[2.1] Airstrike Inbound, a crit poison Bladefall Trapper
" Read my previous post on page 9 of this thread if you haven't. I have 5.5k hp with belly with my regular setup. Damage from Abyssal Cry does not scale with gem lvl. It only affects mob movement speed reduction which I don't need. If I lvl it up I would be under str req. The current 4 link Abyssal Cry does a SHIT TON of damage against packs and bosses if you land good explosions. The skill also has a pretty short cooldown and can help clear packs when you dont wanna waste bladefall traps, and thus increasing clear speed. Last edited by Exodus_820#6254 on Jan 12, 2016, 6:50:06 AM
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Exodus :
Oups, I had missed the life part of your page 9 explanation. I don't really understand how the abyssal cry part is supposed to work : you bladefall trap and THEN abyssal cry remaining monsters, or the other way round ? And does the "8% of maximum life" get so much boosted that it is useful ? Wouldn't Rallying cry improve your damage much more ? |
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" Abyssal cry is a xp/hour setup and I suggest you try it out in maps. The concept is that I don't want my clear speed to be limited by my BF trap resetting time. In situations like uber atziri, rallying cry would certainly be better cuz thats when I need the damage buff, but rallying cry itself does not kill monsters. Abyssal cry however, is capable of clearing stuff that are not hit by your traps and thus save your BF traps leading to a better clear speed, and often times a white trash pack would die off 1 cold snap trap + abyssal cry. At this point rallying cry in maps is pure overkill, thats also why I still prefer my 5link belly than my 6link chest. When everything in map dies with 1-2 trap on a 5link, 6 link doesn't give me extra clear speed, at all. About the skill sequence, there is in fact a good synergy between traps and abyssal cry. You can abyssal cry BEFORE OR AFTER you throw traps since it will take a moment for your traps to trigger. Basically it gives your damage a wider radius. Last edited by Exodus_820#6254 on Jan 13, 2016, 1:32:40 PM
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Looks pretty sweet. Gonna try it out I have a regular bladefall trapper right now.
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Abyssal Cry is sweet to use as a fall-back for when you are simply out of traps, it does great damage and with Increased AoE (both as a link and on your tree) it's definitely a link to keep around when your clearspeed is faster than your traps can recharge. Thanks to you guys for furthering the build concepts and giving everyone more tools to play around with! Unfortunately the character has been put on the backburner as I play my second character (a Volley Fire Rigwald's Quills Voltaxic Rift character), so I may not put out updates like the crazy man I was in the first month of the league. If I happen to make any large changes to the build I will update the thread but in the meantime, thanks for following along and I hope you all have good luck with your characters!
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I've taken this build in a slightly different way - forgoing crit for some quite impressive defensive options instead. I'm running it as https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAsNii2cgU9W9qjBa_df200SaVhG_IDGHi1EJVS7VI62MRLzY9Kwqdql3ybIwOSGKsEZa3MO4VtMV_xhQJt3XC7NvnoqPBxRNtBbVwUcHz7BgmiAZwjb_o1nZvswOVII_6ZKpOn9QjIuqbJn6wMhgtH1xAm4Z6fzBxwzoyAdhUTLNUvWo23aibtbIZBAeXlRXtS3hfsM96g9tSU5aLOkLKSlXGPV-X9NW51r5vnlFMOljVLvGzrEesmOjVS1d9W_fXwOMqTZuhPycYakrIOVJuqlgHtfI1kv6P2L1N4_4KplfyRTrhMZ7mgcu9 (or will be, when I level a bit higher!). I'm still pre-maps, but feeling pretty confident in this build - it's been one of the most ridiculous leveling experiences I've had in the game so far.
Main points of interest are 2 curses (I'm running Enfeeble and soon Vulnerability, with Temporal Chains also available), high flat damage with plenty of double dipping poison support still (boosted further with Vulnerability), moderate Evasion, Dodge from Acrobatics (plus Phase Acrobatics) and Daresso's Defiance, 5 endurance charges (with Merciless Oak and a corrupted Sunblast) and fortify on Whirling Blades. All in, I should be able to hit 10k+ Evasion, 46% attack dodge, 30% spell dodge, some block% and then upwards of 60% damage reduction through Enfeeble (30%), Fortify (20%) and endurance charges (15%). Biggest issue is going to be keeping up a mana pool with two curses running - Soul Siphon helps for sure, but mana potting is going to be vital. I'm also going to give Exodus's Abyssal Cry setup a shot as well for some extra mana efficient clear speed - luckily Jaws of Agony free's a pretty vital 4 slot in this build. |
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Kind of like what you did Milemarker : I went with dual curse too (enfeeble and Temp chains, for defense) but you chose the scion Life wheel, which I don't have (and I feel I don't have enough life). Seems this build has many viable variations (so many I'd like to try in fact).
I can confirm there are mana issues with dual curses though. But I keep running one hyvrid flask and it solves most of the problem. Some mana gained on kill / hit on equipment (Divinarius as main weapon) and no specific node. Last edited by Pingouinmalin#5040 on Jan 15, 2016, 3:01:34 PM
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Yeah, I think with the tree routing I've opted for, the Scion life wheel makes the most sense - and I'm still only at 140% maximum life with it, which is a bit lower than I'd normally be comfortable with.
I started maps last night and it's still incredibly smooth. The addition of Abyssal Cry - Life Leech - Increased Area of Effect - Void Manipulation is also huge. The skill tree already has increased AoE and area damage, along with 86% chaos damage, so whirling packs into a pile, dropping a bladefall trap and quickly using Abyssal Cry will obliterate the screen - at a lesser mana cost than two bladefall traps would have done. The life leech on the cry and mana on kill from Divinarius and Soul Siphon sorts me out for the next pack most of the time. I've still not picked up a second curse yet - I have vulnerability levelling, ready to go, but as long as the clear speed is this good, I'm not sure it's needed... As soon as I can 5 link my Daresso's, I'll get rid of the Deerstalkers and pick up a CWDT-IC setup. I'm not suffering at all defensively yet, but the more options the better as far as I'm concerned. |
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I think you got your math quite wrong on your poison calculation. Trap damage increases double dip, but trap MORE MULTIPLIERS double dip too. Poison damage is also considered trap damage when it's applied by a trap, so no reason not to take into account the trap support and trap and mine damage support. My build uses bladefall as a single target too because it gets the spell crit chance (bear trap is a cast, not a spell) and because I link conc effect, that double dips again (the poison applied by an AOE is also tagged as AOE and scales with AOE increases and multipliers).
TL;DR: Trap and AOE multipliers double dip with poison. |
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The poison calculation is off now that poison mechanics are much clearer (I did the math and numbers for that poison section before the big poison Q&A), but even without the effect of the more multipliers you can see it adds a ridiculous amount of damage.
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