chance to get to a comfortable total which is 90%+. When it comes to arrow dancing, I think it's preference. Personally, I don't like it, because i like to mess with different skills all the time and i don't think its worth the 2 points either. If anyone is wondering why i picked scion for reave, here's why. - It's not a shadow - More efficient pathing to life compared to ranger/duelist Feel free to add me in-game (my profile isn't private) if you want to chat, I don't mind. It's always nice to discuss builds and such. :) Ugh effort Last edited by aStrayGami#7676 on Dec 20, 2015, 12:30:07 PM
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Nice build, I'm going to be trying a slight variant in Talisman SC as I've never played endgame Reave.
I plan on dropping Arrow Dancing and instead of routing through Coldhearted Calculation towards Nightstalker I'll be going up past Ghost Reaver and grabbing Force Shaper. Only 2 extra points. I'll probably buy a Bino's and skip Vaal Pact. Might need to Keep Essence Sap since I won't have Acuities for instant mana leech. I'm also probably going to drop Atziri's Step for rare boots to cap my resists or at least until I get near-perfect jewels. I also want to try the new-ish Soulthirst belt and this might be a great build to use it. Might have to drop to rare boots and gloves to cap resists. What would you drop for a 5L? I'm guessing Inc AoE? I'm also going to be testing Faster Attacks over WED. Not sure which is better. Last edited by Nickoladze#5973 on Dec 20, 2015, 1:53:37 PM
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