Dualwield Groundslam Marauder [HC Viable] - 2.3 Updated

Welcome to my Dualwield Marauder Guide

Here's the Guideline

1. Introduction

2. What will this build cost

3. Why using Groundslam with 2 1H-Weapons?

4. What can I expect from this build?

5. Pro/Con

6. Levling Guide

7. Ascendancy Class

8. What Equipment to use?

9. Gemsetups

10. Defensive and Offensive Stats

11. Playstyle

12. Videos

13. Upcoming updates


Let me introduce myself. My name is Andre and I am from germany, so forgive me for my bad english. I am a somewhat addicted gamer to games like Diablo II and later on Path of Exile took me over. In this thread you will see a Character build for lazy people like me. Explanation for this will follow in this guide.

What will this build cost

The costs of this build will depend on yourself. The more you invest, the better your character will get, but you can also use a kind of cheap version of this Build.
I will explain where you can safe currency and on what to focus the most. The choice will be yours.

Why using Groundslam with 2 1H-Weapons?

Most Groundslam builds are using 2H-Weapons so I thought I just try something completely differnt, while maintaining the damage and defences.

What can I expect from this Build?

You can expect a realy defensive but also agressive Character. This build focuses mostly on Attackspeed for the offensive part, and Armor/life on the defensive part.
In the lategame you will be able to facetank most of the map bosses, also you will be able to do Uber-Lab. Atziri and Uber-Atziri are still in progress to be confirmed, I hadn't had the time to test those yet.



Easy to play
Can do endgame content
low-high budget varriation
Reflect-Maps are doable


Reflect-Maps are still dangerous
Bloodmagic Map forces us not to use our auras, but it's still doable, yet annoying

Leveling Guide

Start of as a Marauder since we are going to take the Juggernaut class later. Try to find a leveling build that fit's you the most, the best would be using a Spellskill early on.

By arround level 40 your skilltree should look like this:

The endgame skilltree at about level 93 should look like this:

For Bandits we take those choices:
Normal : Oak (40 Life)
Cruel : Skillpoint
Merciless : Kraityn (Frenzy Charge)

Ascendancy Class

We will be going for the Juggernaut ascendancy.
We go for those points (listed in order to pick up):
Unflinching - provides us with +1 maximum Endurance charges
Unrelenting - provides us with inc. damage and red. Elemental damage income per Endurance charge, also we will get the max ammount Endurance charges if we would get only 1
Unyielding - Great buff for Fortify since we have a close to 100% uptime of this skill
Unstoppable - Increased Movespeed, also can't be modified/slowed below basespeed, just great

What Equipment to use?

First of all:
For this build to work we need only 1 item:

Why this item is essential will be explained later at the gem setups

Weapon to use

Mainhand: Rare Mace, look for attackspeed and physical damage, nice to have are reduced enemy stun threshold and life gain on hit

Offhand: Soultaker

Armor: Belly of the Beast / Rare armor, look for resists, life, armor

Helm: Rare Helm, look for armor, life and resists

Gloves: Rare Gloves, look for attackspeed, life, resists and dexterity since you need alot of dexterity

Boots: Rare Boots, look for life, resists and armor, movespeed is not needed

Belt: Meginord's with +1 Endurance Charge / Rare Belt, look for life, resists

Rings and Amulet: Rare Rings and Amulet, look for life, resists, phys damage and needed stats

Try getting as much armor-based items you can.

If you want to have a guideline for the equipment you can try to follow the gear I am using


Groundslam - Faster Attacks - Multistrike - Fortify - Added Physical Damage - Added Fire Damage (for a 5-Link just remove Added Fire Damage)
Obv. our Mainskill, nothing much to say about this.

