[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Avmantox wrote:
When I asked Helmann just now on his stream he said they tested it and said it reflected fire dmg not procing EE therefore its even stronger again now ;)

So prolly means running VLT and icetrap if its possible in the links or just end up with LT tbh

I was finding on my atziri run earlier I only needed VLT anyway more for the shocked ground but still ;) That was me running PoF + Blash Ele weakness (lvl 10), and flammability (lvl 15).

But wont need to use PoF so wonder what ill do with that spare mana... hmm

excactly, VLT is most of the time enough for EE, but if someone likes to have an additional trap in the setup, why not.

You can specc MoM if you stay @70% reserve and use everything on many

you can use curse on hit dualcurse + blapshemy+curse and determination for 15% free mana

you can reserve 100% mana and use bm gems.

i personnaly will go for 70% reserve with 2 blasphemys until i get my 3rd curse. Then i will test curse on hit with the orb, if it doesn´t satisfy me i will go for 3 blasphemys.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Thanks for the reply Milky - looking forward to when you can update with the new information :).

My question regarding 'Ngamahu', was I missing something? I can't for the life of me see why we take 'Tawhoa' as the node preceding 'Ngamahu' and 'Ngamahu' itself seem much better, but I may be retarded :P. Is it simply for defense/survivability?

Guys, how do you intend to use EE/VLT? Is it mainly used for rares/bosses? It seems kind of time consuming to benefit from it on normal packs.
Aedax wrote:
Guys, how do you intend to use EE/VLT? Is it mainly used for rares/bosses? It seems kind of time consuming to benefit from it on normal packs.

yes, i would never use it on normal pack, ONLY on curse immune + fire resi maps if needed.

It has the strength in curse immune maps, bosses and high life+resistant rares.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
i was wondering what your defensive stats where at the end, mostly armour
IGN: hyrenfreak
Milkyslice wrote:
Aedax wrote:
Guys, how do you intend to use EE/VLT? Is it mainly used for rares/bosses? It seems kind of time consuming to benefit from it on normal packs.

yes, i would never use it on normal pack, ONLY on curse immune + fire resi maps if needed.

It has the strength in curse immune maps, bosses and high life+resistant rares.

What about elemental overload now? If you use VLT for EE, I dont think it will be enough to sustain the EO proc as well, is it?

What about orb of storms, does it not work with EE?
Deathlythoughts wrote:
Thanks for the reply Milky - looking forward to when you can update with the new information :).

My question regarding 'Ngamahu', was I missing something? I can't for the life of me see why we take 'Tawhoa' as the node preceding 'Ngamahu' and 'Ngamahu' itself seem much better, but I may be retarded :P. Is it simply for defense/survivability?

My question regarding 'Ngamahu', was I missing something? I can't for the life of me see why we take 'Tawhoa' as the node preceding 'Ngamahu' and 'Ngamahu' itself seem much better, but I may be retarded :P. Is it simply for defense/survivability?

ngamahu is only 35% increased damage (+10% of the small node) while Tawhoa gives decent survivability.

If you want some damage take ngamahu, if you want easy survivability take tawhoa, your choice.

Ill take Tawhoa :)

What about elemental overload now? If you use VLT for EE, I dont think it will be enough to sustain the EO proc as well, is it?

What about orb of storms, does it not work with EE?

VLT doesnt proc EO

Orb of storms doesn´t work with EE (while using ascendral bonds)

VLT for EE (or another trap in addition)

Icespear or Orb for EO

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
@Milky and guys.

Full list of enchantments is out:


Have fun.

Helmet enchantments of interest:

EnchantmentRighteousFireDamage1 66 25% increased Righteous Fire Damage
EnchantmentRighteousFireDamage2 75 40% increased Righteous Fire Damage
EnchantmentArcticArmourBuffEffect1 66 24% increased Arctic Armour Buff effect
EnchantmentArcticArmourBuffEffect2 75 36% increased Arctic Armour Buff effect
EnchantmentArcticArmourManaReservation1 66 20% reduced Arctic Armour Mana Reservation
EnchantmentArcticArmourManaReservation2 75 30% reduced Arctic Armour Mana Reservation
EnchantmentDeterminationManaReservation1 66 10% reduced Determination Mana Reservation
EnchantmentDeterminationManaReservation2 75 15% reduced Determination Mana Reservation
EnchantmentRighteousFireRadius1 66 8% increased Righteous Fire Radius
EnchantmentRighteousFireRadius2 75 12% increased Righteous Fire Radius
EnchantmentStormCloudCriticalStrikeChance1 66 60% increased Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance
EnchantmentStormCloudCriticalStrikeChance2 75 90% increased Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance
EnchantmentStormCloudRadius1 66 8% increased Orb of Storms Radius
EnchantmentStormCloudRadius2 75 12% increased Orb of Storms Radius

Also every curse has 20% or 30% increased curse effect.
Last edited by elitedesolator#6827 on Mar 4, 2016, 5:21:02 AM
pretty long list, will check it the next days ;P

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
I'm wondering if the words on gloves does damage with ancestral bond.

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