4 Links
Leap Slam - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun - Faster Attacks - Increased Area of Effect
This is our Movementskill, as well as our main Endurance Charge generator

Heavy Strike/Double Strike - Faster Attacks - Multistrike - Melee Physical Damage
This is our Singletarget skill, hit's hard, what to choose of Heavy Strike or Double Strike is up to you

Cwdt Lvl 11 - Increased duration - Molten Shell Lvl 16 - Immortal Call Lvl 13
This is our defensive setup, provides us with about 5 seconds immunity of physical damage + additional armor for 10 seconds

3 Links
Hatred - Arctic Armor - Herald of Ashe
Our Aura setup. This reserves our full mana, for not using blood magic on our attack skills we need using this weapon

Blood Magic - Blood Rage - Enhance
Blood Rage provides us with Frenzy Charges, while Enhance buffs Blood Rage with even more attack speed. Blood Magic is used since all our mana is reserved

Defensive and Offensive Stat's

Since I can't compare to lower/higher equiped builds I will show you the stats my character has.


Buffed with charges and flasks


The playstyle is pretty simple.
You activate your Blood Rage, jump into a group of enemys, and get all of your endurance charges. While killing you will maintain all of your charges with a 100% uptime. Theres nothing much to say aboout it, as I already said, I am a lazy person, and I like lazy builds.
Care for dangerous map-mods such as reflect, they are doable, but it's still dangerous.
Bloodmagic map-mod forces you to turn off your auras, therefore youre slower in progressing through the map.
Other than that every other map mod is a piece of cake.


T9 Gorge

T13 Waterways

Upcoming updates

I will try out some new things to this build, here you can see what exactly I am planing:
Updated version for the 2.4 Patch
Berserker Ascandancy-Class (Maybe even Duelist Build)
Skillgems variations: Earthquake, Ice Crash, Sunder, Double Strike (in depth), Ligthning Strike
Gemsetup for Skillgem variations
More Videos
Atziri Viablitity-test

I hope you enjoyed this thread and good luck on your build!
Last edited by iSev on Sep 2, 2016, 3:30:59 PM
Last bumped on Aug 27, 2016, 8:50:28 PM
Wouldn't Double Strike be better much better than heavy strike? Heavy strike is hitting with your offhand too, but DS would be strictly mainhand attack, which should result in much better damage with your build.
Is this build good enough 4 the endgame? The Problem of the DMG is that we only hit with the main hand or not?

Can i dot lvl90+ with this or should i respec?

I am ATM at Level85 and T12 Maps are playable but what was then?

MFG Mightdrin
Balanque wrote:
Wouldn't Double Strike be better much better than heavy strike? Heavy strike is hitting with your offhand too, but DS would be strictly mainhand attack, which should result in much better damage with your build.

Didn't think of that. Will try for sure and post the results in here ^_^

gmussj wrote:
Is this build good enough 4 the endgame? The Problem of the DMG is that we only hit with the main hand or not?

Can i dot lvl90+ with this or should i respec?

I am ATM at Level85 and T12 Maps are playable but what was then?

MFG Mightdrin

You are able to play T12+ Maps easily. I used this build to level to it's current level.
Yes you are only hitting with your mainhand, which isn't a problem at all because you use your offhand only for it's stat's. I used to kill Abaxoth and Atziri with this build, as long as you play safe enough you won't die at all. So I'd say this build is endgame-viable
Can you post update skill tree with ascendant for 2.2 ?
Shinnexer wrote:
Can you post update skill tree with ascendant for 2.2 ?


Equipment - Choices + the Items I wear
Gem setup
Current Stat's - Without Buffs and with Buffs
Very nice build!

Currently ~70 and using
Might not work so well in the late game, was a blast leveling with them though.
8.0 atk/sec and 40k dmg from one pack.

Thanks for making the guide :)
has difference using sword instead axe?
Koneykons wrote:
has difference using sword instead axe?

I don't think you're able to find a Soultaker Sword :p
Just in case some are wondering, currently I am working on a Varunastra build.

Ascendancy Classes
Gem Setups
Overall overlay - friendlier to read now.

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